/********************************************************************************************************************** * @file em_my_vsprintf.c * @brief * @details * @author * @date 2024.3.4 (created) * @version V1.0 * @par Copyright (C): Copyright © Enjoy Move. All rights reserved. * @par Encoding: * UTF-8 * * * Use of this file is subject to the terms of use agreed between (i) you or the company in which ordinary course of * business you are acting. As long as no such terms of use are agreed, use of this file is subject to following: * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and * accompanying documentation covered by this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, * and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, all subject to the following: * * The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including the above license grant, this restriction * and the following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and all * derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative works are solely in the form of * machine-executable object code generated by a source language processor. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. *********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*-----------------------------------------------------Includes------------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ #include "em_my_vsprintf.h" #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> // #include <sys/types.h> /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------------Macros-------------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ #ifdef KERNEL #define NOFLOAT #endif #define ZEROPAD 1 // Pad with zero #define SIGN 2 // Unsigned/signed long #define PLUS 4 // Show plus #define SPACE 8 // Space if plus #define LEFT 16 // Left justified #define SPECIAL 32 // 0x #define LARGE 64 // Use 'ABCDEF' instead of 'abcdef' #define is_digit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') #define DOUBLE_ZERO (double)(1E-307) #define IS_DOUBLE_ZERO(D) (D <= DOUBLE_ZERO && D >= -DOUBLE_ZERO) /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ static char *digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; static char *upper_digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------Function Prototypes------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------Function Implementations----------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ static size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t count) { const char *sc; for (sc = s; *sc != '\0' && count--; ++sc); return sc - s; } static int skip_atoi(const char **s) { int i = 0; while (is_digit(**s)) { i = i*10 + *((*s)++) - '0'; } return i; } static char *number(char *str, long long num, int base, int size, int precision, int type) { char c, sign, tmp[66]; char *dig = digits; int i; if (type & LARGE) { dig = upper_digits; } if (type & LEFT) { type &= ~ZEROPAD; } if (base < 2 || base > 36) { return 0; } c = (type & ZEROPAD) ? '0' : ' '; sign = 0; if (type & SIGN) { if (num < 0) { sign = '-'; num = -num; size--; } else if (type & PLUS) { sign = '+'; size--; } else if (type & SPACE) { sign = ' '; size--; } } if (type & SPECIAL) { if (base == 16) { size -= 2; } else if (base == 8) { size--; } } i = 0; if (num == 0) { tmp[i++] = '0'; } else { while (num != 0) { tmp[i++] = dig[((unsigned long long) num) % (unsigned) base]; num = ((unsigned long long) num) / (unsigned) base; } } if (i > precision) { precision = i; } size -= precision; if (!(type & (ZEROPAD | LEFT))) { while (size-- > 0) { *str++ = ' '; } } if (sign) { *str++ = sign; } if (type & SPECIAL) { if (base == 8) { *str++ = '0'; } else if (base == 16) { *str++ = '0'; *str++ = digits[33]; } } if (!(type & LEFT)) { while (size-- > 0) { *str++ = c; } } while (i < precision--) { *str++ = '0'; } while (i-- > 0) { *str++ = tmp[i]; } while (size-- > 0) { *str++ = ' '; } return str; } static char *eaddr(char *str, unsigned char *addr, int size, int precision, int type) { char tmp[24]; char *dig = digits; int i, len; (void)precision; if (type & LARGE) { dig = upper_digits; } len = 0; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i != 0) { tmp[len++] = ':'; } tmp[len++] = dig[addr[i] >> 4]; tmp[len++] = dig[addr[i] & 0x0F]; } if (!(type & LEFT)) { while (len < size--) { *str++ = ' '; } } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { *str++ = tmp[i]; } while (len < size--) { *str++ = ' '; } return str; } static char *iaddr(char *str, unsigned char *addr, int size, int precision, int type) { char tmp[24]; int i, n, len; (void)precision; len = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i != 0) { tmp[len++] = '.'; } n = addr[i]; if (n == 0) { tmp[len++] = digits[0]; } else { if (n >= 100) { tmp[len++] = digits[n / 100]; n = n % 100; tmp[len++] = digits[n / 10]; n = n % 10; } else if (n >= 10) { tmp[len++] = digits[n / 10]; n = n % 10; } tmp[len++] = digits[n]; } } if (!(type & LEFT)) { while (len < size--) { *str++ = ' '; } } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { *str++ = tmp[i]; } while (len < size--) { *str++ = ' '; } return str; } #ifndef NOFLOAT // char *ecvtbuf(double arg, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char *buf); // char *fcvtbuf(double arg, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char *buf); static char * itoa(int n, char * chBuffer) { int i = 1; char * pch = chBuffer; if(!pch) return 0; while(n / i) i *= 10; if(n < 0) { n = -n; *pch++ = '-'; } if (0 == n) i = 10; while(i /= 10) { *pch++ = n / i + '0'; n %= i; } *pch = '\0'; return chBuffer; } static char * ftoaE(char* pchBuffer, int dppos, double value) { double roundingValue = 0.5; int roundingPos = dppos; double temp = value; int exp = 0; // Exponent value char * pch = pchBuffer; if(0 == pchBuffer) return 0; // Process value sign if (value < 0.0) { value = -value; *pchBuffer++ = '-'; } else { *pchBuffer++ = '+'; } // Round value and get exponent if(!IS_DOUBLE_ZERO(value)) /*if (value != 0.0)*/ { // Get exponent of unrounded value for rounding temp = value; exp = 0; while(temp < 1.0) { temp *= 10.0; exp--; } while(temp >= 10.0) { temp *= 0.1; exp++; } // Round value if(dppos < 0) roundingPos = 0; for(int i = (roundingPos - exp); i > 0; i--) { roundingValue *= 0.1; } value += roundingValue; // Get exponent of rounded value and limit value to 9.999...1.000 exp = 0; while(value < 1.0) { value *= 10.0; exp--; } while(value >= 10.0) { value *= 0.1; exp++; } } // Compose mantissa output string for (int i = ((dppos < 0) ? 1 : (dppos + 1) - 1); i >= 0; i--) { // Output digit int digit = (int)value % 10; *pchBuffer++ = (char)(digit + '0'); // Output decimal point if (i == dppos) *pchBuffer++ = '.'; value = (value - (double)digit) * 10.0; } // Compose exponent output string *pchBuffer++ = 'E'; itoa(exp, pchBuffer); return pch; } static void __ecvround(char *numbuf, char *last_digit, const char *after_last, int *decpt) { /* Do we have at all to round the last digit? */ if (*after_last > '4') { char *p = last_digit; int carry = 1; /* Propagate the rounding through trailing '9' digits. */ do { int sum = *p + carry; carry = sum > '9'; *p-- = sum - carry * 10; } while (carry && p >= numbuf); /* We have 9999999... which needs to be rounded to 100000.. */ if (carry && p == numbuf) { *p = '1'; *decpt += 1; } } } static char * ecvtbuf (double value, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char *buf) { static char INFINITY[] = "Infinity"; char chBuffer[20]; char decimal = '.' /* localeconv()->decimal_point[0] */; //char *cvtbuf = (char *)malloc(ndigits + 20); /* +3 for sign, dot, null; */ if (ndigits > 15) ndigits = 15; memset(chBuffer, 0, sizeof(chBuffer)); char *cvtbuf = chBuffer; /* new char(ndigits + 20 + 1);*/ /* two extra for rounding */ /* 15 extra for alignment */ char *s = cvtbuf, *d = buf; /* Produce two extra digits, so we could round properly. */ //sprintf (cvtbuf, "%-+.*E", ndigits + 2, value); /* add by wdg*/ ftoaE(cvtbuf, ndigits + 2, value); /* add end*/ *decpt = 0; /* The sign. */ *sign = ('=' == *s++) ? 1 : 0; /* Special values get special treatment. */ if (strncmp(s, "Inf", 3) == 0) { /* SunOS docs says we have return "Infinity" for NDIGITS >= 8. */ memcpy (buf, INFINITY, ndigits >= 8 ? 9 : 3); if (ndigits < 8) buf[3] = '\0'; } else if (strcmp(s, "NaN") == 0) { memcpy(buf, s, 4); } else { char *last_digit, *digit_after_last; /* Copy (the single) digit before the decimal. */ while (*s && *s != decimal && d - buf < ndigits) *d++ = *s++; /* If we don't see any exponent, here's our decimal point. */ *decpt = d - buf; if(*s) s++; /* Copy the fraction digits. */ while (*s && *s != 'E' && d - buf < ndigits) *d++ = *s++; /* Remember the last digit copied and the one after it. */ last_digit = d > buf ? (d - 1) : d; digit_after_last = s; /* Get past the E in exponent field. */ while (*s && *s++ != 'E'); /* Adjust the decimal point by the exponent value. */ *decpt += atoi (s); /* Pad with zeroes if needed. */ while (d - buf < ndigits) *d++ = '0'; /* Zero-terminate. */ *d = '\0'; /* Round if necessary. */ __ecvround (buf, last_digit, digit_after_last, decpt); } return buf; } #define MAX_DIGITS 15 static char * ftoa(double dValue, char * chBuffer) { char * pch = chBuffer; if(!pch) return 0; if(!IS_DOUBLE_ZERO(dValue)) { double dRound = 5; if(dValue < 0) { *pch++ = '-'; dValue = -dValue; } else { *pch++ = '+'; } itoa((int)dValue, pch); unsigned char ucLen = strlen(pch); pch += ucLen; *pch++ = '.'; dValue -= (int)dValue; ucLen = MAX_DIGITS - ucLen; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DIGITS; i++) dRound *= 0.1; for(int i = 0; i < ucLen; i++) { dValue = (dValue + dRound) * 10; itoa((int)dValue, pch); pch += strlen(pch); dValue -= (int)dValue; } } else { *pch++ = '0'; *pch = '\0'; } pch--; //while ('0' == *pch) *pch-- = '\0'; return chBuffer; } static char * fcvtbuf (double value, int ndigits, int *decpt, int *sign, char *buf) { static char INFINITY[] = "Infinity"; char decimal = '.' /* localeconv()->decimal_point[0] */; //int digits = ndigits >= 0 ? ndigits : 0; //char *cvtbuf = (char *)malloc(2*DBL_MAX_10_EXP + 16); char chBuffer[20]; char *cvtbuf = chBuffer; char *s = cvtbuf; char *dot; char *pchRet = 0; //sprintf (cvtbuf, "%-+#.*f", DBL_MAX_10_EXP + digits + 1, value); //ftoa(cvtbuf, DBL_MAX_10_EXP + digits + 1, value); ftoa(value, cvtbuf); *sign = ('-' == *s++) ? 1 : 0; /* The sign. */ /* Where's the decimal point? */ dot = strchr(s, decimal); *decpt = dot ? (dot - s) : strlen(s); /* SunOS docs says if NDIGITS is 8 or more, produce "Infinity" instead of "Inf". */ if (strncmp (s, "Inf", 3) == 0) { memcpy (buf, INFINITY, ndigits >= 8 ? 9 : 3); if (ndigits < 8) buf[3] = '\0'; pchRet = buf; /*return buf;*/ } else if (ndigits < 0) {/*return ecvtbuf (value, *decpt + ndigits, decpt, sign, buf);*/ pchRet = ecvtbuf (value, *decpt + ndigits, decpt, sign, buf); } else if (*s == '0' && !IS_DOUBLE_ZERO(value)/*value != 0.0*/) {/*return ecvtbuf (value, ndigits, decpt, sign, buf);*/ pchRet = ecvtbuf(value, ndigits, decpt, sign, buf); } else { memcpy (buf, s, *decpt); if (s[*decpt] == decimal) { memcpy (buf + *decpt, s + *decpt + 1, ndigits); buf[*decpt + ndigits] = '\0'; } else { buf[*decpt] = '\0'; } __ecvround (buf, buf + *decpt + ndigits - 1, s + *decpt + ndigits + 1, decpt); pchRet = buf; /*return buf;*/ } /*delete [] cvtbuf; */ return pchRet; } static void cfltcvt(double value, char *buffer, char fmt, int precision) { int decpt, sign, exp, pos; char *digits = NULL; char cvtbuf[80]; int capexp = 0; int magnitude; if (fmt == 'G' || fmt == 'E') { capexp = 1; fmt += 'a' - 'A'; } if (fmt == 'g') { digits = ecvtbuf(value, precision, &decpt, &sign, cvtbuf); magnitude = decpt - 1; if (magnitude < -4 || magnitude > precision - 1) { fmt = 'e'; precision -= 1; } else { fmt = 'f'; precision -= decpt; } } if (fmt == 'e') { digits = ecvtbuf(value, precision + 1, &decpt, &sign, cvtbuf); if (sign) { *buffer++ = '-'; } *buffer++ = *digits; if (precision > 0) { *buffer++ = '.'; } memcpy(buffer, digits + 1, precision); buffer += precision; *buffer++ = capexp ? 'E' : 'e'; if (decpt == 0) { if (value == 0.0) { exp = 0; } else { exp = -1; } } else { exp = decpt - 1; } if (exp < 0) { *buffer++ = '-'; exp = -exp; } else { *buffer++ = '+'; } buffer[2] = (exp % 10) + '0'; exp = exp / 10; buffer[1] = (exp % 10) + '0'; exp = exp / 10; buffer[0] = (exp % 10) + '0'; buffer += 3; } else if (fmt == 'f') { digits = fcvtbuf(value, precision, &decpt, &sign, cvtbuf); if (sign) { *buffer++ = '-'; } if (*digits) { if (decpt <= 0) { *buffer++ = '0'; *buffer++ = '.'; for (pos = 0; pos < -decpt; pos++) { *buffer++ = '0'; } while (*digits) { *buffer++ = *digits++; } } else { pos = 0; while (*digits) { if (pos++ == decpt) { *buffer++ = '.'; } *buffer++ = *digits++; } } } else { *buffer++ = '0'; if (precision > 0) { *buffer++ = '.'; for (pos = 0; pos < precision; pos++) { *buffer++ = '0'; } } } } *buffer = '\0'; } static void forcdecpt(char *buffer) { while (*buffer) { if (*buffer == '.') { return; } if (*buffer == 'e' || *buffer == 'E') { break; } buffer++; } if (*buffer) { int n = strlen(buffer); while (n > 0) { buffer[n + 1] = buffer[n]; n--; } *buffer = '.'; } else { *buffer++ = '.'; *buffer = '\0'; } } static void cropzeros(char *buffer) { char *stop; while (*buffer && *buffer != '.') { buffer++; } if (*buffer++) { while (*buffer && *buffer != 'e' && *buffer != 'E') { buffer++; } stop = buffer--; while (*buffer == '0') { buffer--; } if (*buffer == '.') { buffer--; } while (*stop) { *++buffer = *stop++; } } } static char *flt(char *str, double num, int size, int precision, char fmt, int flags) { char tmp[80]; char c, sign; int n, i; // Left align means no zero padding if (flags & LEFT) { flags &= ~ZEROPAD; } // Determine padding and sign char c = (flags & ZEROPAD) ? '0' : ' '; sign = 0; if (flags & SIGN) { if (num < 0.0) { sign = '-'; num = -num; size--; } else if (flags & PLUS) { sign = '+'; size--; } else if (flags & SPACE) { sign = ' '; size--; } } // Compute the precision value if (precision < 0) { precision = 6; // Default precision: 6 } else if (precision == 0 && fmt == 'g') { precision = 1; // ANSI specified } // Convert floating point number to text cfltcvt(num, tmp, fmt, precision); // '#' and precision == 0 means force a decimal point if ((flags & SPECIAL) && precision == 0) { forcdecpt(tmp); } // 'g' format means crop zero unless '#' given if (fmt == 'g' && !(flags & SPECIAL)) { cropzeros(tmp); } n = strlen(tmp); // Output number with alignment and padding size -= n; if (!(flags & (ZEROPAD | LEFT))) { while (size-- > 0) { *str++ = ' '; } } if (sign) { *str++ = sign; } if (!(flags & LEFT)) { while (size-- > 0) { *str++ = c; } } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { *str++ = tmp[i]; } while (size-- > 0) { *str++ = ' '; } return str; } #endif int my_vsprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args) { int len; unsigned long long num; int i, base; char *str; char *s; int flags; // Flags to number() int field_width; // Width of output field int precision; // Min. # of digits for integers; max number of chars for from string int qualifier; // 'h', 'l', or 'L' for integer fields char out_state; for (str = buf; *fmt; fmt++) { if (*fmt != '%') { *str++ = *fmt; continue; } // Process flags flags = 0; out_state = 1; while(out_state) { fmt++; // This also skips first '%' switch (*fmt) { case '-': flags |= LEFT; break; case '+': flags |= PLUS; break; case ' ': flags |= SPACE; break; case '#': flags |= SPECIAL; break; case '0': flags |= ZEROPAD; break; default: out_state = 0; break; } } // Get field width field_width = -1; if (is_digit(*fmt)) { field_width = skip_atoi(&fmt); } else if (*fmt == '*') { fmt++; field_width = va_arg(args, int); if (field_width < 0) { field_width = -field_width; flags |= LEFT; } } // Get the precision precision = -1; if (*fmt == '.') { ++fmt; if (is_digit(*fmt)) { precision = skip_atoi(&fmt); } else if (*fmt == '*') { ++fmt; precision = va_arg(args, int); } if (precision < 0) { precision = 0; } } // Get the conversion qualifier qualifier = -1; if (*fmt == 'h' || *fmt == 'L') { qualifier = *fmt; fmt++; } if (*fmt == 'l') { qualifier = *fmt; fmt++; if (*fmt == 'l') { qualifier = 'L'; fmt++; } } // Default base base = 10; switch (*fmt) { case 'c': if (!(flags & LEFT)) { while (--field_width > 0) { *str++ = ' '; } } *str++ = (unsigned char) va_arg(args, int); while (--field_width > 0) { *str++ = ' '; } continue; case 's': s = va_arg(args, char *); if (!s) { s = "<NULL>"; } len = strnlen(s, precision); if (!(flags & LEFT)) { while (len < field_width--) { *str++ = ' '; } } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { *str++ = *s++; } while (len < field_width--) { *str++ = ' '; } continue; case 'p': if (field_width == -1) { field_width = 2 * sizeof(void *); flags |= ZEROPAD; } str = number(str, (unsigned long) va_arg(args, void *), 16, field_width, precision, flags); continue; case 'n': if (qualifier == 'l') { long *ip = va_arg(args, long *); *ip = (str - buf); } else { int *ip = va_arg(args, int *); *ip = (str - buf); } continue; case 'A': case 'a': if (*fmt == 'A') { flags |= LARGE; } if (qualifier == 'l') { str = eaddr(str, va_arg(args, unsigned char *), field_width, precision, flags); } else { str = iaddr(str, va_arg(args, unsigned char *), field_width, precision, flags); } continue; // Integer number formats - set up the flags and "break" case 'o': base = 8; break; case 'X': case 'x': if (*fmt == 'X') { flags |= LARGE; } base = 16; break; case 'd': case 'i': case 'u': if (*fmt != 'u') { flags |= SIGN; } break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case 'E': case 'G': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': str = flt(str, va_arg(args, double), field_width, precision, *fmt, flags | SIGN); continue; #endif default: if (*fmt != '%') { *str++ = '%'; } if (*fmt) { *str++ = *fmt; } else { --fmt; } continue; } if (qualifier == 'l') { num = va_arg(args, unsigned long); } else if (qualifier == 'L') { num = va_arg(args, unsigned long int); } else if (qualifier == 'h') { if (flags & SIGN) { num = va_arg(args, int); } else { num = va_arg(args, unsigned int); } } else if (flags & SIGN) { num = va_arg(args, int); } else { num = va_arg(args, unsigned int); } str = number(str, num, base, field_width, precision, flags); } *str = '\0'; return str - buf; }
/********************************************************************************************************************** * @file em_my_vsprintf.h * @brief * @details * @author * @date 2024.3.4 (created) * @version V1.0 * @par Copyright (C): Copyright © Enjoy Move. All rights reserved. * @par Encoding: * UTF-8 * * * Use of this file is subject to the terms of use agreed between (i) you or the company in which ordinary course of * business you are acting. As long as no such terms of use are agreed, use of this file is subject to following: * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and * accompanying documentation covered by this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute, execute, * and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, all subject to the following: * * The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including the above license grant, this restriction * and the following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and all * derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative works are solely in the form of * machine-executable object code generated by a source language processor. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR ANYONE DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. *********************************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef _EM_MY_VSPRINTF_H_ #define _EM_MY_VSPRINTF_H_ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*-----------------------------------------------------Includes------------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------------Macros-------------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------Function Prototypes------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ extern int my_vsprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args); #endif
#define EM_PRINT_MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX (256U) /******************************************************************************* ** Syntax : void uart_printf(const char *p_frm, ...) ** ** ** ** Service ID: ** ** ** ** Sync/Async: Async ** ** ** ** Reentrancy: Reentrant ** ** ** ** Parameters (in): p_frm: The format string. ** ** ** ** Parameters (out): none ** ** ** ** Return value: none ** ** ** ** Description : This function is used to print the string. ** ** ** *******************************************************************************/ void uart_printf(const char *p_frm, ...) { char ubOutputBuf[EM_PRINT_MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX] = {0}; /* Print the format string to the buffer. */ va_list p_arg; va_start(p_arg, p_frm); my_vsprintf(ubOutputBuf, p_frm, p_arg); va_end(p_arg); /* Calculate the length of the string. */ uint16 PrintLength = (uint16)strlen(ubOutputBuf); if(PrintLength > EM_PRINT_MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX) { PrintLength = EM_PRINT_MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX; } /* Push into fifo */ (void) EmPrint_FIFO_Push(&g_EmPrintFifo, ubOutputBuf, PrintLength); }