AX 2012 R3 Install And Configure Log

Base System Environment:

  (1)、Windows Server 2012 R2;

  (2)、SQL Server 2014;

  (3)、SSDT 2008(Business Intelligence Development Studio in SQL Server 2008 for VS 2010);

  (4)、Office 2013;

  (5)、Visual Studio 2010;

  (6)、Dynamics AX 2012 R3.


1、Install Windows Server 2012 R2.

2、Close the UAC.



3、Install and set up the domain environment.

4、Install the .Net Framework 3.5.

5、Install Office 2013.

6、Install Visual Studio 2010.

7、Install SQL Server 2014 including the Reporting Service.

8、Install the SSDT 2008, it is a component of SQL server 2008, we can install it by using the SQL 2008 installation files(Ignore the compatibility prompt and continue installing).

9、Set up the Reporting Service.

10、Install the database firstly through the AX installation application.

11、Run the AX installation validation application, install all the system components to make sure that there is no error in validation list, we can get the help and download the components from the validation list.

12、Install the AOS, client components and the business connector.

13、Run the AX 2012 and complete the initialization check list.

         (1)、Compile application and CIL.

         (2)、Synchronize the database.

         (3)、Configure system account(Business connector proxy account).

         (4)、Close the AX.

14、Open the AX 2012 again and complete the partition initialization check list.

         (1)、Configure partition account.

         (2)、Set up system parameters.

15、Import the demon data to AX.

         (1)、Install the demo data import tool “AX2012TestDataTransferTool”.

         (2)、Extract the demo data.

         (3)、Stop the AOS service.

         (4)、Backup the AX database.

         (5)、Run the “Command Prompt” as administrator.

         (6)、Locate to the demo data import tool root path.

         (7)、Run the import command “DP.exe import [DemoDataPath] [AXDataBaseName] [ComputerName]” to import the demo data.

16、Import the demo license key getting from Microsoft customer sources.

17、Install the SSRS reporting extending and development tools(All use the default setting including the database name).

posted @ 2016-04-13 17:17  Sprite.z  Views(435)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报