2、对于图W,我们将系数按照一列一列的形式放,并且,Sw = Train_Ma*Mg*Train_Ma';Sb = Train_Ma*Train_Ma';
第一种:ORL_56x46.mat数据库,不用PCA降维,选取每类样本的前k个样本,投影后的样本也做了归一化,SRC使用的是DALM_fast( [solution status]=SolveDALM_fast(Train_data,test_sample,0.01);)
结论:(1) 样本投影后,可能并不能增加识别率,反而会降低识别率。
(2) 虽然NPE是基于重构约束的,但是投影后的样本并不具备很好的表示效果,即投影后的样本在使用SRC识别时,同样识别率下降很厉害。
(3) cai deng的代码中我没有调节降维维度,所以可能会差一点吧!!!
样本个数 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
原始数据上KNN | 77.81 | 79.29 | 78.33 | 77 | 75 |
NPE(有监督,k=train_num-1)KNN识别 | 77.81 | 78.21 | 78.75 | 79 | 76.25 |
NPE(无监督,k=train_num-1)KNN识别 | 78.44 | 80.71 | 85 | 86 | 86.25 |
原始数据SRC | 76.88 | 79.29 | 77.08 | 78 | 73.75 |
NPE(有监督,k=train_num-1)SRC识别 | 77.19 | 78.21 | 78.75 | 79 | 76.25 |
NPE(无监督,k=train_num-1)SRC识别 | 78.44 | 82.86 | 85.42 | 86.5 | 90.63 |
our NPE 无监督 k=train_num-1 KNN dim=80 | 72.5 | 73.13 | |||
our NPE 有监督k=traiin_num-1 KNN dim=80 | 74.29 | 73.13 | |||
our NPE 无监督 k=train_num-1 SRC dim=80 | 74.29 | 74.38 | |||
our NPE 有监督 k=train_num-1 SRC dim=80 | 74.29 | 71.88 | |||
第二种:ORL_56x46.mat数据库,不用PCA降维,每类训练样本随机选取,循环20次,记录均值和标准差,投影后的样本也做了归一化,SRC使用的是DALM_fast( [solution status]=SolveDALM_fast(Train_data,test_sample,0.01);),识别错误率如下:
样本个数 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
原始数据上KNN | 51.02±2.25 | 38.25±2.38 | |||
NPE(有监督,k=train_num-1)KNN识别 | 52.45±2.16 | ||||
NPE(无监督,k=train_num-1)KNN识别 | 67.36±2.93 | 58.42±2.88 | |||
原始数据SRC | 49.36±2.20 | 35.31±2.23 | |||
NPE(有监督,k=train_num-1)SRC识别 | 52.55±2.73 | ||||
NPE(无监督,k=train_num-1)SRC识别 |
63.81±2.60 |
65.06±3.65 | |||
our NPE 无监督 k=traiin_num-1 KNN dim=80 | 50.89±2.82 | 47.21±2.73 | 39.81±2.77 | ||
our NPE 无监督 k=train_num-1 SRC dim=80 | 49.63±2.40 | 44.23±2.40 | 36.25±4.08 | ||
our NPE 有监督 k=traiin_num-1 KNN dim=80 | 50.47±2.30 | 39.23±2.50 | 20.25±3.16 | ||
our NPE 有监督 k=train_num-1 SRC dim=80 | 50.22±2.45 | 40.14±2.85 | 22.41±3.06 | ||
1 locally linear embedding(LLE)算法
参考文献:S. T. Roweis and L. K. Saul, 'Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding', Science, vol. 290, no. 5500, pp. 2323-2326, 2000.
clear all clc addpath ('\data set\'); load ORL_56x46.mat; % 40类 每类10 个样本 fea = double(fea); Train_Ma = fea'; % transformed to each column a sample % construct neighborhood matrix K_sample = zeros(size(Train_Ma,2),size(Train_Ma,2)); k = 10; % 近邻数 for i = 1:size(Train_Ma,2) NK = zeros(size(Train_Ma,2),1); for j = 1:size(Train_Ma,2) distance(i,j) = norm(Train_Ma(:,i)-Train_Ma(:,j)); end [value,state] = sort(distance(i,:),'ascend'); dd1(:,i) = value(2:k+1); neigh(:,i) = state(2:k+1); Sub_sample = Train_Ma(:,state(2:k+1)); Sub_sample = Sub_sample - repmat(Train_Ma(:,i),1,k); % 这里计算表示权重的方式 貌似非常规 coeff = inv(Sub_sample'*Sub_sample)*ones(k,1); coeff = coeff/sum(coeff); W1(:,i) = coeff; NK(state(2:k+1)) = coeff; K_sample(:,i) = NK; % each row denotes the k nearest samples of the ith sample end M = (eye(size(Train_Ma,2))-K_sample)*(eye(size(Train_Ma,2))-K_sample)'; options.disp = 0; options.isreal = 1; options.issym = 1; [eigvector1, eigvalue] = eigs(M,101, 0, options); eigvalue = diag(eigvalue);
% (neighborhood preserving embedding)NPE 算法学习 % 基于蔡登的框架算法 % 文献请参考:He, X., Cai, D., Yan, S. and Zhang, H.-J. (2005) % Neighborhood preserving embedding. In: Proceedings of Computer Vision, 2005. ICCV 2005. Tenth IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 1208-1213. clear all clc addpath ('data set\'); load ORL_56x46.mat; % 40类 每类10 个样本 fea = double(fea)'; sele_num = 3; % 选择每类的训练样本个数 nnClass = length(unique(gnd)); % The number of classes; num_Class=[]; for i=1:nnClass num_Class=[num_Class length(find(gnd==i))]; %The number of samples of each class end %%------------------select training samples and test samples--------------%% Train_Ma=[]; Train_Lab=[]; Test_Ma=[]; Test_Lab=[]; for j=1:nnClass idx=find(gnd==j); % randIdx=randperm(num_Class(j)); % 随机选择样本 randIdx = [1:num_Class(j)]; % 选取每类样本的前几个样本作为训练样本 Train_Ma = [Train_Ma; fea(idx(randIdx(1:sele_num)),:)]; % select select_num samples per class for training Train_Lab= [Train_Lab;gnd(idx(randIdx(1:sele_num)))]; Test_Ma = [Test_Ma;fea(idx(randIdx(sele_num+1:num_Class(j))),:)]; % select remaining samples per class for test Test_Lab = [Test_Lab;gnd(idx(randIdx(sele_num+1:num_Class(j))))]; end Train_Ma = Train_Ma'; % transform to a sample per column Train_Ma = Train_Ma./repmat(sqrt(sum(Train_Ma.^2)),[size(Train_Ma,1) 1]); Test_Ma = Test_Ma'; Test_Ma = Test_Ma./repmat(sqrt(sum(Test_Ma.^2)),[size(Test_Ma,1) 1]); % 调用 cai deng的 NPE代码 options = []; options.k = sele_num-1; % k近邻的个数 % options.NeighborMode = 'KNN'; % 选择无监督的话 用KNN options.NeighborMode = 'Supervised'; % 选择有监督 options.gnd = Train_Lab; [P_NPE, eigvalue] = NPE_caideng(options,Train_Ma'); Train_Maa = P_NPE'*Train_Ma; Test_Maa = P_NPE'*Test_Ma; Train_Maa = Train_Maa./repmat(sqrt(sum(Train_Maa.^2)),[size(Train_Maa,1) 1]); Test_Maa = Test_Maa./repmat(sqrt(sum(Test_Maa.^2)),[size(Test_Maa,1) 1]); rate2 = KNN(Train_Maa',Train_Lab,Test_Maa',Test_Lab,1)*100; error2 = 100-rate2
% (neighborhood preserving embedding)NPE 算法学习 无监督 % jerry 2016 3 22 clear all clc addpath ('G:\2015629房师兄代码\data set\'); load ORL_56x46.mat; % 40类 每类10 个样本 fea = double(fea)'; sele_num = 3; nnClass = length(unique(gnd)); % The number of classes; num_Class=[]; for i=1:nnClass num_Class=[num_Class length(find(gnd==i))]; %The number of samples of each class end %%------------------select training samples and test samples--------------%% Train_Ma=[]; Train_Lab=[]; Test_Ma=[]; Test_Lab=[]; for j=1:nnClass idx=find(gnd==j); % randIdx=randperm(num_Class(j)); randIdx = [1:num_Class(j)]; Train_Ma = [Train_Ma; fea(idx(randIdx(1:sele_num)),:)]; % select select_num samples per class for training Train_Lab= [Train_Lab;gnd(idx(randIdx(1:sele_num)))]; Test_Ma = [Test_Ma;fea(idx(randIdx(sele_num+1:num_Class(j))),:)]; % select remaining samples per class for test Test_Lab = [Test_Lab;gnd(idx(randIdx(sele_num+1:num_Class(j))))]; end Train_Ma = Train_Ma'; % transform to a sample per column Train_Ma = Train_Ma./repmat(sqrt(sum(Train_Ma.^2)),[size(Train_Ma,1) 1]); Test_Ma = Test_Ma'; Test_Ma = Test_Ma./repmat(sqrt(sum(Test_Ma.^2)),[size(Test_Ma,1) 1]); % construct neighborhood matrix K_sample = zeros(size(Train_Ma,2),size(Train_Ma,2)); k = sele_num-1; % 近邻数 for i = 1:size(Train_Ma,2) NK = zeros(size(Train_Ma,2),1); for j = 1:size(Train_Ma,2) distance(i,j) = norm(Train_Ma(:,i)-Train_Ma(:,j)); end [value,state] = sort(distance(i,:),'ascend'); dd1(:,i) = value(2:k+1); % 第 i 个样本的 KNN距离值 neigh(:,i) = state(2:k+1); % 第 i 个样本的 KNN位置 Sub_sample = Train_Ma(:,state(2:k+1)); % Sub_sample = Sub_sample - repmat(Train_Ma(:,i),1,k); % coeff = inv(Sub_sample'*Sub_sample)*ones(k,1);% 上两句是 不同之处1 % % 别人NPE代码中使用的方法 coeff = inv(Sub_sample'*Sub_sample)*Sub_sample'*Train_Ma(:,i); % 利用基于表示的方法 求解 表示系数p coeff = coeff/sum(coeff); W1(:,i) = coeff; NK(state(2:k+1)) = coeff; K_sample(:,i) = NK; % each row denotes the k nearest samples of the ith sample end M = (eye(size(Train_Ma,2))-K_sample)*(eye(size(Train_Ma,2))-K_sample)'; % 这里是I不是1 Sw = Train_Ma*M*Train_Ma'; Sb = Train_Ma*Train_Ma'; % Sw = (Sw + Sw') / 2; % 别人的NPE中 还加上了下面两行代码 不同之处2
% Sb = (Sb + Sb') / 2; % [eigvector1, eigvalue1] = eig((Sw+0.001*eye(size(Sw,1))),Sb); % inv(Sb)*Sw 求最小特征值对应的特征向量 这句有问题
% Pt = eigvector1(:,tt(1:dim)); %
[eigvector1, eigvalue1] = eig(Sw,Sb+0.001*eye(size(Sb,1))); % inv(Sb)*Sw 求最小特征值对应的特征向量 结果却求的最大值对应的特征向量
[eigvalue1,tt] = sort(diag(eigvalue1),'ascend'); dim = 80; Pt = eigvector1(:,tt(end-dim+1:end)); Train_Maa = Pt'*Train_Ma; Test_Maa = Pt'*Test_Ma; Train_Maa = Train_Maa./repmat(sqrt(sum(Train_Maa.^2)),[size(Train_Maa,1) 1]); Test_Maa = Test_Maa./repmat(sqrt(sum(Test_Maa.^2)),[size(Test_Maa,1) 1]); rate2 = KNN(Train_Maa',Train_Lab,Test_Maa',Test_Lab,1)*100; error2 = 100-rate2 % 若用 基于表示的方法 会出现什么结果呢? SRC_DP_accuracy = SRC_rec(Train_Maa,Train_Lab,Test_Maa,Test_Lab); error_DP = 100-SRC_DP_accuracy