
 1 void clicked()
 2 {
 3     Dialog          Dialog      = new Dialog("Destroy Content Pane Window");
 4     DialogField     dlgHide     = Dialog.addField(typeid(Noyes),"Hide Content Pane Window");
 5     DialogField     dlgShow     = Dialog.addField(typeid(Noyes),"Show Content Pane Window");
 6     DialogField     dlgDestroy  = Dialog.addField(typeid(Noyes),"Destroy Content Pane Window");
 7     hWnd            hWnd;
 8     HWND            contentPane;
 9     #WinApi
10 ;
12     Dialog.doInit();
13     dlgDestroy.value(1);
14     if (!Dialog.run())
15         return ;
16     if (dlgHide.value() && dlgShow.value() && dlgDestroy.value())
17         throw error("Please choose one of checkbox!");
18     contentPane = WinApi::findWindowEx(WinAPI::findWindowEx(infolog.hWnd(), 0, 'MDIClient', ''),0,'ContentFrame','' );
19     if (contentPane)
20     {
21         if (dlgHide.value())
22             WinApi::ShowWindow(contentPane, #SW_HIDE); //#SW_SHOW //#SW_HIDE
23         if (dlgShow.value())
24             WinApi::ShowWindow(contentPane, #SW_SHOW); //#SW_SHOW //#SW_HIDE
25         if (dlgDestroy.value())
26             WinApi::destroyWindow(contentPane);//forever disable to be ContentPane
27   }
28 }
posted @ 2012-08-30 15:52  Sprite.z  Views(270)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报