默认提供2种实现 defaultfHttpFirewall 看源码可以看出来比较宽松,我们一般使用StrictHttpFirewall
public class StrictHttpFirewall implements HttpFirewall { //空的集合 private static final Set<String> ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Collections.emptySet()); private Set<String> allowedHttpMethods = createDefaultAllowedHttpMethods(); //设置允许的请求方式 private static Set<String> createDefaultAllowedHttpMethods() { Set<String> result = new HashSet(); result.add(HttpMethod.DELETE.name()); result.add(HttpMethod.GET.name()); result.add(HttpMethod.HEAD.name()); result.add(HttpMethod.OPTIONS.name()); result.add(HttpMethod.PATCH.name()); result.add(HttpMethod.POST.name()); result.add(HttpMethod.PUT.name()); return result; } public void setUnsafeAllowAnyHttpMethod(boolean unsafeAllowAnyHttpMethod) { //如果是false则设置空的集合 this.allowedHttpMethods = unsafeAllowAnyHttpMethod ? ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD : createDefaultAllowedHttpMethods(); } private void rejectForbiddenHttpMethod(HttpServletRequest request) { if (this.allowedHttpMethods != ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD) { //如果不存在运行的方法里面 则抛出异常 if (!this.allowedHttpMethods.contains(request.getMethod())) { throw new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the HTTP method \"" + request.getMethod() + "\" was not included within the whitelist " + this.allowedHttpMethods); } } } }
@Bean HttpFirewall httpFirewall() { StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall(); firewall.setUnsafeAllowAnyHttpMethod(true); return firewall; }
public class StrictHttpFirewall implements HttpFirewall { private Set<String> encodedUrlBlacklist = new HashSet(); private Set<String> decodedUrlBlacklist = new HashSet(); //;的urlecod和decode的几种 private static final List<String> FORBIDDEN_SEMICOLON = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(";", "%3b", "%3B")); public void setAllowSemicolon(boolean allowSemicolon) { //如果是false则删除调 if (allowSemicolon) { this.urlBlacklistsRemoveAll(FORBIDDEN_SEMICOLON); } else { this.urlBlacklistsAddAll(FORBIDDEN_SEMICOLON); } } //加入到校验list private void urlBlacklistsAddAll(Collection<String> values) { this.encodedUrlBlacklist.addAll(values); this.decodedUrlBlacklist.addAll(values); } //清除到校验list private void urlBlacklistsRemoveAll(Collection<String> values) { this.encodedUrlBlacklist.removeAll(values); this.decodedUrlBlacklist.removeAll(values); } private void rejectedBlacklistedUrls(HttpServletRequest request) { Iterator var2 = this.encodedUrlBlacklist.iterator(); String forbidden; do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { var2 = this.decodedUrlBlacklist.iterator(); do { if (!var2.hasNext()) { return; } forbidden = (String)var2.next(); } while(!decodedUrlContains(request, forbidden)); throw new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String \"" + forbidden + "\""); } forbidden = (String)var2.next(); } while(!encodedUrlContains(request, forbidden)); throw new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String \"" + forbidden + "\""); } }
必须是可打印的 ASCII 字符
private static boolean containsOnlyPrintableAsciiCharacters(String uri) { int length = uri.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = uri.charAt(i); if (c < '\u0020' || c > '\u007e') { return false; } } return true; }
@Bean HttpFirewall httpFirewall() { StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall(); firewall.setAllowUrlEncodedDoubleSlash(true); return firewall; }
% 不被允许
@Bean HttpFirewall httpFirewall() { StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall();
//允许%的配置 firewall.setAllowUrlEncodedPercent(true); return firewall; }
@Bean HttpFirewall httpFirewall() { StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall(); firewall.setAllowBackSlash(true); firewall.setAllowUrlEncodedSlash(true); return firewall; }
@Bean HttpFirewall httpFirewall() { StrictHttpFirewall firewall = new StrictHttpFirewall(); firewall.setAllowUrlEncodedPeriod(true); return firewall; }
public FirewalledRequest getFirewalledRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws RequestRejectedException { this.rejectForbiddenHttpMethod(request); this.rejectedBlacklistedUrls(request); this.rejectedUntrustedHosts(request); if (!isNormalized(request)) { throw new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized."); } else { String requestUri = request.getRequestURI(); if (!containsOnlyPrintableAsciiCharacters(requestUri)) { throw new RequestRejectedException("The requestURI was rejected because it can only contain printable ASCII characters."); } else { return new FirewalledRequest(request) { public void reset() { } }; } } }