presiation 大纲

Hellow everyone, my name is song ming fu, i come from chongqing. It's my pleasure to give you a presentation here.


Before the that, I would like to share a short video to you. You can see the big ship swing in the ocean, even if it's heavy is about 1000ton, facing the nature, it lose the power to defeat it. When seeing this,  i think, why could we human make use of the wave power in the ocean? Fortunately, there is a technology called wave energy convert, which has been used to take advantage of the wave power. So my prestation is main about the wave energy.


My whole content could be divided int 5 parts. The first part is about The definition of sustainable energy. I will show you a brief ideal about that. The second, third, fourth parts, are about wave energy. I would talk about what is wave energy, and the efficiency it contributes to sustainability. Also, I would show you some ethical problem and solutions about that. Last, I would draw a conclusion to the whole presentation.

Definition of energy:

Now, I would like to talk about the sustainable energy. Once I see the it , I would think about the definition of sustainability development. In my opinion, the two concept are similar. So I do some little change in the definition of sustainability development. That is  energy is that the energy that meets the needs of the present without composing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. However, it is just my imagination, it is not reliable. So I did  some research in the internet. Fortunately, I find that there is a professor has the same ideal about that. Matevz Obrecht is professor in the university of Maribor and His research focus on Environmental Protection, Sustainability, and Sustainable Energy Supply. Also, I read some papers about the sustainable energy which is professional and have the same ideal about that So, I think this definition  is reliable.


wave energy:

 After talking about the definition of the sustainable energy, our main character wave energy appears. In order to know the concept of the wave energy, we need to get a generally ideal about the wave. You can see here, points make periodic motion near its equilibrium point, So the total points  could form waves. And seawater is a fluid composed of a large number of seawater points. You can replace these point into the seawater points, and under the external fore, the wave in the ocean could come into being.due to the friction of the air and the pressure of the atmosphere. The external force is mianly about the wind power, the wind power finally come from the sun,so it is sustainblitiy. Now,we know the wave in the ocean, How about the energy in it. We can see the water will move in the ocean and it has a positon,  so it is equipped with the motion energy and position energy. there are 3 steps to transform it into electricty. The first step is to absorb the motion energy and position energy from the wave.The second step is to stabilize the energy which contributes to the third step transforming the energy. 


The efficiency it contributes to the sustainability:

After getting a generally ideal about what is wave energy. I would like to talk about the efficiency it contributes to the sustainability. In this content, it’s about 4 parts, two large, one low and one others. Two large is about the total energy is large and the energy flux density is large.As is known to us, oceans occupy 70% of the earth's area, also, we can see that, where there is a ocean, there is a wave, Research shows that the total energy in the world is about 2.11TW. What's more.It is generally considered that when the wave energy flux density is greater than 2Kw/m, it can be developed and utilized. And the wave energy density in the most of the world oceans is greater than 10kW/m.So we can get that two large is true One low is about that the human resource is low, Compared to other sustainable energy, the wave energy don’t need people to keep it running.  one others is about the other contributions which is similar to other sustainable energy. For example, it is sustainability, it is clear, it will reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce the air populations and so on.  



However, there is ethical problem which need us to think about. I would like to talk the noise problem, as follow. As is known to us, sound wave is important for the creatures in the ocean. They rely on sound wave to finish the process of reproduction, feeding, avoiding danger, navigation and communication. When we build and run the device, it could make noise, which could influence the creature ‘life in the ocean.


Fortunately, there are solutions regarding that. We could directly use soundproofing near the device or we can choose the suitable position to build the device which is far away from the sensitive  region and limit the running time when there are sensitive time. 



We briefly talk about definition of sustainable energy which is similar to the sustainability development and mainly talk about the wave energy, what is it , the efficiency the it contribute to the sustainability. And some ethical problem about it. I wish my presentation could give you a generally ideal about the wave energy. Thank you for your listening.  If you have some question, you can ask me.



posted @ 2022-05-09 15:07  VxiaohuanV  阅读(34)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报