cesium 3dtils 房屋打组 实现单个房屋选中效果
scenetree.json记录的是模型的数据,这种element的节点上记录的 name 就是建模时给建筑物打组时起的名字,后面cesium创建模型时,建筑物上的每个feature都会添加这个name参数,根据这个name参数可以找到这个模型中的所有feature
handler.setInputAction((event) => { saveView(viewer) }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.RIGHT_CLICK); handler.setInputAction(function (movement) { const feature = viewer.scene.pick(movement.position); if (!Cesium.defined(feature)) { return; } window.pick = feature if (!feature.myId) { window.lcxFun() } if (window.oldFeatureId) { let arr = nodeMap.get(window.oldFeatureId) for (let fff of arr) { fff.color = new Cesium.Color(1, 1, 1, 1) } } window.oldFeatureId = feature.getProperty('id') let arr = nodeMap.get(feature.getProperty('id')) console.log(feature, feature.getProperty('id'), feature.getProperty('name'), feature.myId, arr); for (let fff of arr) { fff.color = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('#39A2FD') } }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.MIDDLE_CLICK);
if (!window.lcx) { window.lcx = new Map() } model.tileLoad.addEventListener(function(tile: { content: any }) { let content = tile.content; let featuresLength = content.featuresLength; if (featuresLength <= 0) { for (let child of content._contents) { console.log("child要素数量为:", child.featuresLength, "child", child); window.lcx.set(window.lcx.size + "-child", child) } } else { console.log("要素数量为:", featuresLength, "content", content); window.lcx.set(window.lcx.size + "-root", content) } }) window.lcxFun = function() { window.nodeMap = new Map() for (let key of window.lcx.keys()) { let content = window.lcx.get(key) let featuresLength = content.featuresLength for (let i = 0; i < featuresLength; i++) { let feature = content.getFeature(i) feature.myId = key + "-" + i let arr = window.nodeMap.get(feature.getProperty('id')) || [] arr.push(feature) window.nodeMap.set(feature.getProperty('id'), arr) } } }