SQL in, not in, exists, not exists
1 select * from table1 a 2 where a.Id in (select Id from table2) 3 4 select * from table1 a 5 where a.Id not in (select Id from table2)
1 select * from QVS_CUSTPACKINGSLIPPRINTJOUR a 2 where exists 3 (select PRINTID from QVS_CustPackingSlipPrintTrans b 4 where a.PRINTID = b.PRINTID and b.DATAAREAID in ('QCN')) 5 and a.DATAAREAID in ('QCN') 6 7 select * from QVS_CUSTPACKINGSLIPPRINTJOUR a 8 where not exists 9 (select PRINTID from QVS_CustPackingSlipPrintTrans b 10 where a.PRINTID = b.PRINTID and b.DATAAREAID in ('QCN')) 11 and a.DATAAREAID in ('QCN')