Table buffering - Invalidations vs Changes on ST10



1:帮你找好reference了,在BCP用关键词“SD_COND_ACCESS buffer”搜就行,如下3个都是very High,数量级和Coty的近似或者更高,但都是指向明显的full table scan和高频table invalidation


0000341769 2017

A910 contains 655.332 rows

switching to generic key buffering as per note 23877


0000316275 2017

71,360,005 records

ST12 traces show that this table is being access using a full table scan

In order to help eliminate these full table scan accesses, very large condition tables such as this should be unbuffered


0000103821 2016

The Table A004 which is around 60 million is accessed with Full Table Scan with the SQL

It is recommended to not buffer a condition table which has size above 5MB.

To improve performance please follow the advice of note 23877, mentioned also in

note 886773 point 4., and deactivate the buffering of condition table A004.

posted @ 2017-09-13 10:12  茱丽叶  阅读(222)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报