The new concept 'Model' in AX 2012

There is a new concept 'Model' in AX 2012 rather than AX 2009. It can be considered as a container to store all the AOT elements. If you have some experience in .NET programing, you can regard it as 'Namespace'. Yes, it is only a virtual container or space to store or organize the AOT elements (Objects). We can use it to export and import the project in AX 2012.

We can use the tool 'AXUtil' to maintain all the models in AX. Locate in the path '%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\ManagementUtilities' by using the 'Windows command prompt'. The command 'AXUtil /?' is to show the help.

Open the AOT(Ctrl + D) in AX 2012, we can get the model infomation in the status bar.

How to maintain model? Pls. refer to the below command.

//Create new model
AxUtil create /model:"New Model" /Layer:USR    

//Export model
AxUtil export /model:"New Model" /file:NewModel.axmodel

//Import model
AxUtil import /file:NewModel.axmodel

//Delete model
AxUtil delete /model:"New Model"


posted @ 2016-04-06 09:05  Sprite.z  Views(284)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报