
Description of Excel 2000 specifications


This article explains the following Microsoft Excel 2000 specifications:
Worksheet and workbook specifications
Calculation specifications
PivotTable report specifications
This information is also covered in detail in Microsoft Excel Help. For instructions on how to view this information in Help, please see the "References" section later in this article.


You cannot exceed the maximum limits of features in Excel. For example, you cannot increase the number of worksheet rows beyond 65,536. For additional information about how to make product improvement suggestions, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
114491 How to contact the Microsoft Wish Program

Worksheet and Workbook Specifications

Feature                     Maximum limit
-------                     -------------

Open workbooks              Limited by available memory and system

Worksheet size              65,536 rows by 256 columns

Column width                255 characters

Row height                  409 points

Length of cell              32,767 characters. Only 1,024 display in a
contents (text)             cell; all 32,767 display in the formula bar.

Sheets in a workbook        Limited by available memory (default is
                            3 sheets)

Colors in a workbook        56

Cell styles in              4,000
a workbook

Named views in              Limited by available memory
a workbook

Custom number formats       Limited by available memory

Names in a workbook         Limited by available memory

Windows in a workbook       Limited only by system resources

Panes in a window           4

Linked sheets               Limited by available memory

Scenarios                   Limited by available memory; a summary report
                            shows only the first 251 scenarios

Changing cells in           32
a scenario

Adjustable cells            200
in Solver

Custom functions            Limited by available memory

Zoom range                  10 percent to 400 percent

Reports                     Limited by available memory

Sort references             3 in a single sort; unlimited when using
                            sequential sorts

Undo levels                 16

Fields in a data form       32

Custom toolbars in          Limited by available memory
a workbook

Custom toolbar buttons      Limited by available memory

Calculation Specifications

Feature                     Maximum limit
-------                     -------------

Number precision            15 digits

Largest allowed             9.99999999999999E307
positive number

Smallest allowed            -9.99999999999999E307
negative number

Smallest allowed            1E-307
positive number

Largest allowed             -1E-307
negative number

Length of formula           1,024 characters

Iterations                  32,767

Worksheet arrays            Limited by available memory. Also, arrays
                            cannot refer to entire columns. For example,
                            an array cannot refer to the entire column
                            C:C or to the range C1:C65536. However, an
                            array can refer to the range C1:D65535
                            because the range is one row short of the
                            maximum worksheet size and does not include
                            the entire C or D column.

Selected ranges             2,048

Arguments in a              30

Nested levels of            7

Number of available         329
worksheet functions

Earliest date allowed       January 1, 1900 (January 1, 1904, if 1904 date
for calculation             system is used)

Latest date allowed         December 31, 9999
for calculation

Largest amount of time      9999:99:99
that can be entered

PivotTable Report Specifications

Feature                     Maximum limit
-------                     -------------

PivotTable reports          Limited by available memory
on a sheet

Items in a PivotTable       8,000

Row or column fields        Limited by available memory
in a PivotTable report

Page fields in a            256 (may be limited by available memory)
PivotTable report

Data fields in a            256
PivotTable report

Calculated item formulas    Limited by available memory
in a PivotTable report


For more information about worksheet and workbook specifications, click Microsoft Excel Help on the Help menu, type Microsoft Excel specifications in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topic.
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