Responsive web design 学习笔记

Advanced Styling with Responsive Design





  • It is designing your sites with multiple screen sizes/resolutions in mind.
  • Sites should "work" under any platform, any browser size, any orientation.The user should have the power.

需要考虑的概念 Concepts to consider

  • Media queries - decting the viewport size 检测
  • Flexible grid-based layout for the relative sizeing
  • Flexible images



  1. 调整浏览器大小。
  2. 使用ami.responsivedesign.is帮助判断。
  3. 使用 Chrome/Firefox Dev Tools。


  1. Responsive Web Design(RWD) - fluid measurements, flexible grids, and varying CSS rules.同一套代码,通过检测meta name=viewport实现。能优化搜索引擎分数。
  2. Adaptive Design - returns one of multiple versions of a page based on the type of device.根据不同设备返回不同代码。
  3. Seperate Mobile Site - a seperate page URL for the mobile site.

Why RWD? 响应式页面设计的优点?

  • Easier to share your data with a single URL. 容易分享。
  • Easier to search engine to index the page. 搜索引擎优化。
  • Fewer files = less maintenance. 容易维护。

延伸阅读:Fluid Measurements 动态单位(em、rem、px...)

  1. Responsive Web Design: Using Fonts Responsibly by Annarita Tranfici
  2. Web Design Basics: Rem vs. Em vs. PX - Sizing Elements in CSS by Matthew Davis
  3. What's the Deal with Em and Rem?
  4. Font Size Idea: px at the Root, rem for Components, em for Text Elements by Chris Coyier
  5. 综合指南: 何时使用 Em 与 Rem

Fluid Measurements

  • Your content should fit the size contraints of the viewport. 要有普适性,不能只适应特定的大小。
  • Horizontal scrolling is bad. 避免水平滚动。

Absolute measurements

  • px
    • 1px 代表显示屏上的一个像素
  • mm, cm, in
    • 用于打印
  • pt
    • 1 point = 1/72 of an inch.
  • pc
    • 1 pica = 12 points.

Relative measurements

  • %
    • percentage values that are always relative to another value.
  • em
    • font size of the element.
  • rem
    • font size of the root element.
  • vw
    • 1% of viewport width.
  • vh
    • 1% of viewport height.

1em = 12pt = 16px = 100%
1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm = 72pt = 12pc

Week 2

Media Queries

  • Media queries allow the style to depend upon the meida properties.
  • CSS 2.1 used media types.(Just "screen" and "print" option).


  • CSS 3 increased the capabilities. Style can depend on many features.
    • width, height, orientation, resolution, ...
  • Boolean operators can also be applied to increase power.(and/or)

The two query components

  1. A media type(screen, print, all, ...)

  2. The actual query of a media feature and "trigger" size(width, height, orientation, resolution, ...)

    screen and (max-device-width: 480px) and (resolution: 163dpi)

How to implement media queries

  • Use the @import rule
    @import url(smallstyle.css) screen and (min-width:600px)
  • Put media query directly in the style sheet(Mostly used)
    @media screen and (min-width:500px)
  • Include query in the link (not good)


  • Coding after your design.
  • Wireframe 可以看作布局的草稿,只关注内容和布局
  • Mobile view is the most important view in web design. 移动视图最重要!
  • 总的来说就是要提前想好你的页面要怎么根据浏览器大小变化,先设计再动手!
  • 一些 Wireframe 的规则


  • Size that define a change in your site layout or content.
  • Used to provide best possible experience for users based on device infomation.


  • You shouldn't see breakpoints for small screens. The default styling already convers that.
  • You should have min-width instead of max-width
  • 默认设计时,要按照移动视图来进行设计,其次再考虑更大窗口下的展现方式。

Media Queries - Part 2

Step 1: Grab infomation
The meta viewport tag tells mobile browser's viewport how to behave.
<meta name = "viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

BAD practice: 加入maximum-scale=1等限制用户自主选择样式的属性。

Step 2: Fluid layout
BEST practice: use fluid measurement like percentage/em/rem.
paddings and margins affected by width, not height.

Step 3: Media queries
Fluid layout that is triggered by certain sizes.
ORDERING your rules: default rule always on the top.

Week 3: Framework

Bootstrap 3.0 benefits

  • 12-column grid system
    • helps with spacing issues
    • built-in responsive design
  • Common jQuery functionalities
    • Accordion, Dorp-down menus, Carousel
  • Familiar "look and feel"
    • Many sites use Bootstrap
    • Makes your forms look "legitimate"

Bootstrap Breakpoints

  • Bootstrap hardcodes the breakpoints for different views.
    • 部分浏览器不支持小于 300px 的 breakpoint,Bootstrap 支持最小的断点为 320px;
    • xs-: minimum width 480px (For most phone)
    • sm-: minimum width 768px (Small device and tablets, and smaller window size browser)
    • md-: minimum width 992px (Beyond most of phone and tablet)
    • lg-: minimum width 1200px
  • It it possible to change default value, modify on your need. 默认值可修改,根据需求来
  • 不需要知道具体的像素值,只需记住字母对应的含义即可。

Bootstrap Layout System

  • Bootstrap layout is based on 12-column grid.
    • 3 column = 25%
    • 6 column = 50%
    • ...
  • Every grid consists of:
    • A container
      • A row
        • One or more column classes
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xx-yy">

<!-- xx: viewport size: xs, sm, md, lg -->
<!-- yy: number of columns: 0..12 -->
<!-- These are often combined: -->

<img src="pic.jpg" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-2">

如果元素是块级元素,无需指定 12 column 的属性。

<div class=“col-xs-12 col-md-3”>Yellow Part</div>


<div class=“col-md-3”>Yellow Part</div>

Positioning classes

  • On viewports md and up, there is an option for push and pull class.
    • col-XX-push-YY => move YY columns to the
    • col-XX-pull-YY => move YY columns to the

Responsive utility classes

  • hidden-XX content will only be hidden on the XX screen size
  • visible-XX content will only be visible on the XX screen size
  • sr-only content is hidden on all devices except screen readers
posted @ 2018-10-17 00:46  JerryChan31  阅读(374)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报