

 1 public sealed class SingleInstance
 2    {
 3        private static SingleInstance instance;
 4        private SingleInstance() { }
 5        public static SingleInstance Instance
 6        {
 7            get
 8            {
 9                if (null == instance)
10                {
11                    instance = new SingleInstance();
12                }
13                return instance;
14            }
15        }
16    }




 1 public sealed class SingleInstance
 2   {
 3       private static volatile SingleInstance instance;
 4       private static readonly object obj = new object();
 5       private SingleInstance() { }
 6       public static SingleInstance Instance
 7       {
 8           get
 9           {
10               if (null == instance)
11               {
12                   lock (obj)
13                   {
14                       if (null == instance)
15                       {
16                           instance = new SingleInstance();
17                       }
18                   }
20               }
21               return instance;
22           }
23       }
24   }



 1 public sealed class SingleInstance
 2    {
 3        private static readonly SingleInstance instance = new SingleInstance();
 4        private SingleInstance() { }
 5        public static SingleInstance Instance
 6        {
 7            get
 8            {
 9                return instance;
10            }
11        }
12    }



 1 public sealed class SingleInstance
 2    {
 3        private static readonly Lazy<SingleInstance> instance = new Lazy<SingleInstance>(() => new SingleInstance());
 4        private SingleInstance(){}
 5        public static SingleInstance Instance
 6        {
 7            get
 8            {
 9                return instance.Value;
10            }
11        }
12    }


 Will the lazily initialized object be accessed from more than one thread? If so, the Lazy<T> object might create it on any thread. You can use one of the simple constructors whose default behavior is to create a thread-safe Lazy<T> object, so that only one instance of the lazily instantiated object is created no matter how many threads try to access it. To create a Lazy<T> object that is not thread safe, you must use a constructor that enables you to specify no thread safety.


是否可以从多个线程访问延迟初始化的对象? 如果是这样,Lazy <T>对象可能会在任何线程上创建它。 您可以使用其中一个简单构造函数,其默认行为是创建一个线程安全的Lazy <T>对象,这样无论有多少线程尝试访问它,都只会创建一个延迟实例化对象的实例。 要创建非线程安全的Lazy <T>对象,必须使用能够指定无线程安全性的构造函数。


 1 public class Singleton<T>  where T:new()
 2 {
 3     private static  T instance;
 5     private static readonly object obj=new object();
 7     private Singleton(){}
 9     public T GetInstance()
10    {
11      if(instance==null)   
12     {
13       lock(obj)
14        {
15           if(instance==null)
16           {
17               instance=new T();
18           }
19        }
20      }
21     return instance;
22    }  
23  }   


部分转载自  https://www.cnblogs.com/lh218/p/4713599.html


posted @ 2019-01-22 10:39  LagoOrLY  阅读(532)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报