06 2011 档案
摘要:Talking About Test I hate the unit test to some extent, since I think unit test is a kind of duplication. We all know “Don’t Repeat Yourself”, but test definitely duplicated with production code. Thin...
摘要:It’s very common to create unique id in our application, like as order identifier,user identifier.etc. There are also many ways to generate the unique id in C#. The simplest approach is generating GUI...
摘要:1,HTML Specification In HTML specification, a section of [form submission] dedicated to explain which data should be post to the sever when submitting a form. User agent(such as Chrome, IE) which comp...
摘要:网上一个朋友问人注入是怎么回事,我一时语塞。我并不能很好的用尽量通俗的语言来表达这个意思。我说,我写一个代码片段吧,也许这样容易理解些。但发现效果并不明显。 代码示例如下: public interface IDisplay{ void Display(string message);}public class LCD:IDisplay{ public void Display(string me...
摘要:We do not want to view a mess of sql statement. such as There is no indent, mixing the lowercase and uppercase keywords. Is there any way to format this sql statement by SQL Management Studio? Maybe ...
摘要:1,GIMP文字操作 怎么样在GIMP中添加文字? File->New新创建一个画布,然后点击工具箱中的“A”样式的工具(或菜单Tools->Text)。 在画布中需要添加文字的地方点击,此时会出现一个GIMP Text Editor对话框,在些写入你想添加的文字,我这里写入“GIMP 文字”。 此时,在工具箱的下方,你可以更改文字的字体,大小,颜色等属性,如图: 怎么样修改已经添加的文字? 在...