Sql Server中使用特定字符分割字符串
在T-SQL中我们经常批量操作时都会对字符串进行拆分,可是SQL Server中却没有自带Split函数,所以要自己来实现了。这里将字符串分割以table形式输出
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /* create by shuke.li 2020-9-15 */ create function [dbo].[SplitString] ( @Input nvarchar(max), --input string to be separated @Separator nvarchar(max)=',', --a string that delimit the substrings in the input string @RemoveEmptyEntries bit=1 --the return value does not include array elements that contain an empty string ) returns @TABLE table ( [Id] int identity(1,1), [Value] nvarchar(max) ) as begin declare @Index int, @Entry nvarchar(max) set @Index = charindex(@Separator,@Input) while (@Index>0) begin set @Entry=ltrim(rtrim(substring(@Input, 1, @Index-1))) if (@RemoveEmptyEntries=0) or (@RemoveEmptyEntries=1 and @Entry<>'') begin insert into @TABLE([Value]) Values(@Entry) end set @Input = substring(@Input, @Index+datalength(@Separator)/2, len(@Input)) set @Index = charindex(@Separator, @Input) end set @Entry=ltrim(rtrim(@Input)) if (@RemoveEmptyEntries=0) or (@RemoveEmptyEntries=1 and @Entry<>'') begin insert into @TABLE([Value]) Values(@Entry) end return end
declare @str1 varchar(max) set @str1 = 'CFER-3345-3323,CFER-0023-2299,CFER-0023-6677,CFER-0023-7678,CFER-4565-2299,CFER-0023-6678' select * from [dbo].[SplitString](@str1, ',', 0)