posted @ 2012-01-05 17:29 K.W Views(5356) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
我们先看什么是Delimited Text File1. A delimited text file is one in which each line of text is a record, and the fields are separated by a known character.2. Common delimiters include the tab character or various punctuation characters. The delimiter should always be one which does not appear in the data.3 Read More
posted @ 2012-01-05 14:50 K.W Views(1657) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
做项目时偶尔遇到的东西,随手记下来,加入了自己的使用和测试结果。CSV是(逗号分隔值)的英文缩写,通常都是纯文本文件。建议使用WORDPAD或是记事本(NOTE)来开启。如果机器上装了Microsoft Excel的话,.csv文件默认是被Excel打开的。常见规则:1. 开头是不留空,以行为单位。(Office2007测试,空白会被认为是列内容的一部分。)2. 可含或不含列名,含列名则居文件第一行。3. 一行数据不跨行,无空行。(Office2007测试,CSV空行会被认为是一个Excel空行。)4. 以半角逗号(即,)作分隔符,列为空也要表达其存在。5. 列内容如存在半角逗号(即,)则用半 Read More
posted @ 2012-01-05 13:47 K.W Views(2914) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit