WEEK 9 : partal oreder and total order and compose function
WEEK 8: Equivalence Relations and Functions
WEEK 7 : inductive 推论
WEEK 5: 是各种证明
theorem : something known to be true.
lemma : usually a small key step towards justifying something
proposition Often just something known to be true
(like a theorem or a lemma)
corollary follows quickly from something earlier
conjecture could be true, but there is no known proof
axiom assumed and used as basis for further deductions
proof时 要和写python 一样注意缩进
任意是推 -> 存在是^
WEEK 3 :
Tautology , Contradiction,Contingency, Satisfiability
logical imply : a->b 是永真的, 永远不可能出现 TF
have the many laws about the Equivalence
WEEK 2 :
but and -> ^
or directly use the v
WEEK 1 :
补充 superset 概念. proper 是真的意思
理解这个符号的时候, 直接利用>= 就行,谁大放那边
Types of Proof
direct proof
Prove α → β by:assume α is true use this to derive β.
indirect proof
a proof that is not direct;
proof by contraposition
proof by contradiction
proof by contraposition
prove α → β by: prove ¬β → ¬α
proof by contradiction
prove α by: assume ¬α show this is impossible
Use $$C^2_n$$ to express $$|\{x⊆A:∣x∣=2\}|= \frac{n(n−1)}{2}$$
$$C^2_n =\frac{1}{} $$