
念念不忘 必有回响


create database mianshi5;
use mianshi5;
create table boys(
boy_id int not null,
boy varchar(10),
toy_id int);

create table toys(
toy_id int primary key not null,
toy varchar(10));

create table drink(
名称 varchar(5),
价格 decimal(8,2),
碳水化合物 decimal(8,2),
颜色 varchar(20),
加冰 varchar(10),
卡路里 int);

insert into boys values

insert into toys values

insert into drink values


#请用left join写出查询语句,找出每个男孩买了哪个玩具,并写出输出结果集

select * from boys left join toys on boys.toy_id=toys.toy_id order by boy_id;



select boy from boys where toy_id in
(select Toy_id from toys where toy in("ToyB","ToyC")) group by boy_id having count(boy_id)>1;



select 名称,价格 from drink where 颜色="yellow" and 加冰="Y" and 卡路里>30;



select 名称,颜色 from drink where 碳水化合物<4 or 加冰="Y";



select sum(价格) from drink where 卡路里<100;



posted on 2019-11-20 22:58  11-21  阅读(204)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
