随笔分类 - Sharepoint
摘要:It’s not one hundred percent straight forward to install SharePoint 2010 on Windows 7. Here’s a list of steps that you must take before you’ll be able to create your first Enterprise...
摘要:Overview Silverlight and other RIA technologies are becoming a more desirable platform for delivering technology solutions, it has also become essential that we know how to develop these solutions, de...
摘要:This post will take you through a very simple example of using a Silverlight application in SharePoint 2010, using the new SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model. I will also show how to use the new Shar...
摘要:Interesting question today on an internal email list:I am facing an issue with deploying Silverlight application to SharePoint site.I am getting below errorError occurred in deployment step 'Activate ...
摘要:SQL Server and SharePoint have always worked together well. When SharePoint Server 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2 were released, there were some significant improvements to the integration between ShareP...
摘要:在SharePoint 2007的时代,SharePoint被客户抱怨最多的问题大体归纳起来有三:(1)列表性能;(2)权限分配过于繁琐;(3)工作流。 其中第一个问题极大的限制了SharePoint的应用场景,很多用户都看过那篇著名的白皮书(链接我就不给了),也听过很多我们讲的课程,都会对两个数字有非常深刻的印象:2000和20000——这是在白皮书中的两个建议数值:一个...
摘要:Prep WorkActive Directory Users in PlayThe Service Account I am selecting as the Impersonated User (Credential Owner)The Security Group where all the people that will consume BCS Data will resideSQL Server SecurityWho has Access to WhatSetupCreating & Configuring the Secure Store ObjectCreating
摘要:Firstly, you need to have SharePoint Server, not just WSS. then You need to have the following features activated.Site collection features- Office SharePoint Server Publishing InfrastructureSite Featu...
摘要:本文中我们将展示如何在SharePoint 2010中集成Silverlight应用。例子中会用到Bing Map 控件。完成后的效果图如下:开发环境本例中,我们使用到的开发环境包括:1、Visual Studio 20102、SharePoint Server 20103、 Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 20104、Bing Maps Silverl...
摘要:网站与网站集管理Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 网站集是一种分层网站结构,由一个首要网站以及该网站下的所有网站组成。该首要网站可包括多个子网站,而每个子网站也可包括多个子网站,可根据需要设置更多级别。首要网站和子网站允许对网站的功能和设置具有不同级别的控制。管理网站集创建网站集网站集是具有相同所有者并共享管理设置(例如权限)的一组网站。创建网站集时,将自动在网站集...
摘要:SharePoint列表页面(通常为Allitems.aspx)是用户进行文档库或普通列表管理的页面。很多用户在实际应用中发现,尽管文档库和列表页面已经提供了完备的功能,但在一些具体细节上仍然不能满足一些用户的特殊需求。这就需要我们借助SharePoint Designer工具来对该页面进行符合自己实际需求的自定制修改。Office SharePoint Designer原身于Microsoft ...
摘要:Below is a screenshot of my project:The first thing I did was to create a new SharePoint 2010 Empty SharePoint Project called DeviantPoint.DownloadZip. Then, I added a reference to ICSharpCode.SharpZi...
摘要:SPListCollection转DatatableSPListItemCollection unprocessedItems = List.GetItems(query);DataTable dt1 = unprocessedItems.GetDataTable(); Folder类型添加自定义属性 mySite = new SPSite("http://richsql/"); myWeb =...
摘要:Override this style in your page where your webpart is added through sharepoint designer or via Content Editor Webpart by doing somthing like <style type="text/css">.ms-WPHeader{background-color...
摘要:Create a New SharePoint ApplicationInstead of screwing with your existing application, let’s create a new one so we can safely play. Open Central Administration (make sure that you are running Internet Explorer as Administrator or you will have permissions problems here) and click the “Manage web ap
摘要:1.安装Adobe PDF 64 bit IFilter version 9 运行搜索服务的服务器 下载地址:http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=4025 2.修改注册表 运行搜索服务的服务器 以下两端保存为reg格式,双击注册; Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LO...
摘要:SharePoint Server 以下这些组件适用于Windows Server 2008及Windows Server 2008 R2。KB971831 (目前该KB还没有对2008 R2进行更新,这个KB为WCF添加一个新模式“AllowInsecureTransport”,如果没有这个模式则User Profile SA、Metadata Service SA不能正...
摘要:Deploying the jQuery JS file is quite easy: I recommend deploying it to the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS folder on every Front End Web Serve...
摘要:SharePoint Server 2007 / MOSS 2007 中启用了个人网站功能,并且配置了正确的SSP,可是用户在访问我的网站时总是提示:创建个人网站时出现错误。有关详细信息,请与网站管理员联系。 MOSS服务器场 具体环境如下: AD服务器1台, DB服务器1台, Web前端1台, App服务1台。 采用Form认证和Windows集成认证2种方式,且2种方式都能正常使用我的网站。 ...
摘要:1.创建Web Application 时,Select a security account for this application pool 一定要选Configurable的;2.出现Not index for SSP 时,请使用以下方法:Open SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard, confirm all Windows with YES, OK and FINISH, settings stay defaultCentral Administration | Operations | Topology