AX SSRS report data helper
While we develop a ax ssrs report often using 'Business Logic' rather than 'AX Queries'. The 'Business Logic' is base on a AX class, there is a static method return a data type as 'System.Data.DataTable'. While using the 'DataTable' type, we need to define the data columns frequently. It is a boring job. So I define a data helper to help to reduce the boring process.
Note: Befor using the helper, it needs to assign the code permission.
InteropPermission InteropPermission; ; interopPermission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop); interopPermission.assert(); //Helper code CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert();
public class DataHelperNewSRS { System.Data.DataTable g_DataTable; System.Data.DataColumnCollection g_DataColumnCon; System.Data.DataRowCollection g_DataRowCon; System.Data.DataRow g_DataRow; List g_List; Container g_Con; } void run() { ; this.init(); this.fetchData(); } protected void init() { ; g_DataTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); g_DataColumnCon = g_DataTable.get_Columns(); g_DataRowCon = g_DataTable.get_Rows(); g_List = new List(Types::Container); } protected void fetchData() { ; //Fetch the data here } protected void insertColumns(str _Name, Types _DataType, boolean _IsEnd = false) { ; g_List.addEnd([_Name, _DataType]); if (_IsEnd) this.insertColumns_DEL(); } private void insertColumns_DEL() { ListEnumerator m_LE; str m_Name, m_Type; Types m_DataType; int i; ; m_LE = g_List.getEnumerator(); while (m_LE.moveNext()) { [m_Name, m_DataType] = m_LE.current(); m_Type = this.getDataType(m_DataType); g_DataColumnCon.Add(m_Name, System.Type::GetType(m_Type)); i++; g_Con = conins(g_Con, i, m_Name); } } private str getDataType(Types _DataType) { ; switch (_DataType) { case Types::String : return "System.String"; case Types::Integer : return "System.Int32"; case Types::Int64 : return "System.Int64"; case Types::Date : return "System.DateTime"; case Types::Real : return "System.Decimal"; } return "System.String"; } protected void insertDataRows(container _con) { int i, m_RecNum = conlen(_con); str m_Name; anytype m_Data; ; g_DataRow = g_DataTable.NewRow(); for (i = 1; i <= m_RecNum; i++) { m_Name = conpeek(g_Con, i); m_Data = conpeek(_con, i); g_DataRow.set_Item(m_Name, m_Data); } g_DataRowCon.Add(g_DataRow); } System.Data.DataTable getData() { ; return g_DataTable; }