
微软一站式示例代码库 4 月小结

2010-05-18 13:21  Jialiang  阅读(2670)  评论(14编辑  收藏  举报

微软一站式示例代码库(http://1code.codeplex.com/ )4月小结



1. 新发布 4 篇KB

•    How to consume ADO.NET Data Services in Silverlight 3
This article describes an All-In-One Code Framework sample that is available for download. You can consume Microsoft ADO.NET Data Services in Microsoft Silverlight 3. You can send query, update, delete, or insert request to ADO.NET Data Services, which access databases on your behalf. This article contains step-by-step instructions for querying data by using Silverlight 3 together with ADO.NET Data Services. Other instructions, such as how to perform an update operation, can be found in the sample.

•    How to create a Windows Forms design time custom property tab
This code sample demonstrates how to create a Windows Forms design time custom property tab for a property by using Visual C# and Visual Basic.NET.

•    How to create a multiple-column drop-down list for a combo box in Windows Forms
This code sample demonstrates how to create a combo box that has a multiple-column drop-down list in Windows Forms by using Visual C# and Visual Basic .NET.

•    How to create and then to call ADO.NET Data Services for different data sources that include the ADO.NET Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL, and the reflection provider
This code sample includes a step-by-step guide for how to create and then to call Microsoft ADO.NET Data Services for different data sources. These data sources include the ADO.NET Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL, and the reflection provider.

2. 4 月份完成了 15个新的示例代码,尤其是关于 .NET 和 native C++ 互操作的示例

Samples for Library

Name  Description 
CppDynamicLinkLibrary A native C++ Dynamic-link Library
CppCLINETAssemblyWrapper C++/CLI Wrapper for .NET assembly
CppCLINativeDllWrapper C++/CLI Wrapper for native DLL
CppCallNETAssemblyWrapper C++ indirectly call .NET assembly via C/CLI wrapper
CSCallNativeDllWrapper C# indirectly call native DLL via C/CLI wrapper
VBCallNativeDllWrapper VB.NET indirectly call native DLL via C/CLI wrapper
CppHostCLR C++ host CLR and call .NET assembly


如何从native C++代码调用一个.NET的assembly?

如何从一个.NET Assembly 调用一个native C++的DLL?

Samples for IIS

这两个例子主要演示了如何通过.Net System.DirectoryServices名称空间使用Internet Information Services (IIS) Active Directory 服务接口 (ADSI)来对IIS进行配置。IIS Active Directory 服务接口(ADSI)提供了一系列丰富的编程接口以便我们可以通过脚本或应用程序来方便灵活地管理Web站点。

Samples for WF

这个例子主要是为了演示Parallel  活动和ParallelForEach<T> 活动的区别,以及 ForEach<T> 活动和ParallelForEach<T> 活动的区别。
使用Parallel 可以让分支活动在同一线程内实现异步运行的效果。使用ParallelForEach<T> 活动可以实现在同一线程内让ParallelForEach分支异步运行的效果。

Samples for Windows Service

演示了Windows Service和用户交互的正确做法


3. 发布了一个Release





4. 项目相关的download/pageview 稳步增长。



5. 设计了一个新的项目logo。不知道大家对这个logo有什么想法。
