1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html lang="en"> 3 4 <head> 5 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no" /> 7 <meta name="viewport" content="target-densitydpi=320,width=640,user-scalable=no"> 8 <link rel="stylesheet" href="./CSS/reset.css"> 9 <link rel="stylesheet" href="./CSS/index.css"> 10 <script type="text/javascript"> 11 window.onresize = function () { 12 resetPage(); 13 } 14 function resetPage() { 15 var deviceWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; 16 var deviceHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; 17 var scale = deviceWidth / 480; 18 deviceHeight = deviceHeight / scale; 19 document.body.style.zoom = scale; 20 document.body.style.height = deviceHeight + 'px'; 21 } 22 23 </script> 24 <title>Document</title> 25 </head> 26 27 <body> 28 <canvas id="canvas_0" width="560px" height="560px"></canvas> 29 <canvas id="canvas_1" width="600px" height="600px"></canvas> 30 <div id="shadowBox"></div> 31 <div id="back1">后退</div> 32 <div id="back2">后退</div> 33 <script type="text/javascript" src="./JS/index.js"></script> 34 </body> 35 36 </html>
#canvas_0 { box-sizing: border-box; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); border: 1px solid black; background-color: #FFD75B; z-index: 5; } #canvas_1 { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 10; } #shadowBox{ position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); border: 20px solid #FFD75B; } #back1{ position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 20px; background-color: red; color: white; } #back2{ position: absolute; bottom: 10%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); width: 50px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; font-size: 20px; background-color: red; color: white; }
JS => 起始部分
var Board = document.getElementById('canvas_0'); var BoardToGraw = document.getElementById('canvas_1'); var shadowBox = document.getElementById('shadowBox'); var back = document.getElementById('back1'); var back = document.getElementById('back2'); var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;//拿到当前浏览器可视宽度 var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;//拿到当前浏览器可视高度 Board.style.width = windowWidth * 0.9 + "px";//棋盘宽度为当前浏览器可视宽度的90% Board.style.height = windowWidth * 0.9 + "px";//棋盘高度为当前浏览器可视宽度的90% BoardToGraw.style.width = windowWidth * 0.9 + 40 + "px";//棋子canvas宽度为当前浏览器可视宽度的90% + 左右各20px BoardToGraw.style.height = windowWidth * 0.9 + 40 + "px";//棋子canvas高度为当前浏览器可视宽度的90% + 上下各20px shadowBox.style.width = windowWidth * 0.9 + "px";//边框宽度为当前浏览器可视宽度的90% shadowBox.style.height = windowWidth * 0.9 + "px";//边框高度为当前浏览器可视宽度的90%
JS => 棋盘部分
var piecesList = [];//棋子数组 // 15×15 if (Board.getContext) { var ctx0 = Board.getContext('2d'); /*获取上下文,或者说绘制工具箱ctx*/ /*1、构造函数*/ var LineChart = function (ctx0) { /*获取绘图工具*/ this.ctx0 = ctx0 || document.getElementById('canvas_0').getContext('2d'); /*画布的大小*/ this.canvasWidth = 560;//这里是算过了,560/14 = 20 , 每个格子20 this.canvasHeight = 560; } /*2、行为方法 */ LineChart.prototype.init = function () { this.drawGrid(); // 画四个点 let LineTotal = 13; let EmptyWidth = this.canvasWidth / (LineTotal + 1); this.DrawCircle(EmptyWidth * 3, EmptyWidth * 3, 5, "#000"); this.DrawCircle(this.canvasWidth - EmptyWidth * 3, EmptyWidth * 3, 5, "#000"); this.DrawCircle(EmptyWidth * 3, this.canvasHeight - EmptyWidth * 3, 5, "#000"); this.DrawCircle(this.canvasWidth - EmptyWidth * 3, this.canvasHeight - EmptyWidth * 3, 5, "#000"); } /*绘制网格*/ LineChart.prototype.drawGrid = function () { /*x方向的线*/ let LineTotal = 13; let EmptyWidth = this.canvasWidth / (LineTotal + 1); //画X轴方向 for (let i = 0; i < LineTotal; i++) { this.ctx0.beginPath(); this.ctx0.moveTo(0, EmptyWidth * (i + 1)); this.ctx0.lineTo(this.canvasWidth, EmptyWidth * (i + 1)); this.ctx0.strokeStyle = '#000'; this.ctx0.closePath(); this.ctx0.stroke(); } /*y方向的线*/ for (let i = 0; i < LineTotal; i++) { this.ctx0.beginPath(); this.ctx0.moveTo(EmptyWidth * (i + 1), 0); this.ctx0.lineTo(EmptyWidth * (i + 1), this.canvasHeight); this.ctx0.strokeStyle = '#000'; this.ctx0.closePath(); this.ctx0.stroke(); } } LineChart.prototype.DrawCircle = function (start, end, r, color) { this.ctx0.beginPath(); this.ctx0.moveTo(start - r, end); this.ctx0.arc(start, end, r, 2 * Math.PI, 0, true); this.ctx0.strokeStyle = color; this.ctx0.closePath(); this.ctx0.fillStyle = color; this.ctx0.fill(); } var lineChart = new LineChart(); lineChart.init(); } else { console.log("error!!!"); }
由于棋盘是14 × 14的,所以一共要画13条宽,13条高,其中棋盘宽高的1/14就是一个格子的宽度,我这边设置成了20
if (BoardToGraw.getContext) { var ctx0 = BoardToGraw.getContext('2d'); /*获取上下文,或者说绘制工具箱ctx*/ /*1、构造函数*/ var LineChart2 = function (ctx0) { /*获取绘图工具*/ this.ctx0 = ctx0 || document.getElementById('canvas_1').getContext('2d'); /*画布的大小*/ this.canvasWidth = 600; this.canvasHeight = 600; } //绘制整个棋子数组的函数 LineChart2.prototype.DrawCircleList = function (circleList) { let r = 18; for(circle of circleList){ this.ctx0.beginPath(); this.ctx0.moveTo(circle.X * 40 + 20 - r, circle.Y); this.ctx0.arc(circle.X * 40 + 20, circle.Y * 40 + 20, r, 2 * Math.PI, 0, true); this.ctx0.strokeStyle = circle.color; this.ctx0.closePath(); this.ctx0.fillStyle = circle.color; this.ctx0.fill(); } } var LineChart2 = new LineChart2(); } else { console.log("error!!!"); }
JS => 触摸事件部分,以左上角小黑点为例,写了很详细的注释
BoardToGraw.addEventListener('click', (event) => { //每click一次,清除一次canvas,数组中添加当前棋子,重绘 let x = event.offsetX; let y = event.offsetY; //棋子排位位置 let rankingX, rankingY; //最终画出的位置 let endX, endY; var data = {};//用于储存单个棋子信息 var color = (piecesList.length % 2) == 1 ? "white" : "black";//从黑开始交替下子 rankingX = Math.round((x - 20) / 40);//比如如果是左上角的小黑点位置的棋子,rankingX = 3 rankingY = Math.round((y - 20) / 40);//比如如果是左上角的小黑点位置的棋子,rankingY = 3 //rankingX,rankingY可能为-0 rankingX == -0 ? rankingX = 0 : rankingX = rankingX;//如果是-0,转化为0 rankingY == -0 ? rankingY = 0 : rankingY = rankingY;//如果是-0,转化为0 endX = rankingX * 40 + 20;//真正应该画在的地方,endX = 140 endY = rankingY * 40 + 20;//真正应该画在的地方,endY = 140 //封装进piecesList的棋子排位对象 data.X = rankingX; data.Y = rankingY; data.color = color; //data = {X:3,Y:3,color:"black"} for (pieces of piecesList) {//如果此次下的棋子位置与之前的棋子数组中的发生重复,那么退出这个函数 if (pieces.X == data.X && pieces.Y == data.Y) { return; } } clearCanvas();//清除整个棋子canvas piecesList.push(data);//下棋成功,push进棋子数组 LineChart2.DrawCircleList(piecesList);//将push后的棋子数组传入绘制函数 checkFiveLink(piecesList);//重绘后,判断是否有胜利者。 })
JS => 判断是否有胜利者
由于水平,垂直,倾斜的都可能成功连成五子,所以其实一共有8个方向 => 左、右、上、下、左下、左上、右下、右上。
而有可能我会下在两个棋子的中间,所以每次应该同时判断两个方向 => 左右、上下、左上及右下、左下及右上。
//用于判断是否有五子相连的函数 var checkFiveLink = function (piecesList) { let nowPrices = piecesList[piecesList.length - 1]; let bolleanLr = lrCheck(piecesList, nowPrices); let bolleanTb = tbCheck(piecesList, nowPrices); let bolleanRtLb = rtLbCheck(piecesList, nowPrices); let bolleanLtRb = ltRbCheck(piecesList, nowPrices); if (bolleanLr || bolleanTb || bolleanRtLb || bolleanLtRb) { alert(`${nowPrices.color} : success !!!`); clearCanvas(); } } //水平 var lrCheck = function (piecesList, nowPrices) { var count = 1; var count2 = 1; //右 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X + i + 1; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count++; } } if (staticNum == count) { break; } } for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X - i - 1; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count2; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count2++; } } if (staticNum == count2) { break; } } let Link = count + count2 - 1; if (Link >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } } //竖直 var tbCheck = function (piecesList, nowPrices) { var count = 1; var count2 = 1; //上 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y + i + 1; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count++; } } if (staticNum == count) { break; } } for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y - i - 1; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count2; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count2++; } } if (staticNum == count2) { break; } } let Link = count + count2 - 1; if (Link >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } } //右上至左下 var rtLbCheck = function (piecesList, nowPrices) { var count = 1; var count2 = 1; //右上 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X + i + 1; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y + i + 1; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count++; } } if (staticNum == count) { break; } } for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X - i - 1; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y - i - 1; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count2; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count2++; } } if (staticNum == count2) { break; } } let Link = count + count2 - 1; if (Link >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } } //左上至右下 var ltRbCheck = function (piecesList, nowPrices) { var count = 1; var count2 = 1; //左上 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X - i - 1; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y + i + 1; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count++; } } if (staticNum == count) { break; } } for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let obj = {}; obj.X = nowPrices.X + i + 1; obj.Y = nowPrices.Y - i - 1; obj.color = nowPrices.color; let staticNum = count2; for (piece of piecesList) { if (piece.X == obj.X && piece.Y == obj.Y && piece.color == obj.color) { count2++; } } if (staticNum == count2) { break; } } let Link = count + count2 - 1; if (Link >= 5) { return true; } else { return false; } }
JS = > 其他部分
back1.addEventListener('click',(event)=>{ backStep(); }) back2.addEventListener('click',(event)=>{ backStep(); }) //清除canvas画布 function clearCanvas() { var c = document.getElementById("canvas_1"); c.height = c.height; } //后退一步 function backStep() { var c = document.getElementById("canvas_1"); c.height = c.height; piecesList.pop(); LineChart2.DrawCircleList(piecesList); }