

mapWidget.setOnMapTouchListener(new OnMapTouchListener() {    
   public void onTouch(MapWidget map, MapTouchedEvent event) {
       List objectTouchEvents = event.getTouchedObjectIds();
       // X coordinate of the touch in original image coordinates
       int mapX = event.getMapX();         
       // Y coordinate of the touch in original image coordinates
       int mapY = event.getMapY();  
       // X coordinate of the touch in screen coordinates
       int screenX = event.getScreenX();
       // Y coordinate of the touch in screen coordinates
       int screenY = event.getScreenY();
       if (objectTouchEvents.size() == 1) {
           ObjectTouchEvent objectTouchEvent = objectTouchEvents.get(0);
       // Id of the layer that the map object belongs to
           long layerId = objectTouchEvent.getLayerId();
       // Id of the map object that was touched.
           Object objectId = objectTouchEvent.getObjectId();
       // Handle single object touch event here
       } else if (objectTouchEvents.size() > 1) {
             List ids = new ArrayList();
             // Getting id's of the touched objects
             for (ObjectTouchEvent objectTouchEvent:objectTouchEvents){
                  // Id of the layer the object belongs to
                  long layerId = objectTouchEvent.getLayerId();
                  // Id of the object
                  Object objectId = objectTouchEvent.getObjectId();
             // Show dialog with the list of objects here using ids
       } else {
             // Ignore touch event


posted on 2015-08-14 16:40  Joanna.Yan  阅读(1041)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报