New Year's resolution for 2016
2015-12-31 22:52 圣殿骑士 阅读(2358) 评论(4) 编辑 收藏 举报A New Year's resolution is a traditional for me to celebrate a new beginning. For the past year, I have finished all the items except one but I think I tried my best. And for the coming year, I hope I can finish them all:
- Improve career, perform better at current job and Contribute more for all the related projects.
- Close the gaps and to be more professional.
- Continue architecting and developing more platforms and applications.
- Continue writing technical books.
- Continue writing technical blogs and knowledge sharing.
- Continue reading more books but not only technical ones.
- Combine hobbies with career more closely.
- Eat healthier and diet, lose weight and get fit (maybe Tai chi), get more quality sleep.
- Learn to control emotions, be less stressed but happier.
- Travel more and see the world.
- Spend more time with family.
关于作者:专注于微软平台项目架构、管理和企业解决方案。自认在面向对象, 面向服务以及微服务领域有一定的造诣,熟悉设计模式、TDD、极限编程、领域驱动、架构设计、敏捷开发和项目管理。现主要从事.NET/.NET Core, Go, JavaScript/TypeScript, Azure/AWS等云计算方面的项目开发、架构、管理和企业培训工作。如有问题或建议,请多多赐教!
微博:圣殿骑士微博 联系我,非常感谢。