How to deploy SSRS report from AX

To deploy reports from within Microsoft Dynamics AX

1.In the AOT, expand the Report Libraries node.

2.Right-click the report library that you want to deploy, and then click Deploy. This launches the deployment utility.

3.In the dialog box, select any additional report libraries that you want to deploy, and then click Next. You can select multiple report libraries to deploy.

4.If necessary, override connection strings, and then click Next. You are prompted to override connection strings when you use data sources that have been defined in the project where a connection string has been provided.

5.Review any messages that are logged during the deployment process, and then click Finish.

You can also launch the deployment utility from outside Microsoft Dynamics AX. From the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, and then click Microsoft Dynamics 2009 Reports Deployment. The steps for using the deployment utility are the same as above.

posted @ 2014-09-10 08:50  Sprite.z  Views(256)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报