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什么是100 %, 120 % ,150% BOM ?

Posted on 2023-05-22 17:16  三颗油  阅读(470)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

BOM - Bill of Material 物料清单

物料清单 (BOM),也称为产品结构,是构建、制造或维修产品或服务所需的所有物料的列表。物料清单充当集中式源,包含从原材料阶段制造产品所需的所有信息。

A bill of materials (BOM) is an extensive list of raw material, components, and instructions required to construct, manufacture, or repair a product or service. A bill of materials usually appears in a hierarchical format, with the highest level displaying the finished product and the bottom level showing individual components and materials.


•100% BOM
•120% BOM
所选变量条件的部分叠加。不允许从 120% BOM 构建产品。
•150% BOM
所有可能的变量配置叠加。不允许从 150% BOM 构建产品。

Design BOM → EBOM(Engineering BOM) → MBOM(Manufacturing BOM)


100% 物料清单
100% BOM 是用于制作成品的完整有用的 BOM。 我们可以 100% BOM 制造。 100% 意味着完整,没有关于特定产品的额外信息,或者产品的任何部分都没有可用的替代选项。 下图展示了Pen产品100%的BOM信息。 图中只有一个选项是前盖、胶条和墨水颜色。 我们可以使用此选项来制造 Pen。

100 % BOM is complete useful BOM for making the finished product. We can do manufacturing at 100 % BOM. 100 % means complete, there is no extra information about a particular product or there is no alternative option available on any part of the product. The following figure shows 100 % BOM information of Pen product. In the figure, only one option is for a front cover, rubber strip, and ink color. We can go with this option for manufacturing Pen.

120% 物料清单
120% BOM 包含有关特定部件的部分叠加信息。 我们无法根据 120% BOM 制造最终成品。 要从 120% BOM 制作最终产品,我们必须先将其转换为 100% BOM。 下图的笔 BOM 显示了红色和蓝色墨水的两个选项(额外信息)。 这称为 120% BOM。 我们必须从蓝色或红色中选择一个选项,然后我们才能继续制造 Pen。 简而言之,我们必须将 120% BOM 转换为 100% BOM。

The 120 % BOM contains partial overlay information about a particular part. We can not make a final finished product from 120 % BOM. For making a final product from 120% BOM, we have to first convert it into 100 % BOM. Following figure of pen BOM shows, two option for ink that are red and blue (extra information). This is called as 120 % BOM. We have to select one option from blue or red, then we can proceed for manufacturing Pen. In short, we have to convert 120 % BOM into 100% BOM.

150% 物料清单
BOM 包含所有备选零件,零件的完全覆盖被称为 150% BOM。 正如我们看到的 120% BOM 不适合制造最终产品,150% BOM 也不适合制造最终产品。 我们必须将其转换为 100% BOM。 下图显示了 150% BOM。 前盖有两种选择(金属和塑料),橡胶条有两种选择(点线和线),墨水颜色有两种选择(蓝色和红色)。 我们必须从每个备选方案中选择一个选项来制作最终产品。 简而言之,我们必须将其转换为 100% BOM。

The BOM contains all alternative parts, full overlays of parts is known as 150 % BOM. As we see 120 % BOM is not suitable for manufacturing the final product, the 150 % BOM is also not suitable for making the final product. We have to convert it into 100 % BOM. The following figure shows 150% BOM. There are two options for the front cover(Metal and Plastic), two options for rubber strip(dotted and line) and two options for Ink color(blue and red). We have to select one option from each alternative to make a final product. In short, we have to convert it into 100% BOM.


100%、120% 和 150% BOM 的比较


