Lab report

Mandatory sections

  1 abstract 

  2 introduction

  3 theory 

  4 experiment alpfslpf and precedure

  5 restult 

  6 discussion and conclusion 



1 what we do and the purpose and the throy

2 result

3 what the result show

briefly last thing to do this section


Introduction :

1 the problem or the observation or phenomenon  or significance regard the experiment before or int the origin experiment

2 What are the physical principles, theories, and laws related to your experiment.  briefly 

3 briefly what is  the experiment and what are expected results.    briefly 





Remember there is 3 elements you know;

1 theory is separate from the text and ()

2 can draw a figure


Experimental apparatus and procedure

 About the summary of the introduction ??

1    Describe the procedure

What we did briefly.

Also can use a figure to show what we do


2    Describe the instruments used

 • Brand, model number

 • Precision (for the parameters to be measured)



Date analysis ,result and uncertains

 Just it. Fia number (the number figure)



Discussion and conclusion

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The figure


posted @ 2021-10-22 10:59  VxiaohuanV  阅读(99)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报