
#include <iostream> 
#include <cstring> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <cstdio> 
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;    //就在之前的代码上多加了几个武士的类   //后面有测试数据
class CWorriers; class Headquarter{ char NAME[5]; int Wlife[5]; char WName[5][10]; int WNum[5]={0}; int WRemain[5]={0}; int t=0,Min; int r=0; int num=0; int* pw=Wlife; int* pw1=Wlife; public: int Tolife; int stop=0,d=0; Headquarter(int* W_life,char* W_name[],int Tol_life,char* name,int n){ Min = n; strcpy(NAME,name); Tolife=Tol_life; for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ Wlife[i]=W_life[i]; strcpy(WName[i],W_name[i]); } } void begin(){ if(Tolife>=Min){ for(r=0;r<5;r++){ if(pw-pw1>4){ pw -=5; } if(Tolife>=*pw){ Tolife -= *pw; num++; WNum[pw-pw1]++; WRemain[pw-pw1]++; print1(); t++; pw++; break; } pw++; } } else{ if(d==0){ print2(); } } } void print1(); void print2(){ cout.fill('0'); cout.width(3); cout<<t; cout.fill(); cout.width(); cout<<" "<<NAME<<" "<<"headquarter stops making warriors"<<endl; d=1; } }; class CWorries{ public: int CNum; int Clife; string Arm[3]={"sword","bomb","arrow"}; CWorries(int n,int l):CNum(n),Clife(l){} friend class Headquarter; }; class Dragon:public CWorries{ int Tol; string arm=Arm[CNum%3]; float morale=(float)Tol/Clife; public: Dragon(int n,int l,int tol):CWorries(n,l),Tol(tol){} void print(){ cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout<<"It has a "<<arm<<",and it's morale is "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<morale<<endl; } }; class Iceman:public CWorries{ string arm=Arm[CNum%3]; public: Iceman(int n,int l):CWorries(n,l){} void print(){ cout<<"It has a "<<arm<<endl; } }; class Wolf:public CWorries{ public: Wolf(int n,int l):CWorries(n,l){} void print(){} }; class Ninja:public CWorries{ string arm[2]={Arm[CNum%3],Arm[(CNum+1)%3]}; public: Ninja(int n,int l):CWorries(n,l){} void print(){ cout<<"It has a "<<arm[0]<<" and a "<<arm[1]<<endl; } }; class Lion:public CWorries{ int loyalty; public: Lion(int n,int l,int tol):CWorries(n,l),loyalty(tol){} void print(){ cout<<"It's loyalty is "<<loyalty<<endl; } }; void Headquarter::print1(){ int r = pw-pw1; cout.fill('0'); cout.width(3); cout<<t; cout.fill(); cout.width(); cout<<" "<<NAME<<" "<<WName[r]<<" "<<num<<" born with strength "<<Wlife[r]<<","<<WRemain[r]<<" "<<WName[r]<<" in "<<NAME<<" headquarter"<<endl; if(WName[r][0]=='d'){ Dragon d(num,Wlife[r],Tolife); d.print(); } else if(WName[r][0]=='i'){ Iceman i(num,Wlife[r]); i.print(); } else if(WName[r][0]=='w'){ Wolf w(num,Wlife[r]); w.print(); } else if(WName[r][0]=='n'){ Ninja n(num,Wlife[r]); n.print(); } else{ Lion l(num,Wlife[r],Tolife); l.print(); } } int main(){ int MIN; int r; int n; int M; int Warrior[5];//dragon,ninja,iceman,lion,wolf cin>>n; int stop; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ cin>>M; for(r=0;r<5;r++){ cin>>Warrior[r]; } MIN = Warrior[0]; for(r=1;r<5;r++){ if(Warrior[r]<MIN){ MIN=Warrior[r]; } } int Warrior_r[5]={Warrior[2],Warrior[3],Warrior[4],Warrior[1],Warrior[0]}; int Warrior_b[5]={Warrior[3],Warrior[0],Warrior[1],Warrior[2],Warrior[4]}; char* W_Name_r[]={"iceman","lion","wolf","ninja","dragon"}; char* W_Name_b[]={"lion","dragon","ninja","iceman","wolf"}; Headquarter r(Warrior_r,W_Name_r,M,"red",MIN); Headquarter b(Warrior_b,W_Name_b,M,"blue",MIN); cout<<"Case:"<<i+1<<endl; while((r.d==1&&b.d==1)!=1){ r.begin(); b.begin(); } } }



3 4 5 6 7
3 14 5 6 7
40 50 60 70 80
10 20 30 40 50
20 3 300 60 98
332 90 47 8989 83
200 400 6 70 20
200 10 30 100 90
100 200 300 400 300
100 100 100 100 200



000 red iceman 1 born with strength 5,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue lion 1 born with strength 6,1 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 14
001 red lion 2 born with strength 6,1 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 9
001 blue dragon 2 born with strength 3,1 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 3.67
002 red wolf 3 born with strength 7,1 wolf in red headquarter
002 blue ninja 3 born with strength 4,1 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
003 red headquarter stops making warriors
003 blue iceman 4 born with strength 5,1 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
004 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red iceman 1 born with strength 5,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue lion 1 born with strength 6,1 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 34
001 red lion 2 born with strength 6,1 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 29
001 blue dragon 2 born with strength 3,1 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 10.33
002 red wolf 3 born with strength 7,1 wolf in red headquarter
002 blue ninja 3 born with strength 14,1 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
003 red ninja 4 born with strength 14,1 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
003 blue iceman 4 born with strength 5,1 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
004 red dragon 5 born with strength 3,1 dragon in red headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 1.67
004 blue wolf 5 born with strength 7,1 wolf in blue headquarter
005 red iceman 6 born with strength 5,2 iceman in red headquarter
It has a sword
005 blue dragon 6 born with strength 3,2 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a sword,and it's morale is 0.67
006 red headquarter stops making warriors
006 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red headquarter stops making warriors
000 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red iceman 1 born with strength 30,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue lion 1 born with strength 40,1 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 60
001 red lion 2 born with strength 40,1 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 30
001 blue dragon 2 born with strength 10,1 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 5.00
002 red ninja 3 born with strength 20,1 ninja in red headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
002 blue ninja 3 born with strength 20,1 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
003 red dragon 4 born with strength 10,1 dragon in red headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 0.00
003 blue iceman 4 born with strength 30,1 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
004 red headquarter stops making warriors
004 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red iceman 1 born with strength 300,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue lion 1 born with strength 60,1 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 340
001 red lion 2 born with strength 60,1 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 40
001 blue dragon 2 born with strength 20,1 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 16.00
002 red ninja 3 born with strength 3,1 ninja in red headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
002 blue ninja 3 born with strength 3,1 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
003 red dragon 4 born with strength 20,1 dragon in red headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 0.85
003 blue iceman 4 born with strength 300,1 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
004 red ninja 5 born with strength 3,2 ninja in red headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
004 blue ninja 5 born with strength 3,2 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
005 red ninja 6 born with strength 3,3 ninja in red headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
005 blue ninja 6 born with strength 3,3 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
006 red ninja 7 born with strength 3,4 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
006 blue ninja 7 born with strength 3,4 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
007 red ninja 8 born with strength 3,5 ninja in red headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
007 blue ninja 8 born with strength 3,5 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
008 red ninja 9 born with strength 3,6 ninja in red headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
008 blue ninja 9 born with strength 3,6 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
009 red headquarter stops making warriors
009 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red iceman 1 born with strength 47,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue dragon 1 born with strength 332,1 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 2.01
001 red wolf 2 born with strength 83,1 wolf in red headquarter
001 blue ninja 2 born with strength 90,1 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
002 red ninja 3 born with strength 90,1 ninja in red headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
002 blue iceman 3 born with strength 47,1 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a sword
003 red dragon 4 born with strength 332,1 dragon in red headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 1.35
003 blue wolf 4 born with strength 83,1 wolf in blue headquarter
004 red iceman 5 born with strength 47,2 iceman in red headquarter
It has a arrow
004 blue dragon 5 born with strength 332,2 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 0.35
005 red wolf 6 born with strength 83,2 wolf in red headquarter
005 blue ninja 6 born with strength 90,2 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
006 red ninja 7 born with strength 90,2 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
006 blue headquarter stops making warriors
007 red iceman 8 born with strength 47,3 iceman in red headquarter
It has a arrow
008 red wolf 9 born with strength 83,3 wolf in red headquarter
009 red ninja 10 born with strength 90,3 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
010 red headquarter stops making warriors
000 red iceman 1 born with strength 6,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue lion 1 born with strength 70,1 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 4930
001 red lion 2 born with strength 70,1 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 4924
001 blue dragon 2 born with strength 200,1 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 23.65
002 red wolf 3 born with strength 20,1 wolf in red headquarter
002 blue ninja 3 born with strength 400,1 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
003 red ninja 4 born with strength 400,1 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
003 blue iceman 4 born with strength 6,1 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
004 red dragon 5 born with strength 200,1 dragon in red headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 21.52
004 blue wolf 5 born with strength 20,1 wolf in blue headquarter
005 red iceman 6 born with strength 6,2 iceman in red headquarter
It has a sword
005 blue lion 6 born with strength 70,2 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 4234
006 red lion 7 born with strength 70,2 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 4228
006 blue dragon 7 born with strength 200,2 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 20.17
007 red wolf 8 born with strength 20,2 wolf in red headquarter
007 blue ninja 8 born with strength 400,2 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
008 red ninja 9 born with strength 400,2 ninja in red headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
008 blue iceman 9 born with strength 6,2 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a sword
009 red dragon 10 born with strength 200,2 dragon in red headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 18.04
009 blue wolf 10 born with strength 20,2 wolf in blue headquarter
010 red iceman 11 born with strength 6,3 iceman in red headquarter
It has a arrow
010 blue lion 11 born with strength 70,3 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 3538
011 red lion 12 born with strength 70,3 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 3532
011 blue dragon 12 born with strength 200,3 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a sword,and it's morale is 16.69
012 red wolf 13 born with strength 20,3 wolf in red headquarter
012 blue ninja 13 born with strength 400,3 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
013 red ninja 14 born with strength 400,3 ninja in red headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
013 blue iceman 14 born with strength 6,3 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a arrow
014 red dragon 15 born with strength 200,3 dragon in red headquarter
It has a sword,and it's morale is 14.56
014 blue wolf 15 born with strength 20,3 wolf in blue headquarter
015 red iceman 16 born with strength 6,4 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
015 blue lion 16 born with strength 70,4 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 2842
016 red lion 17 born with strength 70,4 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 2836
016 blue dragon 17 born with strength 200,4 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 13.21
017 red wolf 18 born with strength 20,4 wolf in red headquarter
017 blue ninja 18 born with strength 400,4 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
018 red ninja 19 born with strength 400,4 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
018 blue iceman 19 born with strength 6,4 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
019 red dragon 20 born with strength 200,4 dragon in red headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 11.08
019 blue wolf 20 born with strength 20,4 wolf in blue headquarter
020 red iceman 21 born with strength 6,5 iceman in red headquarter
It has a sword
020 blue lion 21 born with strength 70,5 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 2146
021 red lion 22 born with strength 70,5 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 2140
021 blue dragon 22 born with strength 200,5 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 9.73
022 red wolf 23 born with strength 20,5 wolf in red headquarter
022 blue ninja 23 born with strength 400,5 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
023 red ninja 24 born with strength 400,5 ninja in red headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
023 blue iceman 24 born with strength 6,5 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a sword
024 red dragon 25 born with strength 200,5 dragon in red headquarter
It has a bomb,and it's morale is 7.60
024 blue wolf 25 born with strength 20,5 wolf in blue headquarter
025 red iceman 26 born with strength 6,6 iceman in red headquarter
It has a arrow
025 blue lion 26 born with strength 70,6 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 1450
026 red lion 27 born with strength 70,6 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 1444
026 blue dragon 27 born with strength 200,6 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a sword,and it's morale is 6.25
027 red wolf 28 born with strength 20,6 wolf in red headquarter
027 blue ninja 28 born with strength 400,6 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
028 red ninja 29 born with strength 400,6 ninja in red headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
028 blue iceman 29 born with strength 6,6 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a arrow
029 red dragon 30 born with strength 200,6 dragon in red headquarter
It has a sword,and it's morale is 4.12
029 blue wolf 30 born with strength 20,6 wolf in blue headquarter
030 red iceman 31 born with strength 6,7 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
030 blue lion 31 born with strength 70,7 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 754
031 red lion 32 born with strength 70,7 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 748
031 blue dragon 32 born with strength 200,7 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 2.77
032 red wolf 33 born with strength 20,7 wolf in red headquarter
032 blue ninja 33 born with strength 400,7 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
033 red ninja 34 born with strength 400,7 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
033 blue iceman 34 born with strength 6,7 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
034 red dragon 35 born with strength 200,7 dragon in red headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 0.64
034 blue wolf 35 born with strength 20,7 wolf in blue headquarter
035 red iceman 36 born with strength 6,8 iceman in red headquarter
It has a sword
035 blue lion 36 born with strength 70,8 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 58
036 red lion 37 born with strength 70,8 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 52
036 blue iceman 37 born with strength 6,8 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
037 red wolf 38 born with strength 20,8 wolf in red headquarter
037 blue wolf 38 born with strength 20,8 wolf in blue headquarter
038 red iceman 39 born with strength 6,9 iceman in red headquarter
It has a sword
038 blue iceman 39 born with strength 6,9 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a sword
039 red wolf 40 born with strength 20,9 wolf in red headquarter
039 blue wolf 40 born with strength 20,9 wolf in blue headquarter
040 red iceman 41 born with strength 6,10 iceman in red headquarter
It has a arrow
040 blue iceman 41 born with strength 6,10 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a arrow
041 red headquarter stops making warriors
041 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red iceman 1 born with strength 30,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue lion 1 born with strength 100,1 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 300
001 red lion 2 born with strength 100,1 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 270
001 blue dragon 2 born with strength 200,1 dragon in blue headquarter
It has a arrow,and it's morale is 0.50
002 red wolf 3 born with strength 90,1 wolf in red headquarter
002 blue ninja 3 born with strength 10,1 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a sword and a bomb
003 red ninja 4 born with strength 10,1 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
003 blue iceman 4 born with strength 30,1 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a bomb
004 red iceman 5 born with strength 30,2 iceman in red headquarter
It has a arrow
004 blue ninja 5 born with strength 10,2 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
005 red lion 6 born with strength 100,2 lion in red headquarter
It's loyalty is 40
005 blue iceman 6 born with strength 30,2 iceman in blue headquarter
It has a sword
006 red ninja 7 born with strength 10,2 ninja in red headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
006 blue ninja 7 born with strength 10,3 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a bomb and a arrow
007 red iceman 8 born with strength 30,3 iceman in red headquarter
It has a arrow
007 blue ninja 8 born with strength 10,4 ninja in blue headquarter
It has a arrow and a sword
008 red headquarter stops making warriors
008 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red headquarter stops making warriors
000 blue headquarter stops making warriors
000 red iceman 1 born with strength 100,1 iceman in red headquarter
It has a bomb
000 blue lion 1 born with strength 100,1 lion in blue headquarter
It's loyalty is 0
001 red headquarter stops making warriors
001 blue headquarter stops making warriors


posted @ 2018-03-27 00:03  Latticeeee  阅读(239)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报