CF1285 --- Dr. Evil Underscores

CF1285 --- Dr. Evil Underscores


Today as a friendship gift, Bakry gave Badawy \(n\) integers \(a_1,a_2, \cdots ,a_n\) and challenged him to choose an integer \(X\) such that the value \(\mathop{max}\limits_{1\leq i\leq n}(a_i \oplus X)\) is minimum possible, where \(\oplus\) denotes the bitwise XOR operation.

The first line contains integer \(n (1\leq n\leq 10^5)\).
The second line contains \(n\) integers \(a_1,a_2, \cdots ,a_n\) \((0\leq a_i\leq 2^{30}−1).\)
Print one integer — the minimum possible value of \(\mathop{max}\limits_{1\leq i\leq n}(a_i \oplus X)\)

1 2 3
1 5
In the first sample, we can choose \(X=3\).
In the second sample, we can choose \(X=5\).
bitmasks divide and conquer dfs and similar dp *1800


 这题就是选取一个\(X\)值,让序列\(a_1,a_2, \cdots ,a_n\)异或他之后的最大值最小。实际上,这个题目是有两个关键词。

  • 对一个序列进行异或,或者区间异或 \(\rightarrow\) \(\mathcal{Trie\; Tree}\)(字典树)
  • 最大值最小问题 \(\rightarrow\) binary search or conquer and divide.





\[dfs(a, bit) = \left\{ \begin{array}[ll] 1dfs(a_{on}, bit-1) &if\; a_{off} = \emptyset\\ dfs(a_{off}, bit-1) &if\; a_{on} = \emptyset\\ min(dfs(a_{on}, bit-1), dfs(a_{off}, bit-1)) + (1 << bit) &if\; a_{off} \not= \emptyset\; and\; a_{on} \not= \emptyset \\ \end{array}\right. \]

 写出这个表达式之后,求解就非常简单了~ 代码如下


using namespace std;

using VI = vector<int>;

int dfs(VI& a, int bit = 30){
    if (bit < 0 || a.empty()) return 0;
    VI on, off;

    for (int x : a){
        if ((x >> bit) & 1) on.push_back(x);
        else off.push_back(x);

    if (on.empty()) return dfs(off, bit - 1);
    if (off.empty()) return dfs(on, bit - 1);

    return min(dfs(on, bit - 1), dfs(off, bit - 1)) + (1 << bit);

int main(){
    int n; cin >> n;
    VI a(n);
    for (auto& e : a) cin >> e;
    cout << dfs(a) << endl;
    return 0;

 这里没有考虑到 \(\mathcal{Trie\; Tree}\)(字典树)的解法,后续可以专门讨论下。

posted @ 2020-05-01 15:06  Last_Whisper  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报