Reduce downtime and IT cost with a fully managed IT services provider

Did you know that you can reduce your downtime and amount of IT issues your organization simply by choosing a fully managed IT services provider

It's True! most big IT issues are caused by smaller IT issues that have had time to snowball and turn in to larger problems. oftem compnaies are utilizing break-and-fix IT services providers,or managed services providers who simply only perform monitoring and do not actively dispatch IT personel to resolve issue when detected.

Break and Fix

If you are on break and fix,you have no one monitoring your systems. this means that if you're hacked, if hardware fails,software stops functioning, or issue occur,you're IT services provider won't know until an employee realizes something is wrong and makes the call.

In this amount of time,the security compromise can become larger, the issue become more severe and inreparable damage may occur.

if it's an issue, it could have been an extremely simply fix in the begining that only took 30minutes to resolve, but it's now a problem that could require 20+ hours of billable time and a full 2-3 days to resolve (including 2-3 days downtime) where you're paying your staff to sit around and wait .

Managed services(monitoring only)

Some companies pay for managed services but only for monitoring, while most end users don't see vaule in this ,some still do thinking it will be more cost-effective. In these cases,the managed IT services provider has monitoring software installed ,but only notifies the customers if something is wrong,and ususally only does this during business hours.

Since the service include no triage, there is often no time and or resource spent on identifying what the problem is , how severe it is or what's involved. Usually the customer is only notified that there is a problem with only basic information. This means that the information provided in the event of an issue is limited and decisions are not being made off information that should be available to the customer.

In these cases, the customer often won't elect to investigate due to the fact that everthing appears to be working and they don't want to incur any billable hours. Like before, it could have been extremely simply fix in the beginging that only took 30 minutes to resolve,but it's now a problem that could require 20+hours of billable time and full 2-3 days to resolve (including 2-3days of downtime). if it's a security compromise,it could cost a small fortune leaving the system breached for a longer amount of time

Monitoring only providers like this because it results in a large amount of billable hours,and can justify it because the customer preferred this type of plan. the larger and more complex of a environment, the more issues and billings that will occur.

Fully managed IT services

When choosing to partner with a fully managed IT services provider, you avoid all the issues listed above. By paying for an "all you can eat" service ,with 24/7 monitoring, management, service and support ,when issues happen, they are triaged immediately, often without downtime,and the environment remains supported,up to date,functioning according to set the baselines and secure.

The results in little to no downtime, a pleasant experience for users, and result in minimized cost for customer, everyone is happy

Usually we notice that while monitoring only plans appear to cost less, when you add the additional billable hours they often exceed the cost of a fully managed IT services plan,

It's ususlly more cost-effecive to go with fully managed IT service plan.

DO IT right

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posted @ 2019-09-04 16:19  jinjunzmx  阅读(171)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报