DBCC shrinkfile(file_id) -收缩日志 DBCC shrinkdatabase (N'db1') -收缩 DBCC CleanTable(dbname,'tablename',0) -释放已删除数据的空间
exec sp_spaceused
/* Drop the temp table if it's there from a previous run */ /*—————————————————————————*/ if object_id(N'tempdb..[#TableSizes]') is not null drop table #TableSizes ; go /*—————————————————————————*/ /* Create the temp table */ /*—————————————————————————*/ create table #TableSizes ( [Table Name] nvarchar(128) /* Name of the table */ , [Number of Rows] char(11) /* Number of rows existing in the table. */ , [Reserved Space] varchar(18) /* Reserved space for table. */ , [Data Space] varchar(18) /* Amount of space used by data in table. */ , [Index Size] varchar(18) /* Amount of space used by indexes in table. */ , [Unused Space] varchar(18) /* Amount of space reserved but not used. */ ) ; go /*—————————————————————————*/ /* Load the temp table */ /*—————————————————————————*/ declare @schemaname varchar(256) ; -- Make sure to set next line to the Schema name you want! set @schemaname = 'dbo' ; -- Create a cursor to cycle through the names of each table in the schema declare curSchemaTable cursor for select sys.schemas.name + '.' + sys.objects.name from sys.objects , sys.schemas where object_id > 100 and sys.schemas.name = @schemaname /* For a specific table uncomment next line and supply name */ --and sys.objects.name = 'specific-table-name-here' and type_desc = 'USER_TABLE' and sys.objects.schema_id = sys.schemas.schema_id ; open curSchemaTable ; declare @name varchar(256) ; /* This holds the name of the current table*/ -- Now loop thru the cursor, calling the sp_spaceused for each table fetch curSchemaTable into @name ; while ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 ) begin insert into #TableSizes exec sp_spaceused @objname = @name ; fetch curSchemaTable into @name ; end /* Important to both close and deallocate! */ close curSchemaTable ; deallocate curSchemaTable ; /*—————————————————————————*/ /* Feed the results back */ /*—————————————————————————*/ select [Table Name] , [Number of Rows] , [Reserved Space] , [Data Space] , [Index Size] , [Unused Space] from [#TableSizes] order by CONVERT(int, SUBSTRING( [Reserved Space],0,PATINDEX('% %',[Reserved Space]))) desc; /*—————————————————————————*/ /* Remove the temp table */ /*—————————————————————————*/ drop table #TableSizes ;