oracle 授权用户访问指定视图


--创建用户 test_user ,并授权 连接,查询视图
create user test_user identified by test_user;
grant connect to test_user;
grant create view to test_user;

grant select on other_user.table1 to test_user with grant option;
grant select on other_user.table2 to test_user with grant option;
grant select on other_user.table3 to test_user with grant option;

-- 使用新用户 test_user 创建相关视图
create or replace view v_1 as
select a.*,b.*,c.* from  other_user.table1 a
join other_user.table2 b on
join other_user.table3 c on b.fid=c.xid

-- 移出新用户创建视图的权限
revoke create view from test_user;



posted @ 2016-12-03 23:47  mild  阅读(12936)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报