Torque2D MIT 脚本阅读(4) ChainToy




  1. 创建一个静态对象作为整条链子的锚点,这个对象是固定不动的     

// 创建一个精灵
%fixedObject = new Sprite();
// 设置为静态固定类型
%fixedObject.BodyType = static;
// 图像资源
%fixedObject.Image = "ToyAssets:chain";
// 位置设定
%fixedObject.setPosition( %posX, %posY );
// 尺寸
%fixedObject.setSize( %linkWidth, %linkHeight );
// 加入场景
SandboxScene.add( %fixedObject );

   2. 创建一条链子,整条链接链由数量众多的小对象组成

    // 接上面的代码,因为设置链接的时候需要用到两个相连接的对象
    %lastLinkObj = %fixedObject;
    // 创建链条节点
    for ( %n = 1; %n <= %this.ChainLinks; %n++ )
        // Create the link object.
        %obj = new Sprite();
        %obj.setImage( "ToyAssets:chain" );
        %obj.setPosition( %posX, %posY - (%n*%linkHeight) );
        %obj.setSize( %linkWidth, %linkHeight );
        %obj.setDefaultDensity( 20 );  // 碰撞回复系数
        %obj.setDefaultFriction( 0.2 ); // 摩擦力系数       
        %obj.createPolygonBoxCollisionShape( %linkWidth, %linkHeight ); // 碰撞边界创建
        %obj.setAngularDamping( 0.1 ); // 角度阻尼
        %obj.setLinearDamping( 0.1 ); // 线性阻尼
        SandboxScene.add( %obj );   

        // 与上一个节点创建连接关系
        SandboxScene.createRevoluteJoint( %lastLinkObj, %obj, 0, -%halfLinkHeight, 0, %halfLinkHeight, false );

        // 标记为上一个节点,为下次连接做准备
        %lastLinkObj = %obj;

   3. 创建链球,作为重力体

    // Create the weight.
    %weight = new Sprite();
    %weight.setImage( "ToyAssets:whitesphere" );
    %weight.BlendColor = DarkGreen;
    %weight.setSize( %weightSize );
    %weight.setPosition( %posX, %posY - %pivotDistance - %weightHalfSize );
    %weight.setDefaultFriction( 0.2 );
    %weight.setDefaultDensity( 1 );
    %weight.createCircleCollisionShape( %weightHalfSize );
    SandboxScene.add( %weight );

    // Create a revolute joint from the last link to the weight.
    SandboxScene.createRevoluteJoint( %lastLinkObj, %weight, 0, -%halfLinkHeight, 0, %halfLinkHeight, false );

   4. 设定链子的作用范围

    // If the chain limit is on then create a rope join from the fixed pivot to the weight.
    if ( %this.ChainLimit )
        SandboxScene.createRopeJoint(%fixedObject, %weight, 0, 0, 0, %weightHalfSize, %pivotDistance, false);




ConsoleMethod(Scene, createRevoluteJoint, S32, 4, 9,    "(sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [localAnchorA X/Y], [localAnchorB X/Y], [collideConnected]) Creates a revolute joint.\n"
                                                                "@param sceneObjectA The first scene object to connect to the joint.  Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body.\n"
                                                                "@param sceneObjectB The second scene object to connect to the joint.  Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body.\n"
                                                                "@param localAnchorA The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects.\n"
                                                                "@param localAnchorB The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects.\n"
                                                                "@param collideConnected Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint.\n"
                                                                "@return The joint Id (-1 if error).")


ConsoleMethod(Scene, createRopeJoint, S32, 4, 10,       "(sceneObjectA, sceneObjectB, [localAnchorA X/Y], [localAnchorB X/Y], [maxLength], [collideConnected]) Creates a rope joint.\n"
                                                                "@param sceneObjectA The first scene object to connect to the joint.  Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body.\n"
                                                                "@param sceneObjectB The second scene object to connect to the joint.  Use an empty string to indicate the Scene ground body.\n"
                                                                "@param localAnchorA The local point of the first scene object where the joint connects.\n"
                                                                "@param localAnchorB The local point of the second scene object where the joint connects.\n"
                                                                "@param maxLength The maximum rigid length of the rope.\n"
                                                                "@param collideConnected Whether the scene objects can collide with each other while connected with this joint.\n"
                                                                "@return The joint Id (-1 if error).")


posted on 2013-03-06 10:36  Kevin Game  阅读(255)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报