摘要:题目链接 题目描述: Given an integer . Consider all pairs of integer arrays and of the same length such that i.e. $a^{p1}_1⋅a^{p2}_2
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: Vlad found two positive numbers and . He discovered that , where means the bitwise exclusive OR , and
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: Matryoshka is a wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside which you can put a similar doll of a smaller size. A set of nesting dolls
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: You are given a permutation of length (a permutation of length is an array of length in which each integer from to
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: You run a web service with users. The -th user with a current handle wants to change it to . Here, and are
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: The gardener Kazimir Kazimirovich has an array of integers . He wants to check if there are two different subsequences $
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: Cirno_9baka has a paper tape with cells in a row on it. As he thinks that the blank paper tape is too dull, he wants to paint these cel
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: For a square matrix of integers of size , let's define its beauty as follows: for each pair of side-adjacent elements and , wri
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: Little09 and his friends are playing a game. There are players, and the temperature value of the player is . The types of enviro
摘要:题目描述: You are given a simple undirected graph with vertices numbered to and edges numbered to . Edge connects vertex
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: 请你给出一个长度为 的数组 ,数组 中的数是 到 的排列,即其中每个数的范围都是 ,且每个数各不相同。同时使得这个数组恰好存在 个二元组 ,满足 , $a_i−a_j=2^x (
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: 牛牛和牛妹在玩游戏,他们的游戏规则是这样的: 一共有两堆石子,第一堆有 个,第二堆有 个,牛牛和牛妹轮流取石子,牛牛先手,每次取石子的时候只能从以下 种方案种挑一种来取(对于选择的方案数必须保证当前石子 取的石子个数才能取): 第一堆取
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: Boris thinks that chess is a tedious game. So he left his tournament early and went to a barber shop as his hair was a bit messy. His curre
摘要:题目链接 题目描述: Baltic, a famous chess player who is also a mathematician, has an array , and he can perform the following operation several