1 declare cursor_tbss cursor FOR 2 SELECT cus_no, cus_name, scd_name, COUNT(1) AS counts 3 FROM [CloudClearanceTest].[dbo].[a_feiyong] 4 GROUP BY cus_no, cus_name, scd_name 5 6 declare @cus_no nvarchar(500), 7 @cus_name nvarchar(500), 8 @scd_name NVARCHAR(500), 9 @counts INT 10 11 open cursor_tbss 12 13 fetch next from cursor_tbss into @cus_no, @cus_name, @scd_name, @counts 14 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 15 BEGIN 16 17 DECLARE @c INT, 18 @customerId INT, 19 @addDept NVARCHAR(50) 20 21 SET @c = 0 22 SET @customerId=0 23 SET @addDept = '' 24 25 SELECT @customerId = id FROM CloudClearanceTest.dbo.CustomerInfo WHERE CustomerCode= @cus_no AND CustomerShortName=@cus_name AND Status = 1 26 SELECT @addDept = DepartNo FROM CloudClearanceTest.dbo.Department WHERE DepartNo LIKE '001097%' AND DepartName = @scd_name 27 28 SELECT @c = COUNT(1) FROM [CloudClearanceTest].dbo.FeeScale WHERE CustomerId = @customerId AND AddDept=@addDept AND Status=1 29 30 IF(@c <= 0) 31 BEGIN 32 INSERT INTO [CloudClearanceTest].dbo.FeeScale([CustomerId],[AddDept],[AddUserId],[AddUserName],[AddTime],[Status]) 33 VALUES(@customerId, @addDept, '98910', '艾翌林', '2017-03-22 00:00:00', '1') 34 END 35 ELSE 36 BEGIN 37 PRINT @cus_no + ':' + @cus_name 38 39 END 40 41 42 43 fetch next from cursor_tbss into @cus_no, @cus_name, @scd_name, @counts 44 END 45 46 CLOSE cursor_tbss --关闭游标 47 DEALLOCATE cursor_tbss --释放游标