1. Delgeage method niming()method. The paramether will be compile with the method.
2. Delal the xml with namespace
3. Serize xml and deserize.






4. Soap message struct.
5. how the server envent is update in client (httppushnotification and
6. The sock xieyi (need define a inner xieyi like sequenceId. and

IsServerEvernt " Update"
7. Sock send, and recevie, how to deal with, Refer to socktest in study folder

8. mansual server deep understant.


9. Thread to start method with parameter, the method must be with object type parameter.

1.threa safe and data sync
2.lock and manaulresetevent differnce?



The argument provided to the lock keyword must be an object based on a reference type, and is used to define the scope of the lock. In the example above, the lock scope is limited to this function because no references to the object lockThis exist outside the function. If such a reference did exist, lock scope would extend to that object. Strictly speaking, the object provided is used solely to uniquely identify the resource being shared among multiple threads, so it can be an arbitrary class instance. In practice, however, this object usually represents the resource for which thread synchronization is necessary. For example, if a container object is to be used by multiple threads, then the container can be passed to lock, and the synchronized code block following the lock would access the container. As long as other threads locks on the same contain before accessing it, then access to the object is safely synchronized.

10. why the other object can be access by other thread, other uI control object can not be accessed by the other thread?

11. Carefully when use the lock and wait, if Loca( wait()), othertherd cause this lockobjec will create dead lock.

12. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoWork, command); 

13. this.invoke

9. Thread to start method with parameter, the method must be with object type parameter.

1.threa safe and data sync
2.lock and manaulresetevent differnce?



The argument provided to the lock keyword must be an object based on a reference type, and is used to define the scope of the lock. In the example above, the lock scope is limited to this function because no references to the object lockThis exist outside the function. If such a reference did exist, lock scope would extend to that object. Strictly speaking, the object provided is used solely to uniquely identify the resource being shared among multiple threads, so it can be an arbitrary class instance. In practice, however, this object usually represents the resource for which thread synchronization is necessary. For example, if a container object is to be used by multiple threads, then the container can be passed to lock, and the synchronized code block following the lock would access the container. As long as other threads locks on the same contain before accessing it, then access to the object is safely synchronized.

10. why the other object can be access by other thread, other uI control object can not be accessed by the other thread?

11. Carefully when use the lock and wait, if Loca( wait()), othertherd cause this lockobjec will create dead lock.

12. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoWork, command); 

13. this.invoke


posted on 2011-11-10 15:20  higirle  阅读(276)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报