一 项目三层结构设计
二 ATM & 购物车项目介绍
1.额度15000或自定义 --> 注册功能 2.实现购物商城,买东西加入购物车,调用信用卡接口结账 --> 购物功能、支付功能 3.可以提现,手续费5% --> 提现功能 4.支持多账户登录 --> 登录功能 5.支持账户间转账 --> 转账功能 6.记录日常消费 --> 记录流水功能 7.提供还款接口 --> 还款功能 8.ATM记录操作日志 --> 记录日志功能 9.提供管理接口,包括添加账户、用户额度,冻结账户等。。。 ---> 管理
"用户视图层" 展示给用户选择的功能 1、注册功能 2、登录功能 3、查看余额 4、提现功能 5、还款功能 6、转账功能 7、查看流水 8、购物功能 9、结算购物车 10、查看购物车 11、管理员功能
1、注册功能 2、登录功能 3、锁定账户 4、解锁账户 5、更改额度 6、增加商品
一 需求分析 1. 拿到项目,会先在客户那里一起讨论需求, 商量项目的功能是否能实现,周期与价格,得到一个需求文档。 2. 最后在公司内部需要开一次会议,最终得到一个开发文档, 交给不同岗位的程序员进行开发。 - Python: 后端,爬虫 - 不同的岗位: - UI界面设计: - 设计软件的布局,会分局软件的外观切成一张张图片。 - 前端: - 拿到UI交给他的图片,然后去搭建网页面。 - 设计一些页面中,哪些位置需要接收数据,需要进行数据交互。 - 后端: - 直接核心的业务逻辑,调度数据库进行数据的增删查改。 - 测试: - 会给代码进行全面测试,比如压力测试,界面测试(CF卡箱子)。 - 运维: - 部署项目。 二 程序的架构设计 1、程序设计的好处 1)思路清晰 2)不会出现写一半代码时推翻重写 3)方便自己或以后的同事更好维护 2、三层架构设计的好处 1)把每个功能都分层三部分,逻辑清晰 2)如果用户更换不同的用户界面或不同, 的数据储存机制都不会影响接口层的核心 逻辑代码,扩展性强。 3)可以在接口层,准确的记录日志与流水。 3、三层架构 一 用户视图层 用于与用户交互的,可以接受用户的输入,打印接口返回的数据。 二 逻辑接口层 接受 用户视图层 传递过来的参数,根据逻辑判断调用数据层加以处理, 并返回一个结果给 用户视图层。 三 数据处理层 接受接口层传递过来的参数,做数据的 - 保存数据 save() - 查看数据 select() - 更新数据 - 删除数据 三 分任务开发 四 测试 五 上线
三 项目代码及功能介绍
- 程序根目录
from core.user_src import run if __name__ == '__main__': run()
- 程序根目录
# 用户视图层 from db.db_handle import judge from interface.user_interface import register_interface from interface.user_interface import log_interface from interface.bank_interface import withdraw_interface from interface.bank_interface import transfer_interface from interface.bank_interface import repay_interface from interface.bank_interface import pay_interface from interface.shopping_interface import add_class_interface from interface.shopping_interface import read_interface from interface.shopping_interface import add_car_interface from interface.shopping_interface import shop_interface from core.admin_src import admin_run from lib.common import auth # 记录用户登录状态 log = None # 注册 def register(): print('注册'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: username = input('输入用户名>>').strip() # 判断用户名是否存在 res = judge(username) if res: print('用户名已存在!') continue while True: pwd = input('请输入密码').strip() re_pwd = input('请确认密码').strip() if pwd != re_pwd: print('两次密码不一致') continue else: # 保存注册信息 res = register_interface(username, pwd) print(res) break break # 登录 def login(): print('登录'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: username = input('请输入用户名>>').strip() # 判断用户名是否存在 res = judge(username) if res is None: print('用户名不存在') continue count = 0 while count <= 3: pwd = input('请输入密码>>').strip() # 判断密码是否正确 flag, msg = log_interface(username, pwd, count) if flag == 'locked': print(msg) break if flag == False: count += 1 print(msg) continue else: global log log = username print(msg) break break # 查询余额 @auth def check_balance(): print('查看余额'.center(50, '⭐')) info = judge(log) print(f'{log}先生/女士,您的余额为{info["cash"]}元') # 提现 @auth def withdraw(): print('提现'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: cash = input('请输入提现金额').strip() if not cash.isdigit(): print('请输入大于0的数字!') # 进行提现操作 flag, msg = withdraw_interface(log, cash) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) continue # 转账 @auth def transfer_account(): print('转账'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: payee = input('请输入收款人账户>>').strip() payee_info = judge(payee) if payee_info is None: print('收款人账户不存在!') continue while True: cash = input('请输入转账金额').strip() if not cash.isdigit(): print('请输入大于0的数字!') continue # 进行转账操作 flag, msg = transfer_interface(log, payee, cash) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) continue break # 还款 @auth def repayment(): print('还款'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: cash = input('请输入还款金额>>').strip() if not cash.isdigit(): print('请输入大于0的数字!') continue # 进行还款操作 res = repay_interface(log, cash) print(res) break # 查看流水 @auth def cash_flow(): print('银行流水'.center(50, '⭐')) info = judge(log) if info['flow']: for i in info['flow']: print(i) else: print('当前用户暂无资金流动') # 购物 @auth def shopping(): print('购物'.center(50, '⭐')) # 输出商品类别新信息 res = add_class_interface() if res: for num, name in enumerate(res): print(num, '⭐', name) # 用户选择商品类别 while True: choice = input('请输入想购买的商品类别编号>>').strip() if int(choice) not in range(len(res)): print('暂无此类别商品') continue # 输出商品类别中的商品 class_name = res[int(choice)] flag, msg = read_interface(class_name) if flag: for num, info in enumerate(msg): name, price = info print(f'[编号]⭐{num} [商品名称]⭐{name} [商品价格]⭐{price}') else: print(msg) shopping() # 用户选择商品 while True: choice1 = input('请输入想购买的商品编号>>').strip() if int(choice1) > len(msg) - 1: print('暂无此商品...') continue while True: # 商品名字msg[0] 价格msg[1] choice3 = input('购买[y]or加入购物车[n]').strip() if choice3 == 'y': name, price = msg[int(choice1)] flag, msg = pay_interface(log, price) if flag: print(msg) run() else: print(msg) shopping() elif choice3 == 'n': name, price = msg[int(choice1)] car = {} car[f'{name}'] = [price, 1] res = add_car_interface(log, car) print(res) break else: print('请输入正确命令') continue break break else: print('暂无商品类别...') # shopping() # 查看购物车 @auth def show_shopping(): print('查看购物车'.center(50, '⭐')) flag, msg = shop_interface(log) if flag: for i, v in msg.items(): price, num = v print(f'[商品名称]⭐{i} [商品价格]⭐{price} [商品数量]⭐{num}') else: print(msg) # 结算购物车 @auth def settle(): print('结算购物车'.center(50, '⭐')) # 查看购物车 flag, msg = shop_interface(log) if flag: for i, v in msg.items(): price, num = v print(f'[商品名称]⭐{i} [商品价格]⭐{price} [商品数量]⭐{num}') while True: choice = input('购买所有商品[Q]or购买某个商品[F]').strip() if choice == 'Q': account = 0 for i, v in msg.items(): price, num = v sum_price = float(price) * int(num) account += sum_price flag, msg = pay_interface(log, account) if flag: print(msg) run() else: print(msg) run() elif choice == 'F': while True: choice1 = input('请输入购买的商品名称>>').strip() if choice1 not in msg: print('商品不存在') continue price, num = msg[choice1] account = int(num) * float(price) flag, msg = pay_interface(log, account) if flag: print(msg) run() else: print(msg) run() else: print('请输入正确指令') else: print(msg) run() # 管理员功能 def admin_func(): print('管理员功能'.center(50, '⭐')) admin_run() # 程序运行界面 def run(): dic_func = { '0': register, '1': login, '2': check_balance, '3': withdraw, '4': transfer_account, '5': repayment, '6': cash_flow, '7': shopping, '8': show_shopping, '9': settle, '10': admin_func, '11': exit } while True: print(''' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ATM & ShoppingCar⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ [0]⭐注册 [1]⭐登录 [2]⭐查看余额 [3]⭐提现 [4]⭐转账 [5]⭐还款 [6]⭐银行流水 [7]⭐购物 [8]⭐查看购物车 [9]⭐结算购物车 [10]⭐管理员功能 [11]⭐退出 ''') cmd = input('输入命令编号>>').strip() if cmd not in dic_func: print('更多的功能正在开发中...') continue dic_func[cmd]()
# 管理员视图层 from db.db_handle import admin_judge from interface.admin_interface import admin_register_interface from interface.admin_interface import unlocked_interface from interface.admin_interface import locked_interface from interface.admin_interface import change_interface from interface.shopping_interface import add_class_interface from interface.shopping_interface import increase_interface from lib.admin_common import admin_login from lib.common import admin_auth # 管理员注册 def admin_register(): while True: name = input('请输入用户名>>').strip() res = admin_judge(name) if res: print('用户名已存在!') continue while True: pwd = input('请输入密码').strip() re_pwd = input('请确认密码').strip() if pwd != re_pwd: print('两次密码不一致') continue else: # 保存注册信息 res = admin_register_interface(name, pwd) print(res) break break # 管理员登录 def admin_log(): admin_login() # 用户解锁 @admin_auth def unlocked(): print('用户解锁'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: name = input('请输入需要解锁的账户>>').strip() flag,msg = unlocked_interface(name) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 用户锁定 @admin_auth def locked(): print('用户锁定'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: name = input('请输入需要锁定的账户>>').strip() flag,msg = locked_interface(name) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 更改额度 @admin_auth def change_limit(): print('更改额度'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: name = input('请输入需要更改的账户>>').strip() cash = input('请输入新的额度>>') if not cash.isdigit(): print('请输入大于0的数字!') continue flag, msg = change_interface(name,cash) if flag: print(msg) break else: print(msg) # 增加商品类别和商品信息 def add(choice): while True: if choice == 'y': while True: class_name = input('请输入商品类别名>>').strip() product_name = input('请输入商品名称>>').strip() product_price = input('请输入商品价格').strip() if not class_name.isalpha() or not product_name.isalpha() or not product_price.isdigit(): print('输入不符合标准') continue # 商品存入文件中 msg = increase_interface(class_name, product_name, product_price) print(msg) break elif choice == 'n': admin_run() else: print('请输入正确命令Q') continue break # 添加商品 @admin_auth def increase_product(): print('增加商品'.center(50, '⭐')) # 输出商品类别信息[] [....] msg = add_class_interface() if msg is None: print('暂无商品类别') choice1 = input('是否增加新的商品类别[y/n]').strip() add(choice1) else: for num,i in enumerate(msg): print(num,'⭐',i) while True: choice = input('请输入添加商品所属商品类别编号').strip() if not choice.isdigit(): print('请输入数字编号!') continue if int(choice) not in range(len(msg)): while True: choice1 = input('是否增加新的商品类别[y/n]').strip() if choice1 == 'n': admin_run() elif choice1 == 'y': add(choice1) break else: print('请输入正确指令!') continue else: class_name = msg[int(choice)] while True: product_name = input('请输入商品名称>>').strip() product_price = input('请输入商品价格').strip() if not product_name.isalpha() or not product_price.isdigit(): print('输入不符合标准') continue # 商品存入文件中 msg = increase_interface(class_name, product_name, product_price) print(msg) break break # 管理员功能界面 def admin_run(): func = { '0':exit, '1':admin_register, '2':admin_log, '3':unlocked, '4':locked, '5':change_limit, '6':increase_product } while True: print(''' ⭐⭐⭐ Administrator Function ⭐⭐⭐ [0]⭐退出 [1]⭐注册 [2]⭐登录 [3]⭐用户解锁 [4]⭐用户锁定 [5]⭐更改额度 [6]⭐增加商品 ''') cmd = input('请输入命令>>').strip() if cmd not in func: print('更多的功能正在开发中...') continue func[cmd]()
# 逻辑接口层 from lib.common import get_md5 from db.db_handle import save from db.db_handle import judge from lib import common # 生成日志 user_logger = common.get_logger('user') # 注册接口 def register_interface(username,pwd,balance=150000): hash_pwd = get_md5(pwd) info = { 'username':username, 'password':hash_pwd, 'cash':balance, 'flow':[], 'shopping_car':{}, # True---未被冻结 'locked':True } save(info) res = '注册成功' return res # 登录接口 def log_interface(username,password,count): info = judge(username) hash_pwd = get_md5(password) if info['locked'] == False: return 'locked','账号被锁定,请联系管理员' if count == 2: info['locked'] = False res = '账号被锁定,请联系管理员' save(info) return 'locked', res if hash_pwd != info['password']: return False,'密码错误' else: res = '登录成功' return True,res
# 逻辑接口层 import time from db.db_handle import judge from db.db_handle import save from lib import common # 生成日志 bank_logger = common.get_logger('bank') # 提现接口 def withdraw_interface(username,cash): info = judge(username) cash = float(cash) info['cash'] = float(info['cash']) # 提现需要5%手续费 if cash*1.05 > info['cash']: return False,'余额不足' else: info['cash'] -= cash*1.05 flow = f'{time.asctime()} {username}先生/女士提现 {cash}元' # 添加银行流水 info['flow'].append(flow) save(info) return True,f'{username}先生/女士提现 {cash}元' # 转账接口 def transfer_interface(username,payee,cash): user_info = judge(username) payee_info = judge(payee) cash = float(cash) user_info['cash'] = float(user_info['cash']) payee_info['cash'] = float(payee_info['cash']) if cash > user_info['cash']: return False,'余额不足' else: user_info['cash'] -= cash flow = f'{time.asctime()} {username}先生/女士向 {payee}先生/女士转账 {cash}元' user_info['flow'].append(flow) save(user_info) payee_info['cash'] += cash flow = f'{time.asctime()} {payee}先生/女士收到 {username}先生/女士转账 {cash}元' payee_info['flow'].append(flow) save(payee_info) return True,f'{payee}先生/女士收到 {username}先生/女士转账 {cash}元' # 还款接口 def repay_interface(username,cash): info = judge(username) cash = float(cash) info['cash'] = float(info['cash']) info['cash'] += cash flow = f'{time.asctime()} {username}先生/女士还款 {cash}元' info['flow'].append(flow) save(info) return f'{username}先生/女士还款 {cash}元' # 支付接口 def pay_interface(username,price): info = judge(username) price = float(price) info['cash'] = float( info['cash']) if info['cash'] < float(price): return False,'余额不足' else: info['cash'] -= price flow = f'{time.asctime()}{username}先生/女士成功消费{price}元' info['flow'].append(flow) save(info) return True,'购买成功...'
from lib.common import get_md5 from db.db_handle import admin_save from db.db_handle import admin_judge from db.db_handle import judge from db.db_handle import save from lib import common # 生成日志 admin_logger = common.get_logger('admin') # 管理员注册接口 def admin_register_interface(username,pwd): hash_pwd = get_md5(pwd) info = { 'username':username, 'password':hash_pwd, } admin_save(info) res = '注册成功' return res # 管理员登录接口 def admin_log_interface(username,password): info = admin_judge(username) hash_pwd = get_md5(password) if hash_pwd != info['password']: return False,'密码错误' else: res = '登录成功' return True,res # 解锁接口 def unlocked_interface(name): info = judge(name) if info: info['locked'] = True save(info) res = '解锁成功' return True,res else: return False,'用户不存在' # 锁定接口 def locked_interface(name): info = judge(name) if info: info['locked'] = False save(info) res = '锁定成功' return True,res else: return False,'用户不存在' # 更改额度接口 def change_interface(name,cash): info = judge(name) if info: info['cash'] = cash res = '额度更改成功' save(info) return True,res else: return False,'用户不存在'
import os from db.db_handle import judge_product from db.db_handle import judge from db.db_handle import save from db.db_handle import save_product from db.db_handle import read_info from conf.setting import PRODUCT_PATH from lib import common # 生成日志 shop_logger = common.get_logger('shopping') # 商品类别接口 def add_class_interface(): class_list = [] name_list = os.listdir(PRODUCT_PATH) if name_list: for i in name_list: # i = [book.json,....] name,_ = i.split('.') class_list.append(name) return class_list else: return None # 添加商品信息 def increase_interface(class_name,product_name,product_price): info = judge_product(class_name) all_products = [] product_info = [product_name,product_price] if info: for i in info: all_products.append(i) all_products.append(product_info) else: all_products.append(product_info) save_product(class_name,all_products) res = '添加成功' return res # 查看商品类别中的具体信息 def read_interface(class_name): res = read_info(class_name) if res: return True,res else: return False,'此类别暂无商品' # 加购物车接口 def add_car_interface(username,car): info = judge(username) shopping_car = info['shopping_car'] for i in car: price,num = car[i] if i not in shopping_car: shopping_car [i]= car[i] else: shopping_car[i][1] += num info['shopping_car'] = shopping_car res = f'成功加入购物车' save(info) return res # 查看购物车 def shop_interface(username): info = judge(username) shopping_car = info['shopping_car'] if shopping_car: return True,shopping_car else: return False,'购物车空空如也!'
# 数据处理层 import os import json from conf.setting import USER_INFO_PATH from conf.setting import ADMIN_PATH from conf.setting import PRODUCT_PATH from conf.setting import DB_PATH # 判断用户是否存在 def judge(username): # 用户信息文件路径 user_path = os.path.join(USER_INFO_PATH,f'{username}.json') if os.path.exists(user_path): with open(user_path,'r',encoding='utf_8') as f: return json.load(f) else: return None # 保存用户信息 def save(info): username = info.get('username') user_path = os.path.join(USER_INFO_PATH, f'{username}.json') with open(user_path, 'w', encoding='utf_8') as f: json.dump(info,f,ensure_ascii=False) # 判断管理员是否存在 def admin_judge(username): # 用户信息文件路径 user_path = os.path.join(ADMIN_PATH,f'{username}.json') if os.path.exists(user_path): with open(user_path,'r',encoding='utf_8') as f: return json.load(f) else: return None # 保存管理员信息 def admin_save(info): username = info.get('username') user_path = os.path.join(ADMIN_PATH, f'{username}.json') with open(user_path, 'w', encoding='utf_8') as f: json.dump(info,f,ensure_ascii=False) # 判断商品类别是否存在 def judge_product(class_name): product_path = os.path.join(PRODUCT_PATH,f'{class_name}.json') if os.path.exists(product_path): with open(product_path,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f: try: product_info = json.load(f) return product_info except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return None else: return None # 保存商品信息 def save_product(class_name,all_products ): product_path = os.path.join(PRODUCT_PATH, f'{class_name}.json') with open(product_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(all_products ,f,ensure_ascii=False) # 查看商品信息 def read_info(class_name): path = os.path.join(PRODUCT_PATH,f'{class_name}.json') with open(path,'r',encoding='utf-8') as f: try: info = json.load(f) return info except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return None
- 存放用户信息
- 存放管理员信息
- 存放商品类别信息
# 程序配置信息 import os # 程序根文件夹路径 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # db文件夹路径 DB_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'db') # 用户信息文件夹 USER_INFO_PATH = os.path.join(DB_PATH,'user_data') # 管理员信息文件夹 ADMIN_PATH = os.path.join(DB_PATH,'admin_data') # 商品信息文件夹 PRODUCT_PATH = os.path.join(DB_PATH,'product_data') # 日志文件 LOG_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'log') LOG_UER_PATH = os.path.join(LOG_PATH,'access.log') # 2、强调:其中的%(name)s为getlogger时指定的名字 standard_format = '%(asctime)s - %(threadName)s:%(thread)d - 日志名字:%(name)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)d -' \ '%(levelname)s - %(message)s' simple_format = '[%(levelname)s][%(asctime)s][%(filename)s:%(lineno)d]%(message)s' test_format = '%(asctime)s] %(message)s' # 3、日志配置字典 LOGGING_DIC = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'standard': { 'format': standard_format }, 'simple': { 'format': simple_format }, 'test': { 'format': test_format }, }, 'filters': {}, # handlers是日志的接收者,不同的handler会将日志输出到不同的位置 'handlers': { #打印到终端的日志 'console': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', # 打印到屏幕 'formatter': 'simple' }, 'default': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', # 保存到文件 # 'maxBytes': 1024*1024*5, # 日志大小 5M # 'maxBytes': 1000, # 'backupCount': 5, 'filename': LOG_UER_PATH, # os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'log','a2.log') 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'formatter': 'standard', }, #打印到文件的日志,收集info及以上的日志 'other': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', # 保存到文件 'filename': LOG_UER_PATH, # os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'log','a2.log') 'encoding': 'utf-8', 'formatter': 'test', }, }, # loggers是日志的产生者,产生的日志会传递给handler然后控制输出 'loggers': { #logging.getLogger(__name__)拿到的logger配置 'kkk': { 'handlers': ['console','other'], # 这里把上面定义的两个handler都加上,即log数据既写入文件又打印到屏幕 'level': 'DEBUG', # loggers(第一层日志级别关限制)--->handlers(第二层日志级别关卡限制) 'propagate': False, # 默认为True,向上(更高level的logger)传递,通常设置为False即可,否则会一份日志向上层层传递 }, '终端提示': { 'handlers': ['console',], # 这里把上面定义的两个handler都加上,即log数据既写入文件又打印到屏幕 'level': 'DEBUG', # loggers(第一层日志级别关限制)--->handlers(第二层日志级别关卡限制) 'propagate': False, # 默认为True,向上(更高level的logger)传递,通常设置为False即可,否则会一份日志向上层层传递 }, '': { 'handlers': ['default', ], # 这里把上面定义的两个handler都加上,即log数据既写入文件又打印到屏幕 'level': 'DEBUG', # loggers(第一层日志级别关限制)--->handlers(第二层日志级别关卡限制) 'propagate': False, # 默认为True,向上(更高level的logger)传递,通常设置为False即可,否则会一份日志向上层层传递 }, }, }
# 公共方法 import hashlib import logging import logging.config from conf import setting # 密码加密 def get_md5(pwd): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(pwd.encode('utf-8')) salt = '采蘑菇的小姑娘' m.update(salt.encode('utf-8')) return m.hexdigest() # 用户认证装饰器 def auth(func): from core import user_src def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if user_src.log: res = func(*args,**kwargs) return res else: print('请登录!') user_src.login() return wrapper # 管理员认证登录装饰器 def admin_auth(func): from lib import admin_common def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if admin_common.admin_log: res = func(*args,**kwargs) return res else: admin_common.admin_login() return wrapper # 日志字典的配置 def get_logger(log_type): # log_type ---> user ''' :param log_type: 比如是 user日志,bank日志,购物商城日志 :return: ''' # 1、加载日志配置信息 logging.config.dictConfig( setting.LOGGING_DIC ) # 2、获取日志对象 logger = logging.getLogger(log_type) return logger
from db.db_handle import admin_judge from interface.admin_interface import admin_log_interface # 记录登陆状态 admin_log = None # 管理员登录 def admin_login(): print('登录'.center(50, '⭐')) while True: username = input('请输入用户名>>').strip() # 判断用户名是否存在 res = admin_judge(username) if res is None: print('用户名不存在') continue while True: pwd = input('请输入密码>>').strip() # 判断密码是否正确 flag, msg = admin_log_interface(username, pwd) if flag == False: print(msg) continue else: global admin_log admin_log = username print(msg) break break