Got the Best Employee of the year 2015 Star Award
2015-11-27 00:32 圣殿骑士 阅读(1861) 评论(10) 编辑 收藏 举报Got "The Best Employee of the year 2015 Star Award" from the company, thanks to all that have supported me for the past year, especially for my IT Department colleagues, CPL Department, Group Department, Claims Department, PRD Department, ACT Department, Client Service Department, Customer Service Department, HR Department......, I was so surprised, I really think more people work harder than me, I will do my best to contribute to all the projects for the next year!
Thanks Again!
关于作者:专注于微软平台项目架构、管理和企业解决方案。自认在面向对象, 面向服务以及微服务领域有一定的造诣,熟悉设计模式、TDD、极限编程、领域驱动、架构设计、敏捷开发和项目管理。现主要从事.NET/.NET Core, Go, JavaScript/TypeScript, Azure/AWS等云计算方面的项目开发、架构、管理和企业培训工作。如有问题或建议,请多多赐教!
微博:圣殿骑士微博 联系我,非常感谢。