I need a Verilog behavioral model (verilog behavioral code) for:
(1) signed and Unsigned 32-bit multiplication
(2) signed and unsigned 32-bit division
(3) It should have two 32bit inputs and the result should be 64bits. Both the multiply and divide need to handle signed numbers as well as unsigned.
OK, as promised, here it is.  The "sign" input determines whether signs should be taken into consideration.  The rest is straightforward-- loops 32 
times to do the shift and addition/subtraction in order to perform the multiply/division.  Two's complement is assumed(ie, to negate a number, invert
 all bits and add 1). 
You may tailor it as needed for your own use.

--- CUT HERE ---

// Unsigned/Signed multiplication based on Patterson and Hennessy's algorithm.
// Copyrighted 2002 by studboy-ga / Google Answers.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Calculates product.  The "sign" input determines whether
// signs (two's complement) should be taken into consideration.

module multiply(ready,product,multiplier,multiplicand,sign,clk);

   input         clk;
   input         sign;
   input [31:0]  multiplier, multiplicand;
   output [63:0] product;
   output        ready;

   reg [63:0]    product, product_temp;

   reg [31:0]    multiplier_copy;
   reg [63:0]    multiplicand_copy;
   reg           negative_output;
   reg [5:0]     bit;
   wire          ready = !bit;

   initial bit = 0;
   initial negative_output = 0;

   always @( posedge clk )

     if( ready ) begin

        bit               = 6'd32;
        product           = 0;
        product_temp      = 0;
        multiplicand_copy = (!sign || !multiplicand[31]) ? { 32'd0, multiplicand } : { 32'd0, ~multiplicand + 1'b1};
        multiplier_copy   = (!sign || !multiplier[31]) ? multiplier : ~multiplier + 1'b1;

        negative_output = sign && ((multiplier[31] && !multiplicand[31]) || (!multiplier[31] && multiplicand[31]));
     else if ( bit > 0 ) begin

        if( multiplier_copy[0] == 1'b1 ) product_temp = product_temp +

        product = (!negative_output) ? product_temp : ~product_temp + 1'b1;

        multiplier_copy = multiplier_copy >> 1;
        multiplicand_copy = multiplicand_copy << 1;
        bit = bit - 1'b1;


// Unsigned/Signed division based on Patterson and Hennessy's algorithm.
// Copyrighted 2002 by studboy-ga / Google Answers.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Calculates quotient.  The "sign" input determines whether
// signs (two's complement) should be taken into consideration.

module divide(ready,quotient,remainder,dividend,divider,sign,clk);

   input         clk;
   input         sign;
   input [31:0]  dividend, divider;
   output [31:0] quotient, remainder;
   output        ready;

   reg [31:0]    quotient, quotient_temp;
   reg [63:0]    dividend_copy, divider_copy, diff;
   reg           negative_output;
   wire [31:0]   remainder = (!negative_output) ? dividend_copy[31:0] : ~dividend_copy[31:0] + 1'b1;

   reg [5:0]     bit;
   wire          ready = !bit;

   initial bit = 0;
   initial negative_output = 0;

   always @( posedge clk )

     if( ready ) begin

        bit = 6'd32;
        quotient = 0;
        quotient_temp = 0;
        dividend_copy = (!sign || !dividend[31]) ? {32'd0,dividend} : {32'd0,~dividend + 1'b1};
        divider_copy = (!sign || !divider[31]) ? {1'b0,divider,31'd0} : {1'b0,~divider + 1'b1,31'd0};

        negative_output = sign && ((divider[31] && !dividend[31]) || (!divider[31] && dividend[31])); 
     else if ( bit > 0 ) begin

        diff = dividend_copy - divider_copy;

        quotient_temp = quotient_temp << 1;

        if( !diff[63] ) begin

           dividend_copy = diff;
           quotient_temp[0] = 1'd1;


        quotient = (!negative_output) ? quotient_temp : ~quotient_temp + 1'b1;

        divider_copy = divider_copy >> 1;
        bit = bit - 1'b1;


Result for divider.v module:
I test the module "divide.v", the wave as follows:
NOTE : Look at the picture, you will find that "dividend / divider" uses the timer equaled to 32*clk; so, I think, the codes as below is not good for 
the high-perfermance design.
(codes Link From :
Also, Please take a look at:


posted on 2010-01-21 18:29  剑武江南  阅读(1587)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报