
focus on Python , C++, and some interest in Go and R

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yum -y update
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install ncftp screen

# Compilers and related tools:
yum groupinstall -y "development tools"

# Libraries needed during compilation to enable all features of Python:
yum install -y zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel gdbm-devel db4-devel libpcap-devel xz-devel expat-devel

yum install https://centos6.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm

yum -y install librsync-devel python-devel python-setuptools

pip2.7 install --upgrade pip
pip2.7 install "setuptools>=20.2"
pip2.7 install fasteners
pip2.7 install b2

wget http://backupmon.linkgrid.com/install_files/duplicity-
tar -zxvf duplicity-
cd duplicity-
python2.7 setup.py install

sed -i 's/env python2$/env python2.7/g' /usr/local/bin/duplicity

posted on 2018-09-27 16:26  Jerry.Kwan  阅读(206)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报