11 2010 档案
摘要:I have been creating custom Lists in CAML for deployment by features. As you do. I found out a few things that might be of help when you are creating them yourselves.I am Assuming that you now how to create a list template and know what goes in a schema.xml to a point.Concentrating solely on views h
摘要:Once I have got a customer request to create custom lists with custom views,not through custom code but through custom list definition. WOW it will be really a cool stuff to do!!!They already have a c...
摘要:Microsoft SharePoint Server2010 andMicrosoft SharePointFoundation 2010UsingSharePoint 2010 Central AdministrationWebsite, underUpgrade and Migration, clickCheck product andpatch installation statusto show version numbers. Click the icon tothe right of the SharePoint 2010 product name, in the list be
摘要:Content types are little gems within SharePoint with many useful characteristics. The one characteristic is that content types support inheritance. For the non programmers; inheritance is when you def...
摘要:PDF 浏览:http://www.tracefact.net/Document/Introduction-to-Http-Module.pdf 引言Http 请求处理流程 和 Http Handler 介绍 这两篇文章里,我们首先了解了Http请求在服务器端的处理流程,随后我们知道Http请求最终会由实现了IHttpHandler接口的类进行处理(应该记得Page类实现了IHttpHandler...
摘要:PDF 浏览:http://www.tracefact.net/Document/Introduction-to-Http-Handler.pdf 引言在 Part.1 Http请求处理流程 一文中,我们了解了Http请求的处理过程以及其它一些运作原理。我们知道Http管道中有两个可用接口,一个是IHttpHandler,一个是IHttpModule,但在Part.1中,我并没有详细讲述如何对它们...
摘要:PDF 版浏览:http://www.tracefact.net/Document/Http-Request-Processing-Flow.pdf 引言我查阅过不少Asp.Net的书籍,发现大多数作者都是站在一个比较高的层次上讲解Asp.Net。他们耐心、细致地告诉你如何一步步拖放控件、设置控件属性、编写CodeBehind代码,以实现某个特定的功能。这种做法,实际上是回答了“如何去...
摘要:If you have already begun installing the SharePoint Server 2010 Beta on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or Microsoft Windows 7 you may have already encountered the following error when provisioning Service Applications or when accessing pages that make service calls:System.Configuration.Configurati
摘要:用 STSADMstsadm -o setproperty -pn developer-dashboard -pv On 或者stsadm –o setproperty –pn developer-dashboard -pv OnDemand.
摘要:My Dev Environment is SharePoint 2010 on WIN 7.Now when I Sign-in with my account and use Manage Web Application link, on the Top Ribbon none of Button is enabled. I can not create Web APP nor Extend it. When I select web application from list, some button are enabled but not all. Also I can see rol
摘要:Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 包括几个关键的增强和新增功能。重新设计的用户界面中的功能区通过将命令放置到更易于导航的基于任务的选项卡上,来帮助您更快地完成工作。可以跨多个 Internet 浏览器工作,例如 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 和 8.0、Firefox 3.0 和 Safari 3.0。现在查找和使用 SharePoint 网站、列表、Wiki、博客和权限等功能将更加容易并且效率更高。全新的社交网络功能可帮助您更加轻松地找到您最感兴趣的人和信息。使用全新的企业内容管理功能、改进的搜索功能和改善的协作工具,您可以更