sysbench是一个压力测试工具、可以用它来测试cpu、mem、disk、thread、mysql、postgr、oracle;然而作为一个mysql dba 我当然是用它来压测mysql啦!
yum -y install make automake libtool pkgconfig libaio-devel vim-common
1 进入到sysbench源码目录
2 执行autogen.sh用它来生成configure这个文件
3 执行configure && make && make install 来完成sysbench的安装
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sysbench/ --with-mysql --with-mysql-includes=/usr/local/mysql/include --with-mysql-libs=/usr/local/mysql/lib make make install
[root@workstudio bin]# /usr/local/sysbench/bin/sysbench --version sysbench 1.1.0
1 Usage: 2 sysbench [options]... [testname] [command] 3 4 Commands implemented by most tests: prepare run cleanup help 5 6 General options: 7 --threads=N number of threads to use [1] 8 --events=N limit for total number of events [0] 9 --time=N limit for total execution time in seconds [10] 10 --warmup-time=N execute events for this many seconds with statistics disabled before the actual benchmark run with statistics enabled [0] 11 --forced-shutdown=STRING number of seconds to wait after the --time limit before forcing shutdown, or 'off' to disable [off] 12 --thread-stack-size=SIZE size of stack per thread [64K] 13 --thread-init-timeout=N wait time in seconds for worker threads to initialize [30] 14 --rate=N average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate [0] 15 --report-interval=N periodically report intermediate statistics with a specified interval in seconds. 0 disables intermediate reports [0] 16 --report-checkpoints=[LIST,...] dump full statistics and reset all counters at specified points in time. The argument is a list of comma-separated values representing the amount of time in seconds elapsed from start of test when report checkpoint(s) must be performed. Report checkpoints are off by default. [] 17 --debug[=on|off] print more debugging info [off] 18 --validate[=on|off] perform validation checks where possible [off] 19 --help[=on|off] print help and exit [off] 20 --version[=on|off] print version and exit [off] 21 --config-file=FILENAME File containing command line options 22 --luajit-cmd=STRING perform LuaJIT control command. This option is equivalent to 'luajit -j'. See LuaJIT documentation for more information 23 --tx-rate=N deprecated alias for --rate [0] 24 --max-requests=N deprecated alias for --events [0] 25 --max-time=N deprecated alias for --time [0] 26 --num-threads=N deprecated alias for --threads [1] 27 28 Pseudo-Random Numbers Generator options: 29 --rand-type=STRING random numbers distribution {uniform,gaussian,special,pareto} [special] 30 --rand-spec-iter=N number of iterations used for numbers generation [12] 31 --rand-spec-pct=N percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) [1] 32 --rand-spec-res=N percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) [75] 33 --rand-seed=N seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. [0] 34 --rand-pareto-h=N parameter h for pareto distribution [0.2] 35 36 Log options: 37 --verbosity=N verbosity level {5 - debug, 0 - only critical messages} [3] 38 39 --percentile=N percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations [95] 40 --histogram[=on|off] print latency histogram in report [off] 41 42 General database options: 43 44 --db-driver=STRING specifies database driver to use ('help' to get list of available drivers) 45 --db-ps-mode=STRING prepared statements usage mode {auto, disable} [auto] 46 --db-debug[=on|off] print database-specific debug information [off] 47 48 49 Compiled-in database drivers: 50 mysql - MySQL driver 51 52 mysql options: 53 --mysql-host=[LIST,...] MySQL server host [localhost] 54 --mysql-port=[LIST,...] MySQL server port [3306] 55 --mysql-socket=[LIST,...] MySQL socket 56 --mysql-user=STRING MySQL user [sbtest] 57 --mysql-password=STRING MySQL password [] 58 --mysql-db=STRING MySQL database name [sbtest] 59 --mysql-ssl[=on|off] use SSL connections, if available in the client library [off] 60 --mysql-ssl-cipher=STRING use specific cipher for SSL connections [] 61 --mysql-compression[=on|off] use compression, if available in the client library [off] 62 --mysql-debug[=on|off] trace all client library calls [off] 63 --mysql-ignore-errors=[LIST,...] list of errors to ignore, or "all" [1213,1020,1205] 64 --mysql-dry-run[=on|off] Dry run, pretend that all MySQL client API calls are successful without executing them [off] 65 66 Compiled-in tests: 67 fileio - File I/O test 68 cpu - CPU performance test 69 memory - Memory functions speed test 70 threads - Threads subsystem performance test 71 mutex - Mutex performance test 72 73 See 'sysbench <testname> help' for a list of options for each test.
1 prepare 阶段 这个阶段是用来做准备的、比较说建立好测试用的表、并向表中填充数据。
2 run 阶段 这个阶段是才是去跑压力测试的SQL
3 cleanup 阶段 这个阶段是去清除数据的、也就是prepare阶段初始化好的表要都drop掉
七、sysbench 中的测试类型大致可以分成内置的,lua脚本自定义的测试:
fileio 、cpu 、memory 、threads 、 mutex
sysbench 自身内涵了一些测试脚本放在了安装目录下的:
[jianglexing@cstudio sysbench]$ ll share/sysbench 总用量 60 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1452 10月 17 15:18 bulk_insert.lua -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 13918 10月 17 15:18 oltp_common.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1290 10月 17 15:18 oltp_delete.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2415 10月 17 15:18 oltp_insert.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1265 10月 17 15:18 oltp_point_select.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1649 10月 17 15:18 oltp_read_only.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1824 10月 17 15:18 oltp_read_write.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1118 10月 17 15:18 oltp_update_index.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1127 10月 17 15:18 oltp_update_non_index.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1440 10月 17 15:18 oltp_write_only.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1919 10月 17 15:18 select_random_points.lua -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2118 10月 17 15:18 select_random_ranges.lua drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 46 10月 17 15:18 tests
1、第一步 prepare
sysbench --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=sbtest \ --mysql-password=123456 --mysql-db=tempdb oltp_insert prepare
2、第二步 run
sysbench --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=sbtest --mysql-password=123456 --mysql-db=tempdb oltp_insert run sysbench 1.1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3) Running the test with following options: Number of threads: 1 Initializing random number generator from current time Initializing worker threads... Threads started! SQL statistics: queries performed: read: 0 write: 22545 other: 0 total: 22545 transactions: 22545 (2254.37 per sec.) queries: 22545 (2254.37 per sec.) ignored errors: 0 (0.00 per sec.) reconnects: 0 (0.00 per sec.) Throughput: events/s (eps): 2254.3691 time elapsed: 10.0006s total number of events: 22545 Latency (ms): min: 0.31 avg: 0.44 max: 10.47 95th percentile: 0.67 sum: 9918.59 Threads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 22545.0000/0.00 execution time (avg/stddev): 9.9186/0.00
3、第三步 cleanup
sysbench --mysql-host=localhost --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=sbtest --mysql-password=123456 --mysql-db=tempdb oltp_insert cleanup sysbench 1.1.0 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3) Dropping table 'sbtest1'...
posted on 2017-06-21 13:42 蒋乐兴的技术随笔 阅读(14427) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报