
[Java in NetBeans] Lesson 05. Method/function

2018-12-12 03:39  Johnson_强生仔仔  阅读(285)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报



  • Define a method:(motivation: write one time, but use it many times)

  1. Access: public, private, protected
  • public: Any other class can access a public field or method. (Further, other classes can modify public fields unless the field is declared as final.)
  • private: Only current class can access. 
  • protected: Accessible within all classes in the same package and within subclasses in other packages.


    2. Declaration: static

  • static: methods can be called without declaring an object of the class first.


    3. Return type: void, int, double, char, String, boolean.

  • void: the method has no return value.


    4. Method name: 

  • Good name rule: Spell out things where possible

    Lower case, second work on is capitalized, e.g.

    5. Parameters:

  • Variable Scope Rule:  Variable or method parameter only exists inside the method body. 
  • When pass the parameters, only pass the value. That is why when we declare a field in a class, will start with "_", to distinguish variables with the local variable here. 
  • Good paramether name rule: Spell out things where possible

    Lower case, second work on is capitalized, e.g.

  • If it is final : All caps with underscores, e.g.

    6. Method body: 

  • in the block { ... }
  • Good block format rule : Indent at 3 space

More rules about naming and format, can refer [Java] public, private, final and basic rules for naming.