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     /*Current protocol version. */
#define RTP_VERSION     2
#define MIN_SEQUENTIAL   1
#define RTP_SEQ_MOD (1<<16)
#define RTP_MAX_SDES 255       /* maximum text length for SDES */
#define MID_BUFFER_NUM    2
#define MAX_DROPOUT    25

typedef enum {
     RTCP_SR    = 200,
     RTCP_RR    = 201,
     RTCP_SDES = 202,
     RTCP_BYE   = 203,
     RTCP_APP   = 204
} rtcp_type_t;

typedef enum {
    RTCP_SDES_END    = 0,
    RTCP_SDES_NAME   = 2,
    RTCP_SDES_LOC    = 5,
    RTCP_SDES_TOOL   = 6,
    RTCP_SDES_NOTE   = 7,
    RTCP_SDES_PRIV   = 8
} rtcp_sdes_type_t;

* RTP data header
typedef struct {
    unsigned int version:2;    /* protocol version */
    unsigned int p:1;          /* padding flag */
    unsigned int x:1;          /* header extension flag */
    unsigned int cc:4;         /* CSRC count */
    unsigned int m:1;          /* marker bit */
    unsigned int pt:7;         /* payload type */
    u_int16 seq;               /* sequence number */
    u_int32 ts;                /* timestamp */
    u_int32 ssrc;              /* synchronization source */
    u_int32 csrc[1];           /* optional CSRC list */
} rtp_hdr_t;

* RTCP common header word
typedef struct {
    unsigned int version:2;    /* protocol version */
    unsigned int p:1;          /* padding flag */
    unsigned int count:5;      /* varies by packet type */
    unsigned int pt:8;         /* RTCP packet type */
    u_int16 length;            /* pkt len in words, w/o this word */
} rtcp_common_t;

* Big-endian mask for version, padding bit and packet type pair
#define RTCP_VALID_MASK (0xc000 | 0x2000 | 0xfe)

* Reception report block
typedef struct {
    u_int32 ssrc;              /* data source being reported */
    unsigned int fraction:8;   /* fraction lost since last SR/RR */
    int lost:24;               /* cumul. no. pkts lost (signed!) */
    u_int32 last_seq;          /* extended last seq. no. received */
    u_int32 jitter;            /* interarrival jitter */
    u_int32 lsr;               /* last SR packet from this source */
    u_int32 dlsr;              /* delay since last SR packet */
} rtcp_rr_t;

* SDES item
typedef struct {
    u_int8 type;               /* type of item (rtcp_sdes_type_t) */
    u_int8 length;             /* length of item (in octets) */
    char data[1];              /* text, not null-terminated */
} rtcp_sdes_item_t;

* One RTCP packet
typedef struct {
    rtcp_common_t common;      /* common header */
    union {
       /* sender report (SR) */
       struct {
          u_int32 ssrc;      /* sender generating this report */
          u_int32 ntp_sec;   /* NTP timestamp */
          u_int32 ntp_frac;
          u_int32 rtp_ts;    /* RTP timestamp */
          u_int32 psent;     /* packets sent */
          u_int32 osent;     /* octets sent */
          rtcp_rr_t rr[1];   /* variable-length list */
        } sr;

        /* reception report (RR) */
        struct {
           u_int32 ssrc;      /* receiver generating this report */
           rtcp_rr_t rr[1];   /* variable-length list */
        } rr;

        /* source description (SDES) */
        struct rtcp_sdes {
           u_int32 src;       /* first SSRC/CSRC */
           rtcp_sdes_item_t item[1]; /* list of SDES items */
        } sdes;

        /* BYE */
        struct {
           u_int32 src[1];    /* list of sources */
                            /* can't express trailing text for reason */
        } bye;
    } r;
} rtcp_t;