
import json

# Load the JSON file
with open("/mnt/data/openapi.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') as file:
    openapi_data = json.load(file)

# Function to convert JSON to Markdown
def convert_to_markdown(openapi_data):
    markdown = f"# {openapi_data.get('info', {}).get('title', 'API Documentation')}\n\n"
    markdown += f"## 版本: {openapi_data.get('info', {}).get('version', 'N/A')}\n\n"

    paths = openapi_data.get("paths", {})
    for path, methods in paths.items():
        for method, details in methods.items():
            markdown += f"### {path}\n\n"
            markdown += f"- **方法**: {method.upper()}\n"
            markdown += f"- **标签**: {', '.join(details.get('tags', []))}\n"
            markdown += f"- **摘要**: {details.get('summary', '')}\n"
            markdown += f"- **描述**: {details.get('description', '')}\n"
            parameters = details.get('parameters', [])
            if parameters:
                markdown += "- **参数**:\n"
                for param in parameters:
                    markdown += f"  - **{param.get('name')}** ({param.get('in')}, {param.get('schema', {}).get('type', 'N/A')}, "
                    markdown += "required): " if param.get('required') else "optional): "
                    markdown += f"{param.get('description', '')}\n"
            request_body = details.get('requestBody', {})
            if request_body:
                markdown += "- **请求体**:\n"
                for content_type, schema in request_body.get('content', {}).items():
                    markdown += f"  - **{content_type}**:\n"
                    markdown += f"    - **字段**: 根据 `{schema.get('schema', {}).get('$ref', '')}`\n"
            responses = details.get('responses', {})
            if responses:
                markdown += "- **响应**:\n"
                for status, response in responses.items():
                    markdown += f"  - **{status}**: {response.get('description', '')}\n"

            markdown += "\n"
    return markdown

# Convert the JSON to Markdown
markdown_content = convert_to_markdown(openapi_data)

# Save to a file
with open("/mnt/data/openapi.md", "w", encoding='utf-8') as file:

markdown_content[:500]  # Preview first 500 characters of the converted markdown content

posted on 2024-07-23 16:21  JentZhang  阅读(45)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报