

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!--Created by STSDEV at 2008-8-19 11:12:10-->

<Elements xmlns="">

  <CustomAction Id="AppPage1NavigationMenu"







    Description="Navigate to AppPage1">

    <UrlAction Url="~sitecollection/_layouts/2233/AppPage1.aspx" />



     对于 Sharepoint,可以通过 Feature 的方式为不同项目添加新的功能,尤其是通过自定义CustomAction 时.在定义新的 CustomAction 时需要使用 RegistrationId 来指明将此 Action 添加到什么位置,在网上找到这个列表,先记录下来.



Marwan Tarek's blog [MVP SharePoint]

SharePoint for good

List definitions Type and BaseType

One if the interesting topics in SharePoint customizations is developing customized list definitions to be integrated later on within you site definitions.During list definitions development you are required to determine two important values "Type" and "BaseType", following is a description for the available types (available in the WSS SDK)


Value   Description

-1     InvalidType

100   Generic list     //列表

101   Document library //文档库

102   Survey           //调查

103   Links list       //网站链接

104   Announcements list

105   Contacts list

106   Events list

107   Tasks list      //任务

108   Discussion board //讨论板

109   Picture library

110   Data sources

111   Site template gallery

113   Web Part gallery

114  List template gallery

115  XML Form library

120  Custom grid for a list

200  Meeting Series list

201  Meeting Agenda list

202  Meeting Attendees list

204  Meeting Decisions list

207  Meeting Objectives list

210  Meeting text box

211  Meeting Things To Bring list

212  Meeting Workspace Pages list

300   Portal Sites list.

1100  Issue tracking

2002  Personal document library

2003  Private document library


0 — Custom List

1 — Document Library

2 — Not used

3 — Discussion Forum

4 — Surveys

5 — Issues List

so, if you are developing custom picture library set Type="109" and BaseType="1" (because picture library mainly based on document library)

another example if your are developing custom Calendar list definition set Type="100" BaseType="0".

hope it is useful ciao !


posted @ 2008-10-24 11:16  LeimOO  阅读(985)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报