



import os
from strOp import strExt
from collections import deque
from tblOp import tblConcat

class FileNode:
    def __init__(self, _fileName_s='',
                 _parent= None
        self.fileName_s = _fileName_s
        self.bro = _brothers
        self.sons = _sons
        self.isDir_b = _isDir_b
        self.parent = _parent

def addNodeUnderPathUnrecur(root, _path_s):
    ''' inputs: 
            root -> the root of directory tree. It must give the root of the d
            _path_s -> add the sons under the path of _path_s. 
                       if _path_s is equal to 'D:\\CS_DATA\\' 
                       then all the file under it is added as sons of the node named 'CS_DATA'
            Add all the files under _path_s as its sons. The input must give the root of directory
    node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)
    filesUnderPath = os.listdir(_path_s)
    lenOfFilesUnderPath = len(filesUnderPath)
    for i in range(lenOfFilesUnderPath):
        if len(node.sons) == 0:
            newNode = FileNode(filesUnderPath[i], None, [], os.path.isdir(_path_s+filesUnderPath[i]), node)
            newNode = FileNode(filesUnderPath[i], None, [], os.path.isdir(_path_s+filesUnderPath[i]), node)
            node.sons[len(node.sons)-1].bro = newNode
            #isSameName(node, newNode) file system will ensure that no the same name files exist.

def searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s):
    ''' inputs: 
            root -> Must give the root of directory. Meaning the absolute path of a node.
            _path_s -> The absolute path of a node. Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'
            Search the directory tree from root to find the node whose fileName_s is equal to 'CS_DATA'.
            So, you must give the absolute path. Whether 'D:\\CS_DATA\\' or 'D:\\CS_DATA' would be fine.
    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':
        _path_s += '\\'
    folderStructure = _path_s.split('\\')
    if root.bro != None:
        print 'input root is not root of file tree'
    if folderStructure[0] != root.fileName_s:
        print 'the head of input path is not same as root'
    stack = []
    for i in range(1,len(folderStructure)-1):
        if len(stack) == 0:
            print 'stack is empty'
        node = stack.pop()
        flag = 0
        for j in node.sons:
            if folderStructure[i] == j.fileName_s:
                flag = 1
        if flag == 0:
            print 'can not find the folder %s' % folderStructure[i]
            return None
    node = stack.pop()
    return node

def addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode(root, _sonPath_s):
    ''' inputs:
            root -> The root of the directory. Which directory that you want to add the node.
            _sonPath_s -> The absolute path of added node. 
            Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA\\tree\\' means add the node named 'tree' to its parent 'CS_DATA'
            The directory tree with added node.
    if _sonPath_s[-1] != '\\':
        _sonPath_s += '\\'
    fileStructure = _sonPath_s.split('\\')
    lenOfFileStructure = len(fileStructure)
    if lenOfFileStructure <= 2:
        print 'These is not son in the input path %s' % _sonPath_s
    _sonFileName_s = fileStructure[-2]
    _parentPath_s = ''
    for i in range(len(fileStructure)-2):
        _parentPath_s = _parentPath_s + fileStructure[i] + '\\'
    _addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode(root, _parentPath_s, _sonFileName_s)

def _addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode(root, _parentPath_s, _sonFileName_s):
    ''' inputs:
            root -> The root of directory tree.
            _parentPath_s -> The absolute path of parent
            _sonFileName_s -> the filename of added node
            This function is a auxiliary function of addNodeAsSonFromGivenNode
    if _parentPath_s[-1] != '\\':
        _parentPath_s += '\\'
    parentNode = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _parentPath_s)
    if parentNode == None:
        print 'can not find the parent folder %s' % _parentPath_s
        return None
    if len(parentNode.sons) == 0:
        newNode = FileNode(_sonFileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(_parentPath_s+_sonFileName_s), parentNode)
        if isSameName(parentNode, newNode):
        newNode = FileNode(_sonFileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(_parentPath_s+_sonFileName_s), parentNode)
        if isSameName(parentNode, newNode):
        parentNode.sons[len(parentNode.sons)-1].bro = newNode

def isSameName(parentNode, sonNode):
    ''' inputs:
            parentNode -> The parent node.
            sonNode -> the son node.
            If sonNode is already in parentNode.sons then return True.
    for node in parentNode.sons:
        if node.fileName_s == sonNode.fileName_s:
            print 'has same node %s\\%s -> %s' % (parentNode.fileName_s, node.fileName_s, sonNode.fileName_s)
            return True
    return False

def addNodeUnderPathRecur(root, _path_s):
    ''' inputs:
            root -> The root of directory.
            _path_s -> The absolute path wanted to be added. Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'
            1. Add all the file nodes under _path_s recursively. 
            2. The _path_s must exist in root.
            1. Some system directory can not be added recursively. Examples: 'D:\\System Volume Information'
            2. I do not make the judgment between files whether have same name when adding.
            3. So, this function must use in the premise of operation system ensuring the rule for us.
    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':
        _path_s = _path_s + '\\'
    fileStructure = _path_s.split('\\')
    if fileStructure[0] == root.fileName_s and len(fileStructure) == 2:
        print '_path_s can not be the root'
    returnNode = currentNode = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)
    if currentNode == None:
        print 'can not find the path'
    queue = deque([])
    fileName_sl = os.listdir(_path_s)
    for fileName_s in fileName_sl:
        file_s = _path_s + fileName_s
        newNode = FileNode(fileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(file_s), currentNode)
    while(len(queue) != 0):
        newNode = queue.popleft()
        currentNode = newNode.parent
        lenOfSonsCurrentNode = len(currentNode.sons)
        if lenOfSonsCurrentNode == 0:
            currentNode.sons[lenOfSonsCurrentNode-1].bro = newNode
        if newNode.isDir_b == True:
            fullPathOfNewNode = getFullPathOfNode(newNode)
            subFileName_sl = os.listdir(fullPathOfNewNode)
            for subFileName_s in subFileName_sl:
                subNewNode = FileNode(subFileName_s, None, [], os.path.isdir(fullPathOfNewNode+subFileName_s), newNode)
    return returnNode       
def printBrosOfGivenNode(root, _path_s):
    ''' inputs:
            root -> The root of the directory.
            _path_s -> Examples: 'D:\\CS_DATA' , 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'
            print out the bros of 'CS_DATA' for 'D:\\CS_DATA'
            print out the sons of 'CS_DATA' for 'D:\\CS_DATA\\'
    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':
        node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)
        if node == None:
            print 'can not find the node'
        parentOfNode = node.parent
        headOfSons = parentOfNode.sons[0]
        printStr = headOfSons.fileName_s + ','
        while(headOfSons.bro != None):
            headOfSons = headOfSons.bro
            printStr = printStr + headOfSons.fileName_s + ','
        node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)
        if node == None:
            print 'can not find the node'
        printStr = ''
        if len(node.sons) == 0:
            print 'its sons is empty'
            for son in node.sons:
                printStr = printStr + son.fileName_s + ','
    print printStr[:-1]

def crtFileTreeFromPath(_path_s):
    ''' inputs:
            _path_s -> Examples: 'D:\\sketchDataset\\' 
            This function will create the root node by 'D:',
            and then, call addNodeUnderPathUnrecur to add files under 'D:\\',
            and then, again call addNodeUnderPathUnrecur to add files under 'D:\\sketchDataset\\'
            This process is a loop until the last separator of _path_s.
    if _path_s[-1] != '\\':
        _path_s += '\\'
    fileStructure = _path_s.split('\\')
    lenOfFileStructure = len(fileStructure)
    root = FileNode(_fileName_s=fileStructure[0], _isDir_b=os.path.isdir(fileStructure[0]))
    fileStr = root.fileName_s + '\\'
    addNodeUnderPathUnrecur(root, fileStr)
    for i in range(1, lenOfFileStructure-1):
        file_s = fileStructure[i]
        fileStr = fileStr + file_s + '\\'
        addNodeUnderPathUnrecur(root, fileStr)
    return root

def searchLeafNodeUnderGivenNode(root, _path_s):
    ''' inputs:
            root -> For the given directory tree.
            _path_s -> The absolute path of node that wanted to search all the leafs under it.
            Return all the leafs under the given _path_s.
            Leaf is the file whose has not sons and it is not a directory
    node = searchNodeFromGivenFilePath(root, _path_s)
    leafs = []
    if node == None:
        print 'can not find the node in searchLeafNodeUnderGivenNode'
    queue = deque([])
    while(len(queue) != 0):
        currentNode = queue.popleft()
        if len(currentNode.sons) == 0 and (currentNode.isDir_b == False):
            for son in currentNode.sons:
    return leafs        

def getFullPathOfNode(givenNode):
        find the full(absolute) path of the input node.
    tmpNode = givenNode
    fullPathOfNode = tmpNode.fileName_s + '\\'
    while(tmpNode.parent != None):
        tmpNode = tmpNode.parent
        fullPathOfNode = tmpNode.fileName_s + '\\' + fullPathOfNode
    return fullPathOfNode


if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = crtFileTreeFromPath('D:\\sketchDataset\\')
    categroyNode = addNodeUnderPathRecur(root, 'D:\\sketchDataset\\category\\')
    leafs = searchLeafNodeUnderGivenNode(root, 'D:\\sketchDataset\\category\\')
    containModel_t = {}
    for i in range(len(leafs)):
        if leafs[i].parent.fileName_s not in containModel_t:
            containModel_t[leafs[i].parent.fileName_s] = []
            containModel_t[leafs[i].parent.fileName_s].append(strExt.extractModelIdWithSuffix(leafs[i].fileName_s, suffix_s='.off'))
            containModel_t[leafs[i].parent.fileName_s].append(strExt.extractModelIdWithSuffix(leafs[i].fileName_s, suffix_s='.off'))
    categroyNode = addNodeUnderPathRecur(root, 'D:\\sketchDataset\\all_categorized_sketches\\')
    sketchToCate_t = {}
    for son in categroyNode.sons:
        sketchNodes = son.sons
        for sketchNode in sketchNodes:
            sketchName = strExt.extractSketchNameWithSuffix(sketchNode.fileName_s, suffix_s='.txt')
            if sketchName not in sketchToCate_t:
                sketchToCate_t[sketchName] = son.fileName_s
    wanted = tblConcat.concatTableByKey_ValAndVal_Vals(sketchToCate_t, containModel_t)
    print wanted

 结果就是,也就是草图165号的验证模型是'm1646.off, m1647.off'等等。

{'s165.txt': ['m1646.off', 'm1647.off', 'm1648.off', 'm1649.off', 'm1650.off', 'm1651.off', 'm1652.off', 'm1653.off', 'm1654.off', 'm1655.off', 'm1656.off', 'm1657.off', 'm1658.off', 'm1659.off', 'm1660.off', 'm1661.off', 'm1662.off', 'm1663.off', 'm1664.off', 'm1665.off'] ......}


posted @ 2015-04-27 22:58  Key_Ky  阅读(278)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报