
 用函数“=NOW()”的话只会是打开Excel工作薄时的时间,而不会动态更新。在某个论坛看到一个方法,是在固定的时间间隔调用一次SendKey “{F9}”来刷新工作薄,我按着做了,确实是动态显示了,我设定一秒一刷新,但是问题在我打开VBE的时候出来了,F9在VBE中是设置断点的快捷键,工作薄中的函数在打开的时候执行,然后每隔一秒就循环调用一次,所以在VBE中就一直会要插入断点,很郁闷。然后修改了那个方法,调用F9键来刷新完全没有必要。

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.OnTime Now 
+ TimeValue("00:00:01"), "GetTime"
End Sub
Sub GetTime()
Application.OnTime Now 
+ TimeValue("00:00:01"), "Refresh"             '这句是主要的
End Sub
Sub Refresh()
"B73").Value = Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss")
Call GetTime
End Sub


②How to creat a new workbook ?

Sub CreatWorkBook(strName As String ,strTitle as String ,strSubject as String)
Set newBook = Workbooks.Add
With newBook
= strTitle
= strSubject
    .SaveAs Filename:
End With
End Sub

of course you can make  "strTitle" and "strSubject"  as optional arguments,but the Filename argument must be met  , it must be a absolute file path with the workbook's filename.

③Using "ByRef" or "ByVal"
I'm a beginner in Visual Basic Application, I know the Function has a return value, but what I should do if I want more than one return value from a Sub procedure ? By declaring the argument as ByRef you can change the argument's value .This keyword means that the Visual Basic passes the argument by reference.
It is something like a pointer or the out keyword in C#, maybe I'm totally wrong.

④Quit problem again !
The same problem I met in my previous little project show up ,again, this time I'm not going to use the way I've  already  used . Set workbook's Saved property to True or set the application's DisplayAlerts property to False ,job done.

⑤Interested one.

Private Declare Sub sleepp Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub TestGridlineColor()
' Change grid color using hexidecimal values.
    ActiveWindow.GridlineColor = &HFF     ' Red
    ' Wait 1 second.
    sleepp 5000
= &HFF00   ' Green
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = 50
= &HFF0000 ' Blue
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = 80
' Restore the default.
    ActiveWindow.GridlineColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
= 100
End Sub

⑥All FaceId

Sub ShowFaceIDs()
Dim NewToolbar As CommandBar
Dim NewButton As CommandBarButton
Dim i As Integer, IDStart As Integer, IDStop As Integer
'   Delete existing FaceIds toolbar if it exists
    On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
'   Add an empty toolbar
    Set NewToolbar = Application.CommandBars.Add _
="FaceIds", temporary:=True)
= True
'   Change the following values to see different FaceIDs
    IDStart = 1
= 800
For i = IDStart To IDStop
Set NewButton = NewToolbar.Controls.Add _
=msoControlButton, ID:=2950)
= i
= "FaceID = " & i
Next i
= 600
End Sub



⑦ 用类型说明符声明变量的方式
是dim ...as ...的简化写法
% integer
& long
! single
# Double
$ string
@ currency

posted on 2008-11-20 10:24  Jinspet  阅读(968)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报