H-Modify Minieye杯第十五届华中科技大学程序设计邀请赛现场赛
题面见 https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/700#question
单纯每个点暴力搜,无疑会有爆复杂度的风险 1e5*1e5 ,如果记录搜过的点之后不搜,也会有在一个强连通分量里最早的点能搜到最优解,而后来的点无法get到这个最有解。
比赛时 替换最优解的判断写错了,昏了头把长度的比较搞错。然后此题还有一个坑点,就是开始给的n个单词中可能会有重复,不能直接由string映射至点号。
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 3 using namespace std; 4 #define IsVow(i) ((i)=='a'||(i)=='e'||(i)=='i'||(i)=='o'||(i)=='u') 5 typedef long long ll; 6 7 const int maxn=300000+5; 8 struct Edge{ 9 int from,to; 10 int nxt; 11 }; 12 struct word{ 13 int vow,len; 14 }voc[maxn], syno[maxn];; 15 bool vis[maxn]; 16 int head[maxn],tot; 17 Edge edges[maxn]; 18 map<string , int > dict; 19 string ori[maxn]; 20 int DFN[maxn],LOW[maxn],STACK[maxn],Belong[maxn]; 21 int scc,dfs_no,top; 22 bool Instack[maxn]; 23 vector< vector< int > > G(maxn, vector<int>() ); 24 25 void addedge(int u,int v){ 26 edges[tot].from=u; 27 edges[tot].to=v; 28 edges[tot].nxt=head[u]; 29 head[u]=tot++; 30 } 31 32 word make_word(string & s){ 33 int cnt=0; 34 word ans; 35 ans.len=(int) s.size(); 36 for(auto const& i:s) 37 if(IsVow(i)) cnt++; 38 ans.vow=cnt; 39 return ans; 40 } 41 42 void Tarjan(int u){ 43 LOW[u]=DFN[u]=++dfs_no; 44 STACK[++top]=u; 45 Instack[u]=true; 46 for(int i=head[u];i!=-1;i=edges[i].nxt){ 47 int v=edges[i].to; 48 if(!DFN[v]){ 49 Tarjan(v); 50 LOW[u]=min(LOW[u],LOW[v]); 51 } 52 else if(Instack[v]) 53 LOW[u]=min(LOW[u],DFN[v]); 54 } 55 if(LOW[u]==DFN[u]){ 56 scc++; 57 syno[scc]=(word){500005,500005}; 58 while(STACK[top]!=u){ 59 int v=STACK[top]; 60 if(voc[v].vow < syno[scc].vow) 61 { 62 syno[scc].vow=voc[v].vow; 63 syno[scc].len=voc[v].len; 64 } 65 else if( syno[scc].vow == voc[v].vow) 66 syno[scc].len=min(syno[scc].len,voc[v].len); 67 68 69 Instack[STACK[top]]=false; 70 Belong[STACK[top--]]=scc; 71 72 } 73 Instack[u]=false; 74 Belong[u]=scc; 75 top--; 76 if(voc[u].vow < syno[scc].vow) 77 { 78 syno[scc].vow=voc[u].vow; 79 syno[scc].len=voc[u].len; 80 } 81 else if( syno[scc].vow == voc[u].vow) 82 syno[scc].len=min(syno[scc].len,voc[u].len); 83 } 84 } 85 86 void DFS(int ind){ 87 //cout<<ind<<":"<<syno[ind].vow<<" , "<<syno[ind].len<<endl; 88 if(vis[ind]){ 89 return ; 90 } 91 vis[ind]=true; 92 93 for(int i=0;i<G[ind].size();++i){ 94 int nxind=G[ind][i]; 95 DFS(nxind); 96 if(syno[nxind].vow < syno[ind].vow) 97 { 98 syno[ind].vow=syno[nxind].vow; 99 syno[ind].len=syno[nxind].len; 100 } 101 else if( syno[nxind].vow == syno[ind].vow) 102 syno[ind].len=min(syno[ind].len,syno[nxind].len); 103 } 104 } 105 106 int main(){ 107 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0); 108 memset(head,-1,sizeof(head)); 109 tot=0; 110 int n,k; 111 cin>>n; 112 int TOT=0; 113 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ 114 string tmp; 115 cin>>tmp; 116 ori[i]=tmp; 117 if(dict.count(tmp)==0){ 118 dict[tmp]=++TOT; 119 voc[dict[tmp]]=make_word(tmp); 120 } 121 } 122 cin>>k; 123 //cout<<"N:K:"<<n<<k<<endl; 124 for(int i=0;i<k;++i){ 125 string frm,to; 126 cin>>frm>>to; 127 if(dict.count(frm)==0) {dict[frm]=++TOT;voc[dict[frm]]=make_word(frm);} 128 if(dict.count(to)==0) {dict[to]=++TOT;voc[dict[to]]=make_word(to);} 129 addedge(dict[frm],dict[to]); 130 } 131 scc=0; 132 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) 133 if(!DFN[i]) 134 Tarjan(i); 135 /* 136 for(int i=1;i<=scc;++i) 137 syno[i]=(word){500000+5,5000000+5}; 138 */ 139 for(int i=0;i<tot;++i){ 140 int u=edges[i].from,v=edges[i].to; 141 if(Belong[u]!=Belong[v]){ 142 G[Belong[u]].push_back(Belong[v]); 143 } 144 } 145 146 /* 147 for(int i=1;i<=TOT;++i){ 148 int ind=Belong[i]; 149 if(syno[ind].vow > voc[i].vow) 150 { 151 syno[ind].vow= voc[i].vow; 152 syno[ind].len= voc[i].len; 153 } 154 else if(syno[ind].vow == voc[i].len) 155 syno[ind].len= min(syno[ind].len,voc[i].len); 156 } 157 */ 158 ll X=0,Y=0; 159 //for(int i=1;i<=scc;++i) 160 // cout<<"scc "<<i<<" : "<<syno[i].vow<<" and "<<syno[i].len<<endl; 161 162 for(int i=1;i<=scc;++i){ 163 int ans1,ans2; 164 ans1=syno[i].vow; 165 ans2=syno[i].len; 166 DFS(i); 167 } 168 169 for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ 170 int ans1, ans2; 171 ans1=syno[Belong[dict[ori[i]]]].vow; 172 ans2=syno[Belong[dict[ori[i]]]].len; 173 //DFS(Belong[i],ans1,ans2); 174 //cout<<Belong[i]<<endl; 175 X+=1ll*ans1; 176 Y+=1ll*ans2; 177 } 178 cout<<X<<' '<<Y<<endl; 179 return 0; 180 }
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 #define IsVow(x) ((x)=='a'||(x)=='e'||(x)=='i'||(x)=='o'||(x)=='u') 5 typedef long long ll; 6 const int maxn=3e5+5; 7 struct word{ 8 ll vow; 9 ll len; 10 word(){} 11 word(ll _v,ll _l):vow(_v),len(_l){} 12 bool operator< (const word & tmp)const{ 13 if(vow==tmp.vow) return len<tmp.len; 14 return vow<tmp.vow; 15 } 16 word operator+ (const word& tmp)const{ 17 return word(vow+tmp.vow,len+tmp.len); 18 } 19 }; 20 word voc[maxn],syno[maxn]; 21 22 struct Edge{ 23 int from; 24 int to; 25 int nxt; 26 }edges[maxn]; 27 map<string ,int > dict; 28 string strcash[100000+5]; 29 int head[maxn],tot; 30 31 int DFN[maxn],LOW[maxn],STK[maxn],BLG[maxn],top=0,scc=0,dfs_no=0; 32 bool InSTK[maxn]; 33 vector< vector< int > > G(maxn+1,vector<int>() ); 34 int vis[maxn]; 35 void Tarjan(int u){ 36 LOW[u]=DFN[u]=++dfs_no; 37 STK[top++]=u; 38 InSTK[u]=true; 39 for(int i=head[u];i!=-1;i=edges[i].nxt){ 40 int v=edges[i].to; 41 if(!DFN[v]){ 42 Tarjan(v); 43 LOW[u]=min(LOW[u],LOW[v]); 44 } 45 else if(InSTK[v]) 46 LOW[u]=min(LOW[u],DFN[v]); 47 } 48 if(DFN[u]==LOW[u]){ 49 int v; 50 scc++; 51 syno[scc]=word(500000+5,500000+5); 52 do{ 53 v=STK[--top]; 54 InSTK[v]=false; 55 BLG[v]=scc; 56 if(voc[v]<syno[scc]) 57 syno[scc]=voc[v]; 58 }while(u!=v); 59 } 60 } 61 62 word make_word(string X){ 63 ll _l=1ll*X.length(); 64 ll _v=0; 65 for(auto const & i:X){ 66 if(IsVow(i)) _v++; 67 } 68 return word(_v,_l); 69 } 70 71 void AddEdge(int u,int v){ 72 edges[tot].from=u; 73 edges[tot].to=v; 74 edges[tot].nxt=head[u]; 75 head[u]=tot++; 76 } 77 78 void DFS(int u){ 79 if(vis[u]) return; 80 vis[u]=true; 81 for(auto v:G[u]){ 82 DFS(v); 83 if(syno[v]<syno[u]) syno[u]=syno[v]; 84 } 85 } 86 87 int main(){ 88 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0); 89 int _n,_k; 90 int vtx_no=0; 91 cin>>_n; 92 for(int i=0;i<_n;++i){ 93 string tmp;cin>>tmp; 94 strcash[i]=tmp; 95 if(dict.count(tmp)==0){ 96 dict[tmp]=++vtx_no; 97 voc[vtx_no]=make_word(tmp); 98 } 99 } 100 cin>>_k; 101 memset(head,-1,sizeof(head)); 102 tot=0; 103 for(int i=0;i<_k;++i){ 104 string frm,to;cin>>frm>>to; 105 if(dict.count(frm)==0){ 106 dict[frm]=++vtx_no; 107 voc[vtx_no]=make_word(frm); 108 } 109 if(dict.count(to)==0){ 110 dict[to]=++vtx_no; 111 voc[vtx_no]=make_word(to); 112 } 113 AddEdge(dict[frm],dict[to]); 114 } 115 116 top=0,scc=0,dfs_no=0; 117 for(int i=1;i<=vtx_no;++i){ 118 if(!DFN[i]) Tarjan(i); 119 } 120 for(int i=0;i<tot;++i){ 121 int u=edges[i].from,v=edges[i].to; 122 u=BLG[u]; 123 v=BLG[v]; 124 if(u!=v) G[u].push_back(v); 125 } 126 //for(int i=1;i<=vtx_no;++i) cout<<"voc "<<i<<" : "<<voc[i].vow<<" , "<<voc[i].len<<endl; 127 //for(int i=1;i<=vtx_no;++i) cout<<strcash[i]<<":"<<i<<" belongs to "<<BLG[i]<<endl; 128 memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis)); 129 //for(int i=1;i<=scc;++i) cout<<syno[i].vow<<" "<<syno[i].len<<endl; 130 for(int i=1;i<=scc;++i){ 131 DFS(i); 132 } 133 //puts("after DFS:");for(int i=1;i<=scc;++i) cout<<syno[i].vow<<" "<<syno[i].len<<endl; 134 ll __X=0,__Y=0; 135 for(int i=0;i<_n;++i){ 136 int ob=BLG[dict[strcash[i]]]; 137 __X+=syno[ob].vow; 138 __Y+=syno[ob].len; 139 } 140 cout<<__X<<" "<<__Y<<endl; 141 return 0; 142 }
转念一想,所谓点之间的优劣比较不就是先比元音数,元音数同则比长度吗?这不就是 STL里pair 的比较吗!?要啥结构体,要啥重载< !?
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 #define IsVow(i) ((i)=='a'||(i)=='e'||(i)=='i'||(i)=='o'||(i)=='u') 5 typedef long long ll; 6 7 string strcash[100000+5]; 8 9 map<string ,int > dict; 10 pair<ll,ll > word[300000+5]; 11 int word_no=0; 12 13 struct Edge{ 14 int to; 15 int nxt; 16 }edges[200000+5]; 17 int head[300000+5],tot; 18 19 int id[300000+5]; 20 bool vis[300000+5]; 21 22 pair<ll,ll> make_word(string X){ 23 ll len=X.length(); 24 ll cnt=0; 25 for(const auto & i:X){ 26 if(IsVow(i)) cnt++; 27 } 28 return make_pair(cnt,len); 29 } 30 31 void AddVtx(string X){ 32 if(dict.count(X)==0){ 33 dict[X]=++word_no; 34 word[word_no]=make_word(X); 35 } 36 } 37 38 void AddEdge(int u,int v){ 39 edges[tot].to=v; 40 edges[tot].nxt=head[u]; 41 head[u]=tot++; 42 } 43 44 bool cmp(int i,int j){ 45 return word[i]<word[j]; 46 } 47 48 void DFS(int u){ 49 if(vis[u]) return; 50 vis[u]=true; 51 for(int i=head[u];i!=-1;i=edges[i].nxt){ 52 int v=edges[i].to; 53 //cout<<u<<"->"<<v<<endl; 54 if(!vis[v]){ 55 word[v]=word[u]; 56 //cout<<"DFS "<<v<<endl; 57 DFS(v); 58 } 59 } 60 } 61 62 int main(){ 63 ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0); 64 65 memset(head,-1,sizeof(head)); 66 tot=0; 67 68 int n,k; 69 cin>>n; 70 for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ 71 cin>>strcash[i]; 72 AddVtx(strcash[i]); 73 } 74 cin>>k; 75 for(int i=0;i<k;++i){ 76 string f,t;cin>>f>>t; 77 AddVtx(f); 78 AddVtx(t); 79 AddEdge(dict[t],dict[f]);// ~G 80 } 81 82 for(int i=1;i<=word_no;++i) 83 id[i]=i; 84 sort(id+1,id+1+word_no,cmp); 85 memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis)); 86 for(int i=1;i<=word_no;++i){ 87 DFS(id[i]); 88 } 89 90 ll X=0,Y=0; 91 for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ 92 int _no=dict[strcash[i]]; 93 X+=word[_no].first; 94 Y+=word[_no].second; 95 } 96 cout<<X<<" "<<Y<<endl; 97 return 0; 98 }
posted on 2019-04-25 20:15 Emiya_Kiritsugu 阅读(214) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报