1. SIpZDNetchina SIP简介(网络频道 - >协议基础->SIP协议)http://net.zdnet.com.cn/network_security_zone/2008/0103/696053.shtml2. UDP3.加密tls4.tls, tcP5. dtls6. srtp7. rfc8.pbx9. rtp10. pstn11.Codec12. RTP详细讲解:1).[SIP]:a portal for promoting standardization knowledge http://www.tech-invite.com/Ti-sip-archi.htm 阅读全文
微软职位信息:http://careers.microsoft.com/careers/zh-cn/cn/home.aspx 主要考察点:1.算法2.设计模式题目一:There are 2 strings, first one contains wildcards, another one doesn’t contains, it like dir command.For example:strA: thisistesteet1.txtstrB: *i?i*e*t1.t*treturn: true “*” match one or more string “?” match one stri. 阅读全文
1. Settings -> Wireless & netWorks ->Wi-Fi Settings ->(Root Menu)Advance, then you are able to set the wifi configuration. 阅读全文